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Home Forums Messages From Beyond New Messages from the Grid Channelings from Blossom Goodchild

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    Could it be that he doesn’t like not being the ring-leader of THIS particular circus?

    This resonated very good with my first feelings Zingdad, after I read the quote from this David (which I do not knew about on forehand). When I read the quote, it litterally SANG into my mind “A change is gonna come”. And that especially for the “here-is-mine/our-dogmatic-truth people” with a take it or leave it attitude. And of course in regard of ALL we other vegetatives, just longing for healing of the long separation. And by that the re-memberance of what we really are – and joining our commun-ity of ALL-ness.

    There is now the time when enough is enough, and we have come far enough – not to be ruled by dogmas and fear – but that has been necessary to learn lessons – and undo different “doings”. That is where it is the bad against the good and the either you are with us and against us, belongs – in the past of what we now know as time.

    And the peculiar, and most interesting I notice in this – that now is comming forth, and the individuals that it comes forth through: Is that they feel like they are on both sides of the fence: as you stated appropriately in a posting earlier Zingdad – and that is also exactly the same for Blossom, which also has been emphazising in all her channelings – that she is full of belief, but also the human-flesh side enters. And there she are quite forward and openly in doubt – and also a little confused – and that is one healthy sign of truth. This applies also to other channeleres with the same message, but they are more subtle and not so forward in their messages at this stage – so I mention you two in this example. Wonder-full examples by the way must I say!! 🙂

    And this exactly is the power of the people, waiting ahead – beeing able to do just the same as Zingdad and Blossom – and do not misuse it to gain personal power of – meaning and truth or any other means – and this is for me a sign of really new times. Not anyone claiming the truth, on their and a groups behalf – and then becomes a leader based on fear. EveryONE is a leader in their life and by their creations – but the times is just in right now for everyone to get to know this. The magnificent creator beeings we all are, where there is no one else to lead us than our-selves based on total-love. And this we are ready for, right now, and in the comming times even more and more – as our carnal fear of fear weans of.

    And those that are predicting that we need leaders, because ALL are just sheep…..well that period is ending right now – and we have been led with steady hand, yes, and learned in that process and grown in that process…enough to now take a giant leap….and the leap is for anyone to take and wil continue to be possible until every-one on this planet has recognized that. And the last train to reach in regards of leaping up to that reality – is by my understanding on 21. december 2012 at 11:11 AM. Those that deny these simples truths, will remain in third dimensional density until they have understood, and learned and grown into appropriate behaviour, to excist in the fifth dimension – and that is by all means, not a place for any kind of ring-leaders. 😉

    And by the way opal and Zingdad: I have checked my personal little truth-o-meter up here north, and I am getting a very low count….on the names mentioned Alabama, Snow Cone and Table – in regards of actual places that something will appear…I strongly feel that these are metaphors to be found in surroundings to these names…..but hey this is a most personal truth-o-meter bolted into my brain, so it might just be a little uncalibrated at times 😆

    This is my suggestion now:
    Alabama is still for me the Rosa Parks incident in 1955 when great change took place. Change is gonna come anyone?
    Snow cone is for me a metaphor for Mount Shasta. Godfrey Ray Kings (Guy Ballard) revelations and meeting there, in some part of -30 and -40 – with ascended masters in persona, and gained revelations there. Golden age of Aquarius anyone?
    Table is for me a metaphor on lets sit down and have an open discussion and agree – this is not a we come an tell – it is lets have a chat at the table, and commune. Knights of the round table anyone?

    Thats all folks!

    Much light
    Annan the Nordic




    My, my, what would Edgar Cayce do? 🙄

    Shall we save a spot next to the campfire UFO love-in under the stars, in case David W wants to join in for some back-slapping, whaddya say? 🙂

    Re: the blue star kachina removing its mask AND combine that with a good handful of expanding our awareness to include the ability to see beyond the usual red-through-violet bit of the full spectrum of light which we normally cannot see, and tell me what you think of this… It’s a composite image of the Crab Nebula, with the red being what the Hubble space telescope captured and what we used to think it looked like, superimposed with the blue, which is the exact same spot as seen by Chandra’s x-ray eyes… who’d have thunk it’d look like THAT?

    (post edited to resize picture)

    Re: the Alabama/snow cone/table thing… here’s a possible reinterpretation I’m sure our soon-to-be friend ( I hope ) David Wilcock would appreciate (being he’s a fervent Obama supporter)… the “(Al)-Obama Snow Cone, sans table” 😆


    @opalescent wrote:

    Re: the Alabama/snow cone/table thing… here’s a possible reinterpretation I’m sure our soon-to-be friend ( I hope ) David Wilcock would appreciate (being he’s a fervent Obama supporter)… the “(Al)-Obama Snow Cone, sans table” 😆

    Hahaha that was awesome! xD


    😆 😆 jolly good show opal… by god i think you’ve got it 😆


    And while I know it’s her real name, could it be that “Blossom Goodchild” isn’t put before us so much as a contact, but as a coded SUGGESTION?

    “Blossom, good child!”



    @opalescent wrote:

    And while I know it’s her real name, could it be that “Blossom Goodchild” isn’t put before us so much as a contact, but as a coded SUGGESTION?

    “Blossom, good child!”


    Yeah I strongly think so!

    Edit: Oh lol I read “while I know it isn’t her real name..” Haha forget that.
    But this could still be true!


    @opalescent wrote:

    “Blossom, good child!”[/size]

    Slaps head! I never thought of that Opal! As my Father would say, “Good thinking Batman!”


    @tiaka9 wrote:

    @opalescent wrote:

    “Blossom, good child!”[/size]

    Slaps head! I never thought of that Opal! As my Father would say, “Good thinking Batman!”

    Hey, wordplay’s my game 😉


    And the excitement builds……. Here’s the latest update

    12.The days are drawing ever closer to your visit. I’d bake a cake in your honour but I have absolutely NO culinary skills! I await your next report and as far as I can gather … so does most of the world. (Gulp!)

    We are with you dear lady and we bring you peace of mind and heart. Tension is mounting in various avenues of your planet and quite rightly so, for there are those who are aware of our coming and our living out great concern, for their actions are now to be accounted for. Let it be known that we are only of LOVE therefore we send LOVE TO ALL.

    You have heard that many are experiencing headaches and asking if this is due to our arrival. It is not our intention to cause disruption in the head area, and yet it appears that indeed our frequency is resonating with some on a level that is causing such a malady. For this we apologize and we say it is wise to drink of your purest water. We also suggest that you place you first two digits of each hand either side of your temples, (you will ‘feel’ the correct place) and visualize the pressure being released through the third eye position. As if like a blue electric line. This we believe will assist that particular imbalance.

    Well, my friends, it feels rather odd now talking to you, knowing that the big day is just over a week away. I can only ask you to accept the LOVE that those on our planet are sending out to you. I am SURE you are receiving it. We all wait … What is going on for you??

    ‘Full speed ahead. Every thing is in place. Every being is in position. Monitoring systems are in full capacity. All is ready. Only one thing left to do ….

    Show up???????????

    Precisely dear Blossom. Precisely. We are cruising at this juncture and setting levels in order to keep abreast of atmospheric changes.

    Of course you must know by now that some will question the fact that you have said ‘full speed ahead’ and then ‘we are cruising’. You know what … in LOVE and respect for the entire human race… I refuse to buy in to all this. I have learnt a great deal lately and what people choose to assess from these channellings is completely up to them, and I will not allow myself to be influenced by what others may or may not make of your words. I shall now jump down of my soap box and … please … continue forth …

    Indeed we are aware of your growth and that of many, many upon your earth plane. In some aspects we are experiencing a joy that we had not accounted for. In others, we are deeply saddened by those who have locked their souls in a dungeon of fear and mistrust.

    We come to bring the key. To release those in chains if they allow us.


    Allow us in, for there shall be not one moment of regret should you choose to do so.
    Very soon now, people of earth, shall our presence be known to you. This great occasion is to be celebrated by ONE. ALL OF US.
    Accept us in your TRUTH as we draw closer to your earthly vibration, and remember of the (small) tremor that we spoke of. We speak of this so that there shall be no cause for alarm.

    Someone asked if it was to be a physical or earthly tremor? I said both.

    It is to be a shuddering within the core of your earth, but it shall cause no damage. It simply can not be avoided. It is of no harm. It shall take place a few days before the time of our appearance.
    Another point we would care to state…

    Oh please … feel free…

    Is that we do not wish for one to run and hide. We ask those in fear of us to ‘face those fears’ and if you do, you will find that we will alleviate them from your being. You will not be able to deny who we are. We stress this. And we say this will be in more ways than one.We have said that you will be ‘blown away’ by what we present …. We encourage you to prepare yourselves in JOY AND LOVE for this day.


    LAUGH … PLAY MUSIC … we would ask that it should be a party that the entire planet is invited to share with us … THE FEDERATION … who for so long now have eagerly awaited this magical time in the diary of your earth monitoring.

    Struth Ruth!!! If I didn’t know better I’d be concerned that my aorta isn’t behaving as it ‘aughta’ …….. I am assuming this is just the nearness of you … as the song goes.

    Dearest brightest Light … how we rejoice in our choosing …

    Yep … gone… dissolved … if this LOVE that I am experiencing is anything to go by, I’d advise the world to invest in the ‘tissue’ market!
    TRULY my friends, for what I am feeling right now …. THANK YOU.

    TRULY what we are sending right now … is just a taster of what is to come.
    For this session there is nothing more we require to mention accept.

    Here we go … I knew it …


    Actually … I do not find that as obscure as table or snow cones .

    Ah yes, but when you see what we mean by this it shall be crystal clear.
    For this day we must sign out. It is necessary.

    Mmm! I felt you leaving quite abruptly then. You know what is best. I have no worries about that. Until tomorrow …


    So now we have snow cones, table, and diamonds. 😛 I’m assuming it is their intention that we not solve this riddle until the event. At least that’s the impression I get. It’s almost like they’re giving us clues to a game to keep ourselves entertained or occupied until they arrive, and then when we put it all together it will be an aha moment that could add to the excitement of this event. But that’s just an assumption on my part. 😕


    Yeah true, I also think this is just to “keep” us excited (lol..).
    So people guess and wonder and think about this, and other people randomly find their discussions, and think about it, and so on. And of course, to keep us entertained.

    Well we found something about the snow cone thing, we have theories about Alabama and the table, and we had nice rainbows and light circles around the sun.

    Only one thing left: SHOW UP!! =DDD


    Well, we know that South Africa has a town called Alabama and also that there is a Table Mountain. Don`t know about the snow cone though. But the latest clue would also point to South Africa as it is famous for diamond mines.

    Then again, I might be completely wrong. 😕


    More synchronicity here:

    10-1-08 (1-1-1) © Tauheedah Shakoor-Curry Copyright 2008
    The Sirian Council of One: Visitation and Cosmic Rise

    We are here now to let you know of the impending journey unto your shores of light. We are the Galactic Council of One in Sirian form. Our mission is to help you see through the fog of your current times on earth. We are coming to announce the end of the last vestiges of dark energy domination. We come in peace and love to show you that your freedom has been won to a great degree. You are ready now, dear ones, to know yourselves fully as beings of light.

    You are taking your places now as cosmic beings of light consciously. You are awakening to the call of your inner light to rise in frequency to meet the companions of your Milky Way galaxy. We are coming to give you a preview of the days when you act as cosmic citizens upon your planet. We are your closest companions and thus can vibrate at a frequency that is commonly shared between us. Though locked in your cellular memory banks for eons of time, nevertheless no truer before than today; we share a longstanding bond of birth and frequency matching ability. We are literally weaved into the very thread of your being.

    We are coming in light ships that look like diamonds. This alone will dazzle you and hold you in speculative captivity long enough for you to lose control of your rational linear thinking. It is at this moment that you will begin to feel with your mind the immense power of the dazzling diamond ship; it’s ability to transmit loving light unto each of you. In this, you receive the rapture that the brethren Jesus and so many others speak of and represent, today and yesterday. And this will usher in the final end of domination on your planet. We are coming with glad tidings and powerful undeniable comforting energy for each of you. Don’t you welcome this in your current turbulent times of falling systems?

    We come to anchor you, to take your hand and say, let it go. It’s okay. A new brighter, richer day dawns for you and your children. Go now, those of you that can. Go right now and look into the face of a child. You owe that child a life of love and freedom beyond your current experience. That child knows this and pleads through love for you and this world to give him or her that chance. The child girl pleads unto you to open the way for her rise as a fully empowered being of light in dynamic expression of oneness. The young boy asks that you stand now, in the field of choice, on the side of Oneness, of love without reason, of peace without cause, of freedom, compassion, integrity and responsibility. The children are ready, born ready to construct new systems through full creative expressions centered on the good of all. They are ready to lead. Your choice in focus lays the groundwork for the coming creations. Will you stand in their way?

    We, Sirians are coming; there is no doubt about this. The ethers have opened and we are already stationed just above your conscious receptors. All energies have been placed at their proper junctures for our visibility. Some of you, Lightworkers, indeed have perceived us already. We hope you take delight in our shimmering display for this is how we see you. We see you in your diamond light bodies, many shinning brighter than ever on earth. Others are increasing their light magnification by day, some still dim, few dark.

    You are all streamed together traveling on the collective highways of light.
    Share your light, dear ones. Help spread the magnificence. Prepare for our event with a welcoming heart. Share that heart with others. Look into the eyes of another and let them know that they are safe.

    A blessed event indeed is upon you. We come in Peace. We leave you with love and full power to create your world anew. Your world is not ours to own, it is yours to create. Be well and know that you are Loved, Guided and Protected by divine cosmic beings supporting your rise on the cosmic scale. The Sirian Counicl of One wishes to thank you for receiving this message on this very special day of Ones. Namaste.

    © Tauheedah Shakoor-Curry Copyright 2008


    And do you remember this crop circle from August 16th?


    Cool Tiaka! That was a great synchronicity for me when I came here this morning, thanks for posting the channel. I posted on another forum that I belong to last night the following:

    Just pondering, what instantly came to mind for me was maybe their light ships will appear as diamond shaped. See bottom picture (closest I could get to finding what I meant)

    I can’t get the image link to work – See this link http://www.crystalinks.com/merkaba.html It was the image which says “This looks like a UFO” that I was referring to.

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