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Home Forums Messages From Beyond New Messages from the Grid Channelings from Blossom Goodchild

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    http://10-14-08.blogspot.com/ for her latest interview.


    Here it is! I’ve told a few more family members about this event over the past few days who I am sure think I’m “Strange” then I read this & once more am filled with certainty that something is going to appear.

    14. (Oct 11th) Well, it’s almost time my friends and the world waits it seems, for this next communication with you. It still seems so unreal … and I, out of everyone should feel the reality should I not? Yet I can’t. Thousands and thousands know now of your coming (whether they believe you or not) and yet , even for those of us that are prepared , we simply do not know what to assume or visualise. Its like waiting to have a baby, except at least with that you know what to expect … a baby!!! … with you guys, we just don’t know what you are going to surprise us with. And I guess too, there are so many people that still don’t know about it and are carrying on talking about next week as if it’s just another week. It’s been a LLLLOOOONNNGGG LLLOOONNNGGG week down here… whats cooking up there?
    You would be surprised!
    No doubt!
    Indeed we are in position and generally taking care of rescourses. May we say that in preparation we have underestimated the LOVE and anticipation that is being sent to us. Your word is ‘phenominal’ is it not? We choose to say that we shall become a phenominal phenonima! It has indeed been a long period of waiting for us also … eons of your time. Yet we are aware of the controversy that is taking place and of the complete sham that is overshadowing your beloved planet. Be of great aprehension regarding what the media shall be asked to disclose in the beginning days. We are secure in the knowledge that there are those in place on your earth that are ready to begin their dreams. They shall know exactly what to do . They have been awaitng their entire lives to be of service in this way. We wish all souls to understand this. We have not suddennly just decided to drop in for a cup of tea unannounced. This is why we asked you Blossom, to release our message to the world as you did. It was of upmost importance that your planet was aware in advance of our coming. Otherwise, the shock may have been too great. Also it has allowed souls to prepare for this historic encounter.
    Dear souls of planet earth … let it be known that we have longed for this unity. Do you see how this shall change the darkness within your stratosphere into the Golden Race? This is how you shall become known.

    The Golden Race.

    This coming into your skies is the beginning of The New Dawn … in to The New World that has been prophesied in your past days.
    Allow your hearts and minds … allow your very being to ascend into a vibration that resonates with the TRUTH of your soul.
    Until you experience it for yourselves you will not be able to accept that of which we speak. Yet we say to you, when you accept it, you shall never again feel the darker times that have swamped the very air in which you have had to breathe. There shall be freshness within all things. Your days will ‘feel’ different. Your purpose shall be introduced to the self and each shall desire to go about their future days in a very different way from the way you are displaying now.
    This is why we say to you ‘BE OF JOY! The minute your eyes look upon the wonderous sight that we offer, the soul shall remember who it is. How can it be anything other than immense joy? Share your knowledge with those in despair. They simply are in a place of deep sleep. Help them to awake with tender words and actions, for indeed they shall be in great need.
    I think everyone is expecting the biggest part of the jigsaw … (i.e., rainbows, diamonds etc) after all, aren’t there only two pieces left? Today and tomorrow’s communication…?
    In Truth the puzzle is almost complete. It leaves only the one space for it to show the fullness of itself … and we shall fill that space when we appear in your skies on the 14th day of the 10th month in the year 2008. Whereby we shall prove once and for all that we come in PEACE and LOVE.

    And there shall be no one more relieved than I and that’s a fact !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Dearest soul …
    Oh oh! I can feel the tears coming straight away … yes? I can sort of feel what you are about to say and feel a bit reluctant from the ‘ego’ point of view, and yet … how can I refuse you at this juncture ?
    On behalf of The Federation Of Light we thank you for your part in this procedure. We smile with your humour for we know we could not have done it without you.
    Or I, without you … clearly! You KNOW you are most welcome on one level, but I am sure you know it’s been a ride that I wouldn’t necessarily put my hand up for again!! I look out the window and the world keeps turning. How will it be when I look out this same window next week?
    It will be that you see a beauty that you have not seen before as you look through the eyes of one who has experienced and been an integral part of the way forward into the LIGHT OF LOVE … as those from planet earth join us … The Federation Of Light … on our journey home.
    Nicely said my friends. We welcome you with open arms. Many, many of us. I think I speak for perhaps millions when I say THANKYOU for the LOVE you have shown us, and …

    BRING IT ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.


    @Orissa wrote:

    Be of great aprehension regarding what the media shall be asked to disclose in the beginning days. We are secure in the knowledge that there are those in place on your earth that are ready to begin their dreams.

    Thanks Orissa. It is a very uplifting message! 😀

    I was just wondering why the FoL chose the word ‘apprehension’ as it means to fear something or dread something. I checked the definition and it also means to have the ability to apprehend or understand; understanding. Apprehend meaning to grasp mentally; understand:or to become conscious of, as through the emotions or senses.

    Are we ready to begin our dreams? We were born ready! 😀


    yes once again i felt a tremor of excitement after reading this


    Bring it on!!!!!! Woohoo!!!! The days seem to go by slower and slower for me as the 14th approaches. 😀


    Wow this latest text also brought a little tear to my eye.

    Oh man I can’t even find any more words to express my excitement. 😆 But since you all know what I’m talking about I will leave it at that. ^^


    Here`s one of my favourite songs by Bjork which sums up my feelings as we enter this ‘phenomenal’ time! 😀

    One day, it will happen
    One day, one day
    It will all come true.

    One day, when you’re ready
    One day, one day
    When you’re up to it.

    The atmosphere
    Will get lighter
    And two suns ready
    To shine just for you
    I can feel it, I can feel it.

    One day, it will happen
    One day, one day
    It will all make sense.

    One day, one day
    You will blossom
    One day, one day
    When you’re ready.

    An aeroplane
    Will curve gracefully
    Around the volcano
    With the eruption that never lets you down.

    I can feel it, I can feel it

    And the beautifullest
    Fireworks are burning
    In the sky just for you

    I can feel it, I can feel it

    One day, one day, one day, one day
    One day, one day, one day, one day



    Blossom Last Channel,very last !

    Last one before 14th Oct !

    15. So here I sit, feeling very odd as I am aware this is my last communication with you before you arrive and after that ….? Who knows! How ON EARTH can we know what changes this appearance will bring about? Yet I know in my heart that this event HAS to take place for the good of all mankind. For at heart, mankind is good, mankind is LOVE and I feel it is through you that we shall be able to remember this. So then … I’m sure you have your speech prepared … go right ahead…

    With LOVE HUMILITY AND GRACE we offer you these words. There as those on your planet who welcome us in Loving open arms, and yet we are very much aware that there are those who are living in great trepidation of this day that is very soon to be a marked event in the history of your race. We have, through you Blossom, spread words of LOVE and acceptance of our being, and in a certain sense there is little more to say.

    May your soul’s TRUTH of itself guide each and everyone of you through this most exciting time.

    I’ve got to be honest when I say that for me personally I have sort of lost sight of the joy a little bit. The pressure for me regarding this day is incomparable (is there such a word?). And yet … my soul reaches out in KNOWING that when you show yourself there shall be a change on this planet forever and we will KNOW not only that you come in LOVE for I feel that there shall be no denying of this … although I don’t know what form that will take … but I also KNOW that within each one of us, if we allow ourselves to soak in the time that we have with you, we shall be transformed into a higher part of ourselves , and yet still be in the human form. You realize of course the wait is simply agonizing?

    Yet the wait is worth waiting for like all things that are of LOVE. The day that has been arranged has brought your world together again, and yet it has split it apart. In our calculations we are TRUSTING our knowledge through data collected and believe that a unity shall transpire that shall allow a transformation to occur that will in time, rid your world of a darkness that exists there through avarice and greed.


    We come to guide you through and many on your planet are in position to bring forth assistance wherever it is needed.

    It’s just so hard to know what to expect. I smile for I know you so well … your answer to that is indeed as I thought …

    Expect the unexpected!

    Friends … it is in such a sweet short while that all that we have said shall be revealed to you in its Truth. Many who fear us will automatically let go of that fear when they see directly for themselves what they see. Please be uplifted. This shall add to the vibration as we begin our descent into your skies.

    WHOAH! WOAH! WOAH!! As I wrote that I thought I would burst! Trying to contain myself. I have come to learn that is what we need to rely on … our ‘feeling’ about words. For the mind can deceive and cause all sorts of doubts. But our ‘feelings’ can only tell us their Truth.

    And you question why we chose you oh wise one?


    KNOW OF THIS … We shall remain for as long as we deem it necessary. We recognize that there shall be disruptive forces claiming falsities regarding the TRUTH of who we are. We say to you most clearly that we will not leave until it is understood that we are not of your earths imagination and we are here to show you a new way of understanding the LOVE that you are. We will not abort our mission under any circumstances. We have worked too hard and waited too long. It will be as plain as the nose on your face that we are who we say we are and yet some still will question.


    Only by following your heart’s feelings shall you know who we are and why we come. Abide by that, we beseech you.
    We feel now it is time to finish up this session.

    It feels so like when I had my last session with you finishing ‘The Bridge’ … I howled, not knowing when we would resume. Yet … this is different of course. My heart is full of LOVE for you guys, I consider it an honour to have been chosen as your messenger, TRULY I do, through thick and thin and all that … I simply can’t wait for Tuesday, … I know … I have to.

    Our last words then before we reveal ourselves in your skies


    And to you fellow wanderers … from us earthlings …

    Welcome to planet earth !!!!!!!!!!!!! Big time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    What a stupendous climax to the messages!



    Thanks for sharing that Dax, that message is very uplifting and it definitely gets me excited. Last night I had a dream that I was looking at a fleet of starcraft in the sky and I was extremely happy to see them. I remember being outside and telling everyone to look up. I just kept yelling from the excitement. It was awesome. I bet the experience we’re all anticipating is going to be ten times better.

    PS: Nice Tiaka, you posted your message above at 11:11 🙂


    Blossom Goodchild`s last radio interview Oct 12 Part 1.



    Bets are on! This is from casinobeacon:

    Blossom Backs Up Prediction With UFO Bets
    13 October 2008

    Bookies William Hill are bracing themselves for a possible out of this world million pound plus payout should Blossom Goodchild’s prediction that a massive UFO will appear on Tuesday be proved correct.

    On top of a massive £1,000 bet placed by Lawrence Tout of Wiltshire which will win him £1million, William Hill have also accepted bets on behalf of Blossom’s family with her Surrey based niece Rebecca Simpson placing £100 and her step daughter Kelly Mosedale wagering £50.

    “We are slightly nervous but hopeful that Blossom is proved incorrect. We will be keeping our eyes on the skies over the next twenty four hours.” said William Hill spokesman Rupert Adams.

    “We have always been apprehensive of space based bets ever since we paid out the equivalent of millions when Neil Armstrong landed on the Moon in 1969.”

    The official wording of the bets have been that George Bush or Gordon Brown will confirm the current existence of intelligent extra-terrestrial life within the next year and William Hill have cut the price from 1000/1 to 100/1.


    …that is a big clause…

    …that both GB’s will admit to the contact …

    …GFoL could land on the White House lawn and ol’ Dub might still deny it…


    I am going to bed, it is 13th 10pm (Eastern Time). By the time I wake yup, The Entire world will be on 14th. I will go to work (today was holiday in Canada).

    .. may they not let us down. Every fiber in my body says we are right. Dunno why the suspense.

    good night.


    EXACTLY what I have been thinking all evening , my friends…….
    Much LOVE to you all – Good night! 🙂

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