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The Illusion of Choice: Ninety Percent of American Media Controlled by Six Corporations Gallery of Giants Ebook: The Book of Giants – Dead Sea Scrolls Illuminations Ancient Mysteries of Sound Levitation by Kathy J. Forti Video: The Real Story of Christmas Documentary Video: The Real Story of Halloween HD – History Channel Ebook: Egyptian Book of the Dead Ebook: The Lost Book of Enki – Memoirs and Prophecies of an Extraterrestrial God Video: The Universe Space Time Mystery | Mathematical Science Documentary HD Video: Vedic Cosmos – Full Documentary Video: Buckminster Fuller – Thinking Out Loud (1996) Documentary Video: The Buckminster Fuller / Edward Leedskalnin Connection Edward Leedskalnin – The Mysterious Magnetic Coral Castle a Broken Heart Built Ebook: The Lost Journals of Nikola Tesla – 20th Century Genius Video: Nikola Tesla’s Life – New Documentary Full Ebook: The inventions, researches and writing of Nikola Tesla Video: The Connected Universe – Nassim Haramein Video: UNGRIP (From the creators of Esoteric Agenda and KYMATICA) Ebook: The Book of Enoch – The Secret Old Testament Book Ebook: The Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean Videos: Aleshenka – A Tiny Creature Found in Russia The Mysterious Georgia Guidestones – 10 Shocking Commandments Set in Stone in 1980 Book-of-Light.com STAR of LIGHT The Return of the Annunaki – Gillian DeArmond-Green Video: Secrets of Water, The Movie Video Series: Ancient Aliens – Full Series Video: Guided Astral Projection Technique Meditation Ebook: Be Here Now The Charge of the Goddess The Lake of Fire That Men Built Tantra and Taoist Cosmic Connection Video: ONE STEP BEYOND AND THE SACRED MUSHROOM Building A Post-Chaos Community Video: UFO: The Greatest Story Ever Denied Life’s True Beginnings Video: Urantia Book on “Strange Universe” Making the Connection Between Spirituality & Creativity The Four-Fold Path to Enlightenment The Hynek Classification System Ebook: Designing Our Future – The Venus Project Video: Why in the World are They Spraying? (Chemtrails, Geoengineering) Video: Kymatica Renewable Energy Directory Self Confidence & Inner Self Worth Video: THRIVE – What on Earth Will it Take? *MOST IMPORTANT FILM ON EARTH* The Zeitgeist Movement FREE DOWNLOAD! 4th Chakra – Green Open Heart Bliss 528hz & 639hz http://t.co/VZWQK5sJ Law of One / RA Material Forgotten In Time: The Ancient Solfeggio Frequencies Video: Zeitgeist II – Addendum Ebook: Oahspe – A Very Weird New Bible (1828-1891) Communicate Telepathically with Animals Techniques for Soul Growth Every person has within them…A Song of Life…Each of us know we have a song. A beautiful vibration within as a reminder of our essence… Video: Nassim Haramein – Crossing The Event Horizon part 4 of 4 Master Mayan Tzolkin Calendar The Messianc Complex Video: The Big Picture by George Green Video: Human Genetics Manipulated – Human Origins Intro Ebook: Out of the Matrix Video: *Quantum Physics* The Reality As You Know It Does Not Exist Authentic Sacred Jewelry and Talismans Ebook: Messages for the Ground Crew Jonathan Goldman – Holy Harmony Homeland Security Checkpoint "Those who are hardest to Love, need Love the most" – The Peaceful Warrior The Truth about Vitamin D Video: Zeitgeist I: The Movie Remastered Version Key to the Gnosis Video: The Freedom Movie 2: A Spiritual Awakening (1 of 14) 13 Moon Mayan Galactic Calendar Date Decoder Video: Beyond 2012: Evolving Perspectives on the Next Age Unconditional Love OMMM Reiki MI – Healing on All Levels Winston Shrout – Solutions In Commerce Thoughts, Words & Deeds aligned is total CONGRUENCY… Total Congruency = Powerful Manifestation of Goals Ebook: The Book of Light: The Nature of God, The Structure of Consciousness and the Universe Within You Codex Alimentarius…Bills C-51 and C-52 and C-6 Canadian Implementations of the CODEX ideals -Become Aware, be FREE to choose Implications of Oneness Sustainable Earth Friendly Living About Awakenings Does DNA Have Telepathic Properties? Thought Therapy Avoiding Victimhood Video Library: What About Me? Consult the Sabian Oracle The Magnificent You Inner Child Meditation About Love – Happy Valentines Day! XO LΦVE H20 Festival June 19th – 21st, 2009 – The Historic Summer Solstice Celebration & Concert For The Living Water Video: Gnarls Barkley – Crazy The Science of Oneness – Is Current Science Incomplete? many happy returns echoes Winter Solstice celebrations: a.k.a. Christmas, Saturnalia, Yule, the Long Night, etc. Ebook: Monroe Techniques for Astral Projection Ebook: The Astral Body & Other Astral Phenomena Ebook: 66 Astral Projection Exit Techniques Ebook: Secret Guide to Instant Astral Projection Ebook: Astral Projection – The Complete Guide

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  • in reply to: LEVITATING????? #8487

    I have always wanted to as well , Jilly.
    I feel that if you can physically vibrate your own molecules at a fast enough rate , you raise your frequency , and therefore levitation is possible at that point. I think this is how Christ , and others , are able to do this , along with other “miracles.” I would love to hear if anyone has had any luck as well! 😮

    in reply to: Hey folks! #8456

    Welcome friend! 😀

    in reply to: SITE MAINTENANCE #7811

    Thank you for all the hard work Annu!
    And , I second what Zingdad said , I also have AVG , totally free , totally protected my computer from that little virus on BoL , and many others over the last few months. IT’S FREE FOLKS! I am amazed anyone would stop visiting this wonderful site for a reason such as that , when IT’S FREE! Takes a few minutes to download , and you’re good to go! O.K. , last time I promise , IT’S FREE! 😆
    (Sorry , I just think this site is a great Beacon for the Light , we cannot let such a small and simple problem stop us!)
    Thanks again , Annu! 🙂

    in reply to: coming soon to a city near you #8448

    Yes , my dear friend , as usual your message gets those tears of Joy a’flowin’! I wait with such great happiness and excitement for your messages each week , and I am very grateful for you and your work! It seems “the gang” is really letting “us” know that things are really heating up on the Earth , and that we all decide just what we will experience! I always felt that the Renegades represented “us” as beings that were “already there” and that “look back” and try to pull us up to them , to make us realize “we” are “them” and just need to see that fact!
    Thank you , and much love to you and the Renegades!
    Hope to see ’em SOON! 😀

    in reply to: 14th of october 2008 ship is already here? #7925

    A thought I offer for you to ponder this night:
    In meditation this evening , I received “We are coming. October 14 – 17”.

    in reply to: Hello, Welcome and some FYIs! #7636

    Annu , it’s a T.L. (Total Loss) , for sure! 😉
    The vehicle , anyway!
    But I am very glad that Todd is still here to continue on his path!

    in reply to: Where are you all from? #7899

    Hello to everyone from Richmond VA!

    in reply to: Almost Hurricane Hanna and Now Ike #8092

    You too , dear sister!

    in reply to: virus on this forum #8029

    Hey Annu!
    Been here many times this evening , no problems here for hours now! 😀

    in reply to: virus on this forum #8027

    I have a regular Dell , an older one actually , the GX240 , anyway , I use AVG , it’s totally free , and this virus was caught and isolated by the AVG each time , I probably “caught it ” 20 times or so , and my computer has been operating fine as well.
    Try the free AVG , just google it , and you’ll have no futher problems. It is a low grade virus.
    Now , everyone please smile!

    in reply to: Hello, Welcome and some FYIs! #7633

    My 3-D job is estimating automobile collisions , and I have seen a lot of wrecked vehicles for almost 20 years , but MAN that car is hurt!
    I have to echo opalescent’s comments here.
    A miracle Todd lived.

    in reply to: Almost Hurricane Hanna and Now Ike #8090

    I live in Richmond VA , have for almost 37 years, and it’s true that Isabel was rough ,for about 10 days no power , etc. , a war zone , power lines , some live , and trees all over the streets everywhere you went , but I feel we were fortunate to have survived such ferocity , and I did witness many acts of Love that never would have happened had Isabel not hit. That said , I have one thing I want to say Now:
    “May there be peace on all words and in every individual everywhere!” (Awesome quote there MaryAnn!) I send peace to Hanna. Also , I will have to try the vacuum technique when Hanna visits! 😉

    in reply to: Zingdad: Joy-Divine on creating your reality now #7884

    That was simply AWESOME Zingdad!
    Thank you!

    in reply to: The forest #7855

    Wow , Zingdad , this is one of the most beautiful life plans I think I have ever heard. My wife and I have talked about this for years , getting off the grid , which I am sure many folks here would love to do , and living with “nature nurture” , and the more I think about it , the more I believe this site could become more of a “Comm-unity” than we all might have originally thought…….maybe an actual physical community? 😀
    Thanks for these beautiful thoughts…….

    in reply to: URGENT! #7775

    Would LOVE to see that! 😮

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