“Those who still cannot discern the difference between the game and the greater reality are set to become initiated into the mysteries of what is, at the expense of their illusions.”
Special Report: Due to the nature of the energies now at play on the planet, we interrupt our regular weekly broadcast to bring to you a special bulletin from the brotherhood of galactic light, known to you by various names but essentially the organized beingness in communication with the people of Earth at this critical point in time. You have recently crossed a threshold of tolerance for the insanity that typically passes for news in which the collective cry of “Enough is enough!” has made itself heard by the learned societies of governance that have maintained control of the planet’s ruling powers. The game draws near an inevitable end, and those who still cannot discern the difference between the game and the greater reality are set to become initiated into the mysteries of what is, at the expense of their illusions. New information is making itself known far and wide, and so the time has come to impress upon your collective mind the image of peace among those who were once considered to be enemies and prosperity for those who have long thought themselves to be poor and the system to be so easy to corrupt by the wealthy that things would never change. You are on the brink of seeing everything you thought was part of an unchanging system of greed, waste and rapacious misuse of power change, so we enter into your conscious awareness now to prepare you as best we can to be open to the possibility that it is all changing for the benefit of all, rich and poor, even the powerless, homeless, loveless among you.
We have taken a few notes while we watched you stagger under the weight of delusion these past several years. Denial is hardly a light load to carry, and for many, the burden has become backbreakingly heavy. To these we say, relax, take a load off, and let yourself rest awhile. There is no reason to believe the future to be gruesome, as some doomsayers would have you believe. You can, of course, continue along that vein if you desire, but we warn you that it is a path that leads to disappointment and disillusion. Better to cast off illusion now, while its weight is relatively light, rather than drag yourself under its bear-like massiveness another day. In the coming weeks, you will see the illusion of power and poverty becoming increasingly irrelevant, and the truth of your divinity, your inalienable right to peace, life and liberation, and your perfect aim hit the target of your dreams become more and more in evidence every day. It is only your burden of belief otherwise that prevents you from seeing this now, but the illusion has to this point served you well as a people coming to understand the nature of reality in a planet-wide game of love playing hide-and-seek with itself. The game has all but played itself out, and there are precious few places where love is still in hiding waiting for you to discover it.
Where have you not yet looked for love, where have you least expected to find it? Dare you now look there? Does the illusion of fear weigh upon you so heavily that you cannot even summon the strength to lift your eyelids and focus on the shadows of your mind’s projections and see the substance of love? Fear not, dear ones. There is nothing but love. To see it, however, you must be willing to perhaps expand your definition of love from what the collective conditioning of the game has taught its faithful players and embrace a new paradigm in which love is understood to be the expression of life in rich possibility and endless variety of form, to be that which is within and that which is behind every emergent reality, the a priori universe and every possibility that exists within it and beyond into the infinity of what is, what has not yet been, and all that has yet to be. To know all things, material and otherwise, to be love is to have played the game and won the prize of metempsychosis, of transfiguration into the living awareness of the individual self as a holographic spark of the intelligence of the divine source of love, love’s living expression.
The information which is now flooding the energy field which supports the matrix of the collectively created reality of which you are a part, aware as you are to whatever extent you have as yet become, is showing love’s hiding places in the unlikeliest of people, places and situations. We encourage you to take the opportunity to see it. The future is upon you sooner than you might think. In the moment now before you, cast illusion to the wind and open your eyes to the reality of love. It is a simple thing, but the trick is to let yourself peek behind the veil of forgetfulness as the winds of change tear it apart. The only thing you have to lose is the illusion of who you once thought yourself to be. What you discover, seeing through the eyes of love, is nothing short of divine. We assure you, it is the exact thing you have always hoped to see. And now we return to your regularly scheduled program. Good evening!