Dear friends,
This morning in meditation I received some clarity as to what may be helpful for us to use to align our consciousness with the coming events so that we may each/all wear a seamless garment of light….
In the process of integrating some of the ideas presented below, we are creating resonance with the events of the nature “of the highest good” (the coming of the vessel of Light) and thus act as co-creative partners, which is our divine assignment.
To annul and dissolve all fear regarding the encounter-event and apprehension over the possible interruption of supplies, please consider integrating the following declaration and turning it into your personal truth
“Perfect abundance comes to me through Divine channels. I always have
what I need and want to be well, happy and fulfilled. So be it. Amen.”
The following is an elaboration of the above statement. Please consider making it an integral part of your consciousness as well.
“I now allow myself to receive all the greatest good God wishes that I receive. There is no more fear; there is no more guilt. I am as God created me, perfect whole and complete. I am Love Itself, forever receiving Love’s reflection.
As I accept God’s perfect gifts for myself, in the name of the Oneness that IS, I accept them also for all of humanity and for all of Life.
I offer my infinite gratitude to the Source of all Life for taking our world and all of us finally home, home to Love, Peace and Joy where we belong. If there are any energies that do not belong there, I ask God to take them to their right place.
I thank you God and I thank all the individualized aspects of God involved in this healing journey.
Let the channels to my good be open and let them be kept open permanently henceforth. I now give the controls of these channels to my Higher Self and disallow any of the lower frequencies that may still be present within my fields to shut them down.
As I commit to keeping open these goodness-receiving channels for myself, I simultaneously and unequivocally commit to keeping these channels open on behalf of all of humanity and all of life. May all those who desire any aspect of Divine goodness receive freely what they desire through these channels, and in the process may we all be infinitely blessed. Thank you God. So be it. Amen.”
With the Light of Love to all………