Remembrance is awakening of the soul … Barbara Marciniak has channeled the Pleiadians since 1988, following an awakening at the Great Pyramid at Giza. The Pleiadians are a collective of extraterrestrials from the star system the Pleiades who call themselves our ancient family because many of us came here from the Pleiades to participate in […]

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We are here. Many of you have heard us talk about your need to commit, to live to the highest attainment that you can achieve consistently, all of the time. You have heard us talk about the idea that you are involved in many dramas that are occurring in many places at one time. You […]

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Welcome, indeed, to an opportunity to expand your consciousness, to an opportunity to demonstrate your cleverness, an opportunity to read energies. This evening’s discussion is going to be a continuation of the chronicles of those on assignment out on the fringes of certain galactic systems. These chronicles concern the gods trapped in illusion. Not just […]

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We want to encourage you to seek the exalted self. In search of the exalted self is a quest that is well worthwhile. It is quite a quest, indeed. You do not have to work with us continuously, or to work with anyone continuously to gather information The only continuity that is needed is for […]

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The Saga of the Family of Light [1] Over [the last couple of years] we have discussed many ideas with you concerning boundaries that you have set around your definition of reality. [There] is a need for each of you to examine the boundaries that you have set around yourselves. Each of you believes that […]

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You are coming to maturity. You are coming to be full in your blossom, full in your vibrancy, full in your seed. The fullness and the ripeness, the sweetness of your own being the beings that you would be a bit nostalgic for, that would almost be something like an ache inside of your being […]

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