A Feature documentary by Malcom Carter, Narrated by Sir Patrick Stewart, BASED ON THE WORK OF NASSIM HARAMEIN Watch for the official release coming soon: http://getconnected.resonance.is/ Best Sellers in Musical Instruments, Stage & Studio Trailer 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yzhKxRUUW4U Trailer 2: Nassim Haramein presents a new picture of the physics that our world is developing; a picture […]
Read moreINTRODUCTION – A Future by Design Best Sellers in Musical Instruments, Stage & Studio Are you prepared to design the future? Although many of us feel we can prepare for our future by thinking, acting, and learning using present methods and values, nothing is farther from the truth – especially in today’s rapidly changing world. […]
Read moreEvolution is a term to define only one organism and that’s the self. The self is the universe, the self is the alpha and omega, god, and infinity, and that’s the only thing that evolves because we are all part of the self. Nothing goes through an evolutionary process alone or without direct benefit to […]
Read moreThe Goal: The Means is the End (new beginnings): www.thezeitgeistmovement.com We intend to restore the fundamental necessities and environmental awareness of the species through the avocation of the most current understandings of who and what we truly are, coupled with how science, nature and technology (rather than religion, politics and money) hold the keys to […]
Read more“They must find it difficult…Those who have taken authority as the truth, rather than truth as the authority.” – Gerald Massey How exciting!! This is a MUST SEE MOVIE! Share this one with everyone you know. If you’ve not seen part one, click here.
Read moreThe Venus Project presents a bold, new direction for humanity that entails nothing less than the total redesign of our culture. There are many people today who are concerned with the serious problems that face our modern society: unemployment, violent crime, replacement of humans by technology, over-population and a decline in the Earth’s ecosystems. As […]
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