Hey all, Ever wonder what your “rights” actually are? This video gives a small percent of what you can do if you know W H O Y O U A R E.
I’ve been researching different aspects of evolution and freedom for years now and can now say with confidence that I believe Sovereignty is the key to our freedom on the planet. It is an interesting experiment we live in here on earth, the Pleadians have called it, “a prison without walls“; Morpheus in The Matrix said so eloquently, “A Prison, for your mind…”
1. the status, dominion, power, or authority of a sovereign; royalty.
2. supreme and independent power or authority in government as possessed or claimed by a state, community or individual.
The difference between the man in this video and You, is our thoughts. As you watch the video, what do you think the thought is that he (the man in the video) is saying to himself? What is his intent?
You may not know who I am, and what gives me the credibility to speak on this topic, so I’ll tell you this… I have had experiences similar to the man in the video, some turned out out good, and some not so good. That is how I learn. If I could tell you the reason one turned out better than the other, the answer would be directly related to the amount of doubt I had (mask for fear), and my intent in the situation, sometimes fear got in the way of my intent, which is when things would go sideways.
I have studied Sovereignty for almost 3 years now and would have to say that the more I learn about the situation, the less fear I have of the situation. I acknowledge the power of intimidation that is used by people with a shiny badge and a gun. I’ve meditated in the cop-shop, been driven home to my house by the cop (without my car), refused tickets for fraud, and a few other things that didn’t quite get the results I was looking for, so that is why I would rather have you learn from this man rather than I at the moment.
When I get the results I’m seeking, I’ll post my video up here, until then, I’ll continue to share this information with you. If you like it, post a comment, let us know what you think and feel.