It seems to be a part of the path hOMe to find oneself in a position of feeling like it is ones personal task to save the world…  to feel “chosen” to bring enlightenment to the world… that we are somehow better then, smarter, more eternal, more wise, more ancient, more alien, more connected to […]

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Life was created by two different forces, and you know what I mean by that already. Ying and yang are both from the same root (to evolve) and they are the serpent that coils around the middle of your body (kundalini energy). This life force is me, FREIGIDA, in a different name. We know each […]

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What about me? The Journey: "We travelled for 7 months through all 5 continents, and recorded in over 50 locations to create the most inspiring film and album we could imagine.  Our mission was not only to gather insights on the huge universal themes of life from the most inspiring and illuminating people we […]

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February’s Message from Self Awareness: About Love Everyone in the world seeks it. You can have fame, power, billions of dollars, but without it you have nothing. Without love you are impoverished; without love you will die. Love is what gives real meaning and purpose to our lives; it is the reason for our very […]

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A Moment Of Happiness… You and I   sitting on the veranda, apparently two, but one in soul, you and  I. We feel the flowing water of life here, You and I, with the garden’s beauty and the birds singing. The stars will be watching us, and we will show them what it is to […]

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