The Quantum Apocalypse: lifting of the veil, to penetrate the surface of reality, the disclosure of hidden information, the evolution of consciousness, awakening of perception to the mysteries which lie beyond the ordinary range of human knowledge. Featuring noted experts – Fred Alan Wolf, Peter Russell, Professor Al-Khalili, York Dobyns, Robert Anton Wilson, Dean Radin, […]
Read moreIf you are not yet familiar with Nassim Haramein’s exciting work, prepare yourself for an exhilarating odyssey into hyperspace and beyond. Haramein, who has spent his lifetime researching fields of physics from quantum theory to relativistic equations and cosmology, will lead you along a fascinating discussion geared to a layman’s understanding of the fundamental nature […]
Read moreNassim Haramein discusses the Grand Unified Theory on Coast to Coast. Part 3 of 3 from Best Sellers in Musical Instruments, Stage & Studio [video:]
Read moreNassim Haramein discusses the Grand Unified Theory
Read moreTurning your senses inwards connects you with your infinite nature. Infinite division leads towards singularity. If the Universe is expanding it must also be contracting in order to remain in equilibrium. The external part of our existence is the expansive part. Everything we see as reality is illusionary and appears convex due to the radiating […]
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