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DOWNLOAD The Book of Giants Ebook DOWNLOAD THE BOOK OF ENOCH – Modern Version Dead Sea Scrolls Referenced: 4Q203, 1Q23, 2Q26, 4Q530-532, 6Q8 Introduction and Commentary  From Gnosis Library It is fair to say that the patriarch Enoch was as well known to the ancients as he is obscure to modern Bible readers. Besides giving his […]

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SOURCE: Ancient Mysteries of Sound Levitation April 8, 2015/in Blog /by Kathy J. Forti The mysteries and numerous capabilities of sound have intrigued mankind for millenniums. Einstein thought nothing was faster than the speed of light. But in 2007 a team of US physicists discovered that “superluminal acoustic sound waves” can actually out-perform light in […]

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3HIrPyxKzfg Christmas or Christmas Day (Old English: Crīstesmæsse, meaning Christ’s Mass) is an annual festival commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ, observed most . This is not a religious explanation but from Historians and Experts. History Channel The Real Story of Christmas 720p HDTV.

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