The Return of the Annunaki Introduction Long long ago in the far reaches of space a light shone forth and a great creation came into being. A Time was created and within that time Light touched the Dark Matter, everywhere the Light touched it brought forth life. Eventually all the potential of the dark matter […]
Read moreWhat is the Urantia Book? A clip from the TV show “Strange Universe” provides a quick intro.
Read moreOahspe: A New Bible is a book announcing new revelations from God, which was produced by John Ballou Newbrough (1828–1891) by automatic writing, and which was first published by Newbrough in 1882. The title page of Oahspe describes the content of the book with these words: A New Bible in the Words of Jehovih […]
Read morePleiadian Renegades through Amanda R. Ryan “Are you simply here today and gone tomorrow?” Over the months of our repartee with the consciousnesses which have found their way to our words, we have left a trail of breadcrumbs by which anyone could follow a pathway of sorts to the abode of love in […]
Read morePleiadian Renegades through Amanda R. Ryan “Those who still cannot discern the difference between the game and the greater reality are set to become initiated into the mysteries of what is, at the expense of their illusions.” Special Report: Due to the nature of the energies now at play on the planet, we […]
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