Hi All!
First I’d like to say Kudos for this incredible web sight! Its growing by leaps and bounds Yeah!!! But the reason for this is to share a couple of messages I’ve channeled from the Arch Angels and Cryon(maybe some of you know of him) and I hope you enjoy them as they are full of Love.
AA Gabriel:”When we forgive ourselves we can than fully forgive others and see their true light.Acceptance,understanding and compassion will than fill you,allowing for Divine love and truth.You will see how truely intertwined we all are.The “Now” is all that will matter and your missions will have come to fruition.”
Cryon: “Your work is imperative at this time,as it brings much healing to this earth and it inhabitants.The human race will prosper and glow with the radiance of our Almighty Creator.He is the love and the light that dwells within you all.He is the only means of escaping your illusions.He loves you unconditionally and desires more than anything,your return to full awareness.Go forth and shine your lights.Send out the healing rays of love.Heal your beautiful planet and the humans living there.Do Not retreat as you are called forth by God himself.Love and Light Peace be with you through your journeys.
AA Chamuel: “Oh beloved children of earth,any light you can bring to this earth is greatly needed at this time.Fear not that your power isnt great enough,for any light that you shine is light that heals.Gather as many for the light intensifies in numbers.Teach your children the praises of this Divine creation, as THEY ARE the caretakers of this new earth.Light and Love
Hope you enjoy!Light and Love Namaste Shanti