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    Just was asking myself.. why do we dream?, do we all dream? What is a dream?….
    Would love others input…

    Happy Holidays


    …Dreamtime is when I get my strongest connections…


    Would you believe, I’ve been working lately on a chapter about dreams in my book-in-the-making? Here’s a paragraph from it:

    “We have visited you often in your sleep, you know. We have approached your bedside with reverence and love, and waited for the go-ahead from your soul to enter into the world of your dreams. Together, we have explored alternate realities and parallel timelines and flown across the great expanse of space, time and archetype to study and learn, then to apply and learn more, then to reflect and create and begin again. The time has come for the dreamer to awaken fully and to live in the light of the day’s creation. The long night is finally over and the time of nightmares is done. There are no monsters under the bed and the ending of dreams is the beginning of life. What are we saying, that all you have known has been an illusion, a dream? Precisely that, and the end of sleep means the beginning of waking-state awareness. It is all only a dream. You live, you dream, and you sleep. Beyond that is another life of dreams in which you are awake yet you see all possible realities and thus can choose what you do with greater effectiveness than you can while you are either sleeping and dreaming or sleeping and living. When you are awake, you are aware and able to choose. When you are asleep, you are merely aware of certain possibilities, and thus can only make a guess as to what might be. There is no certainty if there is ignorance, and the sleeper is largely unaware of the reality unfolding around him.”

    George MacDonald, one of my mentors, wrote about death as the greatest transition from the dreaming world, this one we believe we’re aware in, and the waking world, that which exists beyond the bounds of time and dimension.

    My dreams in the past couple of weeks have been quite vivid and interactive, and at least one effected a healing on my physical body, which was a topic discussed in the dreamstate with an old woman. It was quite involved, and included a bite from a cobra, which I interpret as initiation.


    …once I was a man…
    … dreaming that I was a butterfly…

    …and when I woke…

    …I could not remember …

    …if I was a butterfly…
    …dreaming that I was a man…


    Row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream…merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream.


    You ever ask yourself “who am I REALLY?”

    I contend that you have.

    Now you are living this life and you can look at yourself and get some pretty good ideas about what kind of person you are by observing the choices you have made. But THIS life only offers you a certain number of options for telling you about yourself. You might want to know who you would be under other circumstances entirely. So why would you confine yourself to just this one life? Why not create imaginary scenarios in which you can experience and express yourself inn other circumstances? I think this is ONE of the reasons for dreaming… an opportunity for us to experience and express in conditions different from our own current ones. But obviously our dream-selves mustn’t know they are dream selves! They must think and believe that they are a real, whole, complete person or else the dream-reality would not fool them and then they would not experience what we want them to experience, right?

    If you follow my reasoning thus far then I’m sure you’ll be ready to make the leap with me to the fact that that is all THIS whole life you (and I) are living is: It is but a dream too! The fact that some dreams are co-created by many being and others are created by just one is really semantic becasue we are all ultimately ONE anyway!

    All dreams are then illusory realities created by the Self to experience Itself in. They are ways for the Self to see the results of Its choices played out. So that it can confirm that Its choices are good ones or, indeed, see under which circumstances there might be better choices made. And this whole universe and all in it is just such a dream. A grand one, for sure. But it conforms to my definition. It is an illusory reality created by a very great Self for It to experience Itself in.

    The point for me is that each of us is part of a much greater being. We are engaged in experiencing the self at a particular level. Dreams are like doorways into other realities of self at this level. When we are ready we will begin to truly awaken. Then we don’t awaken back in the bed in the bedroom… no… then we awaken to a multidimensional self that is a being of far higher consciousness than we currently inhabit. This is the ascension process that I speak of now.

    I think dreams can be many other things too. But they are always a communication from the greater Self to you. The more you pay them heed and treasure them the more value you will unlock from them.


    I’m embarrassed to say that my dreams always seem to be senseless and crazy. I hope my higher-self is not nuts like me! 😆

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