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    Don’t know if this is quite the right spot for this or not. After doing some research I found this manual was written about 18 linear years ago, although it seems very timely for now! 😀 I found it interesting as well as amusing.

    Here’s an excerpt of the table of Contents:

    E.T. 101
    The Cosmic Instruction Manual

    Table of Contents Introductory Information The Intergalactic
    New Collegiate Dictionary Transmutational Procedure The Mission Troubleshooting Assistance

    The Cosmic Instruction Manual for Planetary Evolution
    An Emergency Remedial Earth Edition
    Co-created by Mission Control and Zoev Jho

    This third-dimensional publication of
    The Cosmic Instruction Manual
    for Planetary Evolution
    is dedicated to all our relations.
    —The Intergalactic Council

    Table of contents
    Introductory Information

    The Mission
    Special Note from the Publisher
    A Word from Mission Control
    How to Use the Manual

    I The Intergalactic New Collegiate Dictionary

    Level I Words—Look Jane, See Spot Run

    E.T. vs. Alien

    Level II Words—Look Jane, See Spot Transmute


    II Transmutational Procedure

    Rules for Dysfunctional Patterns

    Step I: In Rome, Do as the Romans
    Step II: In Rome, Do as the Arcturians
    Ground Rules
    Coming Out of the Closet
    All Roads Lead Away from Rome
    Gentle Reminder

    Some Interesting Facts about Transmutation

    Pre-encoded Activation
    Time/Space Anomalies and Their Physical Functions
    A. The Dimensional Shift
    B. The Genetic Shift
    Helpful Hints for the Second Coming

    III The Mission

    Job Titles—An Overview
    The PLO—Definition and Purpose
    The PLO—Its Historic Position
    Exhibit A
    Exhibit B
    The PLO and Armistice Day
    The United Stellar Corps of Engineers
    The 3-D Dilemma
    The 5-D Response
    Adult Children of Dysfunctional Earthlings (ACODE)
    The MASH Units
    Transmutative Symptoms
    Transmutative Cures
    The Code Talkers
    The Interuniversal Banking Community
    The Intergalactic Board of Realtors
    The Cosmic Computer Jocks
    The Rainbow Warrior
    The Royal Celestial Air Force
    The Quark Alliance

    IV Troubleshooting

    Passing for White
    Closet Cases
    The Messiah Complex
    The Burden of Spiritual Significance
    The Chicken/Head Syndrome
    Integrity—Its Care and Maintenance
    Landing Instructions
    Culture Shock
    The Yo-Yo Effect
    Deployment of Troops
    Emergency Procedure
    Mishaps of the Mission

    V Assistance

    Foreign Aid
    Morale Boosting
    Curing Battle Fatigue
    The Special Forces
    Interdimensional Brain Surgery
    Exploratory Emotional Body Surgery
    Creative License
    Recent Legislation
    Self-help Techniques
    The Great Awakening
    Starseed—The Next Generation
    Audio-visual Aids

    A Formal Invitation / Contact Information

    The Mission

    The mission to Planet Earth was initiated by request of the planet herself. Earth has asked and the stellar councils have granted an evolutionary leap. Over the last millennium Earth has been preparing for our advent. It is now time to enter the Earth plane to reclaim this planet in the name of the Forces of Light and to open her doors to the cosmic community in which she resides.

    We congratulate and salute those of you throughout the universes who have volunteered for this assignment. Go with our blessing. And remember, read the manual before you get there. Although you are veterans of countless successful missions to numerous dysfunctional life support systems, watch out for this one.

    This edition of the manual is specifically designed for this planetary system—a system which defies all true rationality and has raised dysfunctionality to an art form. It is also one of the few systems where telling the truth is covertly considered a creative act. Because of the inherent hazards of this planet, Mission Control will not be responsible for any members of this mission who do not thoroughly acquaint themselves with the material contained in this special edition.

    —Mission Control
    Special Note from the Publisher

    Although you were warned to acquaint yourselves with the original manual before departing, a great number of you did not. “If you’ve seen one manual, you’ve seen them all” has proved to be a cavalier attitude that many of you have lived to regret, even though most of you are too stunned and dazed by the process to remember just exactly what it is you are regretting. Being four hundred light years from home and suddenly wondering “Did I forget my toothbrush?” is both annoying to Mission Control as well as useless to the mission.

    So, for those of you who left your galaxy without it, an unprecedented reprinting of the manual has been authorized by the mission’s governing councils. This is the remedial version of the original manual because you couldn’t possibly handle the unexpurgated version at this time. This edition is the official American and Canadian translation, written in the vernacular and made current to your circumstances. It is the strong recommendation of the Councils, now that you have yourselves totally disassembled, why not take a moment to read the instructions? It is, after all, at your request that we had them written.

    —The Intergalactic Council
    On behalf of the Confederated Interuniversal Councils, the United Stellar Alliances, and the Greater Interdimensional Federation of Light
    A Word from Mission Control

    Mission Control is the tactical arm of the extraterrestrial mission to Planet Earth. We implement the decisions of the stellar councils and act as an intermediary between the members of the mission who have opted for infantry duty on the planet’s surface and those who are serving the mission in any of its many off-planet divisions. It is our responsibility to maintain all communication systems among the vast forces that have now gathered in this planetary arena. Our purpose is to assist the planet and its inhabitants into a new consciousness and reality.

    Our prime directive is to coordinate the movements that Spirit orchestrates. We are here to assure that the decree of the High Spiritual Court is implemented and that the veils of the third dimension are parted so that light can enter. We have overseen the writing of this version of The Cosmic Instruction Manual at the request of the Intergalactic Council. We have done so because it is our mandate to assist all mission members in the successful completion of their many and varied assignments. Our instructions are to be a guiding force for this mission; our status is servant to Spirit.

    This is Mission Control speaking. We now end this transmission.
    How to Use the Manual

    The manual is not a rule book, nor does it tell you how many angels are on the head of a pin and which dimension that pin is in. It also offers no street maps of the dimensions to satisfy your linear thinking minds. This manual is a tool to awaken you to what you already know. It is an aid in accessing the real inside information, not an outside authority with the latest “ism” in which you should believe.

    Because we do not wish this manual to be misused, we have deliberately left out some information. If you find yourself wanting more answers than this manual offers, don’t just stand there like a jerk; go inside and ask for those answers. Whatever is appropriate for you to know will be given. Mission Control would like you to be aware that we not only stand behind our product, but we also stand beside you as you read it.

    We would also like to make it clear that although you may consider this manual a “new age” publication, we do not. That is because what you are calling “new age” is just the final manifestation of the old age. Since the “new age” is still about religious belief systems as asserted by outside authorities, we find it neither new nor much better than anything else you believe in. We prefer to think of ourselves as sacred cowpokes on a sacred cowherd, and our manual as a sacred cowpunching device. We believe that would make this publication more “post-new age” than anything.

    How you end up classifying this manual is less important than how you end up using it. It is our suggestion that you use it as a tool to awaken yourself, not as a new doctrine to continue to snooze by.

    This is Mission Control saying yeeeeeeeeehaw!

    To read the manual see here ➡ http://www.soulwise.net/et-101.htm#001


    Now THAT looks like a fun read! YAY! Orissa, you have the most amazing knack for ferreting out the good stuff. I’m going to tuck in right now!


    One of my favorite books EVER! 😀
    I even got my Creative License! 😉
    Excellent choice to recommend here , dear Orissa!


    Great post, Orissa, I do love this site!


    Hey folks…. I read the whole thing and really liked it until the very end where they asked for money, alibet it was $11.00, a number we have been seeing lately, but still it seemed out of context to me. Still I am excited and looking forward to the coming days. I wish I could let my job go so I can keep reading and reading, but alas human drudgery still calls!


    Takes a long time to write a book like that.


    It’s my favorite book! 😀


    The $11 is for a “creative licence”. I don’t know what that is exactly. Or why I’d want one. But I have no pain: they are giving their message in love. If they are saying they are willing to take donations in return then that’s okay by me. I don’t mind someone saying “here is a gift. I am willing to receive gifts back if you feel so inclined”. It’s a helluva lot better than what normally works in this world:
    “here is some poison. You have to pay a fortune for it. And then you will feel a bit such and a bit addicted to it. So you’ll need to buy more. And then get very sick and buy other poisons that will make you feel temporarily better while poisoning you you worse in other ways. We’ll take all your life-force and all your money. And no. You get nothing back”

    Seems to me the “mutual gift” plan is a lot more in accordance with Life.

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