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Home Forums Time, Before & After Revising History Atlantis, Lemuria, Ancient Civilizations Flying Aircraft and Nuclear War and Other Strange Occurences

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    Flying Aircraft & Nuclear War and Other Strange Occurrences of the Past

    Edited By
    James Hartman

    The Indian Epics, especially the MAHABHARATA, pick up the thread of
    the tale of devastation and destruction. Atlantis, rather displeased
    at its humiliating defeat, deceived that they were no longer
    interested in subjugating the Rama Empire (An Indian Empire), and
    decided instead to annihilate the major cities using weapons of mass
    destruction. Sanskrit scholars could not comprehend what was being
    described in the Epics until the dropping of the first atomic bombs
    on Japan. There are AUTHENTIC VERSES from the Indian Epics:

    “Gurkha, flying a swift and powerful vimana (fast aircraft)
    hurled a single projectile (rocket) charged with the power
    of the Universe (nuclear device). An incandescent column of
    smoke and flame, as bright as ten thousand suns, rose with
    all its splendor.

    It was an unknown weapon, an iron thunderbolt, a gigantic
    messenger of death, which reduced to ashes the entire race
    of the Vrishnis and the Andhakas.

    The corpses were so burned as to be unrecognizable.
    Hair and nails fell out; Pottery broke without apparent cause,
    and the birds turned white.

    …After a few hours all foodstuffs were infected…
    …to escape from this fire the soldiers threw
    themselves in streams to wash themselves and their
    ÄÄ The Mahabharata

    Indeed, this story is said to be nearly 24,000 years old! If this is
    true than we are not the most advanced. As the Bible says “There is
    nothing new under the sun.” Evidence for Atlantis is well

    If the above was not enough to convince your let me take you in

    Page 1

    deeper into this nuclear war:

    “(It was a weapon) so powerful that it could destroy the earth
    in an instant ÄÄ A great soaring sound in smoke and flames ÄÄ
    And on its sits death…”
    ÄÄ The Ramayana

    “Dense arrows of flame, like a great shower, issued
    forth upon creation, encompassing the enemy…
    A thick gloom swiftly settled upon the Pandava hosts.
    All points of the compass were lost in darkness.
    Fierce wind began to blow upward, showering dust and gravel.

    Birds croaked madly… the very elements seemed disturbed.
    The earth shook, scorched by the terrible violent heat of this
    Elephants burst into flame and ran to and fro in a frenzy…
    over a vast area, other animals crumpled to the ground and died.
    From all points of the compass the arrows of flame rained
    continuously and fiercely.
    ÄÄ The Mahabharata

    The Ramayana and the Mahabharata seem like science fiction. Not
    only did aircraft exist such as Vimanas and Vailxi (as the Atlantian
    craft are called), they had nuclear weapons. There seems to be a
    fear of educating the worlds people about the distant past. Even
    empires and leaders of China’s past to Christians to Arab peoples
    would destroy history in such a way that records of there amazing
    cultures and events are nearly all wiped out. Indian Epics however
    are still with us intact. Records of South American history all but
    gone. Fear, and other factors have removed most of history before
    5,000 years. Some only 1,000 years ago. In the America’s just 300 –
    500 years all most all lost! Today, perhaps some UFO records are
    going the way of fears gate! However, again a few stories live on.

    In another amazing Indian text the Agastrya Samhita gives the
    precise directions for constructing electrical batteries:

    “Place a well-cleaned copper plate in an earthenware vessel.
    Cover it first by copper sulfate and then moist sawdust.
    After that put a mercury-amalgamated-zinc sheet on top of
    an energy known by the twin name of Mitra-Varuna. Water will
    be split by this current into Pranavayu and Udanavayu. A
    chain of one hundred jars is said to give a very active
    and effective force.”
    ÄÄ Agastya Samhita
    (Indian Princes’ Library)

    By the way, MITRA-VARUNA is now called cathode-anode, and Pranavayu
    and Udanavayu are to us oxygen and hydrogen. This document again
    demonstrates the presence of electricity in the East, long, long
    ago. In the not so distant past strange events are recorded in
    Europe’s past.

    At Mount Cassino in Italy there is a large and heavy stone which was
    traditionally lifted by Saint Benedict (A.D. 448-548) by the
    neutralization of gravity. This stone was intended for the wall of
    the monastery being built at that time. The stonemasons could not
    budge it. However, Saint Benedict made the sign of the cross on the

    Page 2

    block, and while the seven men who could not lift it looked in
    amazement, he raised it alone without any effort. If this is true,
    than its evidence of God’s hand at work!

    Even stranger is this: King Ferdinand I was a host to Saint Francis
    of Paula (1416-1505) in Naples. Through a half-opened door he
    witnessed the monk in meditation, floating high above the floor of
    his room.

    Again in the fairly long ago past in China Emperor Cheng Tang (1766
    B.C.), ordered Ki-Kung-shi to construct a flying chariot. The
    primeval aviation constructor completed the job and tested the
    aircraft. In flight, reaching the province of Honan. Subsequently,
    (from fear) the vessel was destroyed by imperial edict as Cheng Tang
    feared the secret of its mechanism might fall into the wrong hands.
    If one looks at the past he can foresee and even change the future.
    Will we be faithful to God as the saints and lift objects or
    ourselves by Gods power? Will we ever come to full out Nuclear War
    as the people of Atlantis and Rama 24,000 years ago?

    Will we build Flying Chariots (Flying Saucers) and destroy them
    because we fear into what hands they will fall? What will man do to
    destroy his past, present or future? I leave that question up to


    UFOs and Vimanas

    By Stephen Knapp

    In supplying information about the advancements of Vedic science, the subject of Vedic airplanes, vimanas, is almost in a classification of its own. Some of this information is so amazing that for some people it may border science fiction. Nonetheless, as we uncover and explain it, it provides serious food for thought.

    First of all we need to understand that the Vedic conception of universal time is divided into different periods. For example, a period called one day of Brahma is equivalent to 4,320,000,000 of our years on earth. Brahma’s night is equally as long and there are 360 of such days and nights in one year of Brahma. Each day of Brahma is divided into one thousand cycles of four yugas, namely Satya-yuga, Treta-yuga, Dvapara-yuga, and finally the Kali-yuga, which is the yuga we are presently experiencing. Satya-yuga lasts 1,728,000 years, and is an age of purity when all residents live very long lives and can be fully developed in spiritual understanding and mystical abilities and remarkable powers. Some of these abilities, or mystic siddhis, include changing one’s shape, becoming very large or microscopically small, becoming very heavy or even weightless, securing any desirable thing, becoming free of all desires, or even flying through the sky to wherever one wanted to go on one’s own volition. So at that time, the need for mechanical flying machines was not necessary.

    As the yugas continued, the purity of the people, along with their mystical abilities, decreased by 25% in each age. The age of Treta-yuga lasts 1,296,000 years. During that age, the minds of humanity became more dense, and the ability for understanding the higher spiritual principles of the Vedic path was also more difficult. Naturally, the ability to fly through the sky by one’s own power was lost. After Treta-yuga, Dvapara-yuga lasts 864,000 years, and Kali-yuga lasts 432,000 years, of which 5,000 have now already passed. At the end of Kali-yuga, the age of Satya-yuga starts again and the yugas continue through another cycle. One thousand such cycles is one day of Brahma. Now that we are in Kali-yuga, almost all spiritual understanding disappears, and whatever mystical abilities that remain are almost insignificant.

    It is explained that it was not until the beginning of Treta-yuga that the development of vimanas took place. In fact, Lord Brahma, the chief demigod and engineer of the universe, is said to have developed several vimanas for some of the other demigods. These were in various natural shapes that incorporated the use of wings, such as peacocks, eagles, swans, etc. Other vimanas were developed for the wiser human beings by great seers of Vedic knowledge.

    In the course of time, there were three basic types of vimanas. In Treta-yuga, men were adept in mantras or potent hymns. Thus, the vimanas of that age were powered by means of knowledge of mantras. In Dvapara-yuga, men had developed considerable knowledge of tantra, or ritual. Thus, the vimanas of Dvapara-yuga were powered by the use of tantric knowledge. In Kali-yuga, knowledge of both mantra and tantra are deficient. Thus, the vimanas of this age are known as kritaka, artificial or mechanical. In this way, there are three main types of vimanas, Vedic airplanes, according to the characteristics of each yuga.

    Of these three types, there is listed 25 variations of the mantrika vimanas, 56 variations of the tantrica vimanas, and 25 varieties of the kritakaah vimanas as we find today in Kali-yuga. However, in regard to the shape and construction, there is no difference between any of these vimanas, but only in how they were powered or propelled, which would be by mantras, tantras, or mechanical engines.

    The controversial text known as Vimaanika Shastra, said to be by Maharshi Bharadwaja, also describes in detail the construction of what is called the mercury vortex engine. This is no doubt of the same nature as the Vedic Ion engine that is propelled by the use of mercury. Such an engine was built by Shivkar Bapuji Talpade, based on descriptions in the Rig-veda, which he demonstrated in Mumbai (Bombay), India in 1895. I more fully explained this in Chapter Three of this volume. Additional information on the mercury engines used in the vimanas can be found in the ancient Vedic text called the Samarangana Sutradhara. This text also devotes 230 verses to the use of these machines in peace and war. We will not provide the whole description of the mercury vortex engine here, but we will include a short part of William Clendenon’s translation of the Samarangana Sutradhara from his 1990 book, Mercury, UFO Messenger of the Gods:

    “Inside the circular air frame, place the mercury-engine with its electric/ultrasonic mercury boiler at the bottom center. By means of the power latent in the mercury which sets the driving whirlwind in motion, a man sitting inside may travel a great distance in the sky in a most marvelous manner. Four strong mercury containers must be built into the interior structure. When those have been heated by controlled fire from iron containers, the vimana develops thunder-power through the mercury. At once it becomes like a pearl in the sky.”

    This provides a most simplistic idea of the potential of the mercury engines. This is one kind of a propulsion mechanism that the vimanas of Kali-yuga may use. Other variations are also described. Not only do these texts contain directions on how to make such engines, but they also have been found to contain flight manuals, aerial routes, procedures for normal and forced landings, instructions regarding the condition of the pilots, clothes to wear while flying, the food to bring and eat, spare parts to have, metals of which the craft needs to be made, power supplies, and so on. Other texts also provide instructions on avoiding enemy craft, how to see and hear what occupants are saying in enemy craft, how to become invisible, and even what tactics to use in case of collisions with birds. Some of these vimanas not only fly in the sky, but can also maneuver on land and fly into the sea and travel under water.

    There are many ancient Vedic texts that describe or contain references to these vimanas, including the Ramayana, Mahabharata, Rig-veda, Yajur-veda, Atharva-veda, the Yuktilkalpataru of Bhoja (12th century A.D.), the Mayamatam (attributed to the architect Maya), plus other classic Vedic texts like the Satapathya Brahmana, Markandeya Purana, Vishnu Purana, Bhagavata Purana, the Harivamsa, the Uttararamcarita, the Harsacarita, the Tamil text Jivakacintamani, and others. From the various descriptions in these writings, we find vimanas in many different shapes, including that of long cigars, blimp-like, saucer-shapes, triangular, and even double-decked with portholes and a dome on top of a circular craft. Some are silent, some belch fire and make noise, some have a humming noise, and some disappear completely.

    These various descriptions are not unlike the reports of UFOs that are seen today. In fact, David Childress, in his book Vimana Aircraft of Ancient India & Atlantis, provides many reports, both recent and from the last few hundred years, that describe eye witness accounts of encounters with UFOs that are no different in size and shape than those described in these ancient Vedic texts. Plus, when the pilots are seen close up, either fixing their craft or stepping outside to look around, they are human-like, sometimes with a Oriental appearance, in clothes that are relatively modern in style. In other reports, we have read where the craft may have alien type beings on board along with ordinary humans navigating the craft.

    Does this mean that these are ancient vimanas that still exist today? Are they stored in some underground caverns somewhere? Or are they simply modern-built, using the ancient designs as described in the Vedic texts? The UFOs that have been seen around the world may not be from some distant galaxy, but may be from a secret human society, or even military installation. However, many of the Vedic texts do describe interplanetary travel. So even if these space machines are from some other planet, they may be using the same principles of propulsion that have already been described in the universal Vedic literature. The answer awaits us.

    (This article is from: http://www.stephen-knapp.com)


    …very good Mushi…

    …well the human race has another chance to get it right…that’s why WE are in the picture now…too much hinges on the ascension this time to leave it to a few to mess things up…

    …there are depositories here at the Book where you can contribute this knowledge (in addition to the forums)…maybe opal can direct you there…

    …the reports that you posted of St.Bernard and St. Francis remind me of this character in Florida that built an amazing complex out of large coral blocks…his name eludes me… many ton blocks…a several ton doorway spins on a balance pivot and can be turned with a finger…no one knows how he did this as it was done in private with no witnesses…maybe someone here knows the link…

    …thank you for your contributions…

    …it’s good to feel you and Zingy anchoring the Horn…


    Mushi , as I read your post , I recall my days of uncovering these ancient texts , I studied them hand-in-hand with the Ra Material (which Wanderer has so graciuosly started a thread about here at BoL : viewforum.php?f=91) and also the Cassiopean Material , which includes a lot of information about the repeated rise-and-fall of human civilization , and much more , including negative interference , etc. , and also a lot of the material at Divine Cosmos (David Wilcock’s site) – Anyway , thank you for bringing these subjects back into my thoughts , and reminding me that though this is all a game , it’s a damn interesting one! 😆


    Well I would like to say thank you for hosting such a wonderful site where one can come and discuss matters that really matter 😀

    And for being part of the transformation to higher consciousness… We need as many spiritual warriors as we can find on this planet…

    I do however find it amusing that we seem to be so caught up in the illusory energy that we forget ourselves and wish to be ruled by ego and lower vibrations. So much so that we are capable of making the same mistakes over and over. But hey, many elevated species who are in direct contact with the Supreme Energy, fall into this illusion. So we shouldn’t be hard on ourselves. After all we are living in a very exciting time, and we have the propensity to usher in a new era of higher frequency.

    I think man forgets that recorded history is but a drop in the ocean of time on this planet… We think that we are so advanced, when actually we have become less intelligent than ages past. Because of our ability to understand physics and natural sciences we think that we can become God and sometimes we like to play God (http://www.wisdomofsolomon.com/bigbang.html) But like the lost civilization of Atlantis, our ego will be our own downfall… They tried to play God and lost everything… Science makes room for speculation based on the ability to witness with imperfect senses. And this speculation will be the downfall of man. They seem to think that because they can not prove the existence soul, of the Supreme and of other subtle matters they do not exist. But luckily quantum physics succeeds in making room for a ‘God factor’ and slowly but surely those who have been let down by religion are waking up to their constitutional position as eternal spirit body. Going back into the Self rather than dry speculation with their imperfect senses.

    We must be careful not too fall into the same traps as those before us and get ahead of ourselves. After all we are the most degraded age as per Vedanta. It is said that before the Veda’s were transcribed by Srila Vasuveda, they were spoken by men and women of the highest intellect, through a unbroken chain of diciplic succession. They were however placed onto parchment, as the scribe knew that our intellect would fall in this age of Kali. I mean we can’t even remember a friend or relatives birthday without a calendar, not even to speak of what day it is or where we left our keys. Let alone memorize something as complex as the Veda’s.

    Who knows maybe it is due to our fallen condition that we are doomed to relive these civilization extinctions and rebirths…? But yes it is fun for the most part 😉 – what goes up…

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