I just jumped in and this place felt really good. So I decided to join in. I discovered this place because of the 14th event. An event that opened a lot for me in a positive way. I felt so much love and connection here on Earth. It was amazing. Even after the date. The energy kept on being high! Even though there was a lot of anger and disepointment in the air. I just focus on what stays and that is Love.
Anyway a little introduction. I am a soul who is on a journey. This time as Tania. 33 years young and in a really challenging year. Lot of health issues but in the mean time an intense time to discover more of Self.
I am mother of 4 kids. And normaly I work as a person who takes care of old and sick people. But have to stop for a while because I have to take care of MySelf right now. So I thank the Universe for what it brings to me even though it are challenges.
I love observing nature, have a connection with animals and am ‘high sensitive’. Am still trying to deal with it in this 3D world. Had some surviving techniques but now I have to drop them of in order to stop surviving and start living.
Why I am here. I want to connect with people who are in mind and heart a bit like myself. Connecting together makes the energy bigger and stronger and I think that is necesairy to change the world in and outwards. Eventualy we are all One. I am just another You and like to meet others, just to share…
ps don’t mind my typo’s. English is not my first language lol. I just do my best 🙂