Hi. That’s about all I can really say.
I’m no more than a week of web searching worth of knowledge on the subject, yet it has completely changed my perspective on everything.
My obsession with ETs and the paranormal led me to find a 2.5 hour long 1995 interview with Alex Collier. At first I was thinking there was no way I would sit through 2 hours of a man talking about “his unique experience with ETs.” But within minutes I was hooked and the 2 hours felt like 2 minutes. I then watched his 2001 and 2008 lectures and then found my way to the Credo Mutwa interviews. I recently ran across The Book of Thoth website through searching Pleiadian channeling and was very inspired by Zingdad and the message he brings. My gawd youtube is amazing 😀
Anyway, within days I found myself completely letting go of my Christian belief which I have worshiped and had faith in my entire life. It was like my soul knew it was right and I’m amazed at how easy my transition into more of an Atheistic life was. I felt no regret by just abandoning my previous christian beliefs and the God I thought was there, because my new found faith fills all the gaps my Christian religion had, and brought forth more inspiration and love than I could imagine. The life I live now makes way more sense than any man made God could have told me.
I’d like to thank everyone who helped me finally find my place in life: From Collier and Mutwa with their preachings, to Zingdad and other channelers for this website and first hand knowledge, and most importantly to everyone and their unconditional love that they show. Just typing this brings a tear to my eye, knowing how much you all care and how powerful our love truly is.
I will be on this forum until my time comes in 2012 and I hope to make many friends along the way.
Lots of love to all.