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Home Forums Welcome to the Book of Light! Questions & Comments Light ship Spotted on Google Earth? Watch – debunk**

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    Hi again,

    As I said, this morning before I went to work I watch Goggle Earth and there was a huge, by huge nearly 1/8 of the Earth surface rectangle over australia region. Then, I tought of that:

    1- That big of rectangle if “it was a ship” why is it bend, curve around the earth like following it’s angle. At that size, and the gap we could see it was absolutely certain that it had to bend around the earth to follow it’s curve. Here a reason why, it has to be a simple glitch.

    2 – I am at work now and have no access to Google Earth and my internet here is dial up but, I will do this test when I come home: IF there is still a gap on the map of Google Earth when I turn “weather option” On, I will try to find another sources, outside Google Earth with weather statelite imagerie .. and compare it to see if there too there is a gap.

    darn scientific mind of mine 😉

    have a nice morning.


    Well, the closer something is to the camera lens (satellite), the bigger it appears in relation to something that’s further away from the lens (Earth)… 🙄


    I just did a search on google glitches for october 2008 & came across a couple of comments on this thread http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message624387/pg1

    I am not saying that it is the ship. I was wondering more if Google Earth was being manipulated to send us some “pictures”.

    1- That big of rectangle if “it was a ship” why is it bend, curve around the earth like following it’s angle

    Well Orion said to look for arcs in the sky so I guess this could possibly be construed as an arc.

    It is also interesting that there is an Alabama Rd, Alabam Hill in Australia which I hadn’t heard about before.

    On his other site Brad has similar pictures to the ones that you have put up earlier http://10-14-08.blogspot.com/

    It’s after midnight here for me so I’m about to go seek my bed. Have a great day, Dax!


    Thank you Orissa for directing me here. How did i miss this? I would agree this could be some sort of wierd glitch, but not a natural thing. There are no straight lines in nature. Have no idea if this whole google thing can be manipulated or not. I read the Bridge. I will go back and see if I can find where it says thier light ships are constructed by themselves, comparing it to having control of our ethric bodies and using them as protection and forming them. If that is the case, then it could certainly bend, I would think. I will go back there now and see if I can find that excerpt.


    ok, a very speedy reading of the bridge and snap shot, could not find that info. I could not have made it up I am sure, so i read it someplace!!! Have to go help split and stack firewood, have to look later or tomarrow. Sory!


    Okay, my updated thoughts on this.

    As in the image that I was posting, it’s pretty clear that the edges continue in the cloud-areas, which pretty much has to mean that those are the edges of different image overlays. But the question is, why are they being put out? The real big question is, have those triangular things been there before in Google Earth, without anyone noticing, because anyone just thought it was a glitch (which it would be then)??

    Assuming these shapes are just here for the last few days, as I said, there is IMO the possibility that those specific areas have been cut out by “officials” or whoever, because there was something to see. This also explains rectangular cutouts from north to south pole – if the “unidentified” object ( 😉 ) is closer to the “camera” or sattelite or w/e. But the question I would have here, how are those could images being made? I guess they aren’t made of sattelite images.. How would you photograph coulds from space without photographing the ground beneath it, to publish them as an overlay?
    If they would be photographs, it would make sense that they would have been cut out so people don’t see something. So the question here would be, how are the images created?!

    My guess would be some sort of radar, that scans the clouds, maybe from space from a sattelite. THEN it would make perfect sense that some areas are being cut out, because the radar maybe finds something that appears as interference or malfunction.

    Edit: couldn’t someone here ask his sources? ^^ :mrgreen:


    Okay, I have one source 🙂 The father of a very good friend who is a meteorologist at Environment Canada. From what I recall from previous discussion years ago with him that it’s like you said, a radar type of scan and computer modeling which create weather pattern but there is also some satelite able to give almost a live image of “clouds” formation since they are able to pick only certain type of altitude or not sure exactly. So.. what you see is what you get.

    From one comment on youtube, I red that this kind of shape pattern is old, not new. But hey it’s one comment.


    Hello everyone,

    I also have been looking at google earth a lot today, and I’ve been getting rectangles all over the place of all different shapes and sizes including the very long rectangle that stretched from the north pole to the south pole crossing over Australia in it’s length. Personally I think it’s glitches myself, but I’m not really too concerned about that. I’ll definitely be keeping google earth up on the day of the 14th. If this event takes place not only will I have tons of video, hehe, but I would also like to see how the ship will look from satellite. I hope google earth will be able to pick it up on the image once it makes it’s appearance. Is there a way to make google earth automatically take screen shots while afk? Because I definitely won’t be at my computer when this happens, lol. I think I’m gonna create a macro with my Automate software to take screen shots every minute on that date. 😉

    Oh and speaking of taking videos. There’s a statement made by the FOL on page 5 of Blossom’s channeling saying:

    Preparatory sightings shall be evident as a little taster … to warm you up for the promised event.

    If they start showing up quite frequently before the main event, then you might wanna go ahead and buy some video recorder tapes or DVDs, depending on the type of camcorder you have, because I would imagine everyone would be heading to the stores to buy them all up to prepare for at least 3 days of recording, hehe. 😯

    Hmmm, that also gives me another thought. I bet that once this event is over youtube.com will probably be practically shut down from being overwhelmed with people uploading videos of the most spectacular event in our current recorded history. 😯 😮


    Hey mate,

    I’m sorry to dissapoint you. Google Earth has nothing to do with live images. ^^ When you zoom down to one location you can see the copyrights for the particular image at the bottom of the screen. It’s just photographs being laid over a 3-dimensional globe. That’s the whole trick. ^^

    That’s why I was wondering why they would block out radar images of the clouds, because they’re not at all photographs. So my guess was interferences with the object with a radar system.

    But what I got out of the channelings is the following: It’s most certainly a light ship that’s in this moment in another dimension, and will come into this for us to see. So there’s nothing involved with cloaking or stealth technology, so that the object could cause interferences.

    Still a mystery though. ^^

    By the way, with “sources” I meant some beings of another origin than earth. xD But hey, thx dax, it basically confirmed my “theory”. ^^


    @UFOBelieve wrote:

    Hey mate,

    I’m sorry to dissapoint you. Google Earth has nothing to do with live images. ^^ When you zoom down to one location you can see the copyrights for the particular image at the bottom of the screen. It’s just photographs being laid over a 3-dimensional globe. That’s the whole trick. ^^

    Ahh bummer. 🙁

    Oh well no biggie. It just would’ve been interesting to see how large the ship would’ve spanned across part of the globe.


    Wait till you read Blossoms new channeling!!!!!!!! Just read it!!!!


    Sorry guys, tried to copy and paste, but for some reson my computer refused to do it!!!!! Please go there and read it!


    Patte, I had to go find this, you seem so excited! 😆

    What a great message… I posted it on this thread.


    Interesting post from Brad at http://10-14-08.blogspot.com/, particularly the update. There are supposed to be a couple of images where I’ve written the word – Image. I can’t get them inserted here so if you want to look at them just follow the above link.

    A satelite glitch…Are you sure?


    It’s been since the beginning of October since we have seen these so-called “shape glitches” that the skeptics prefer to call them. Yet we are seeing similarities in other satelite images other than from Google Earth. There’s no question now that this is far more than just a simple glitch. But what does it mean?

    – Is something being covered up that somebody doesn’t want us to see?
    – Is it indeed an anomaly we are seeing from a spacecraft?
    – Why are the shapes so perfectly proportioned?

    The Current Google Earth Image:

    The idea of the “diamonds” reference could play a potential role here. With current estimated measurement using Google Earth, this “diamond” spans well over 4000 miles from tip to tip vertically:


    Are we sure this is only going to be a one mile spacecraft, a 2000 mile spacecraft, a 4000 mile spacecraft? Regardless of what various channellers, UFO abductees and psychics have said, the size has always been generated within a state of flux. My friends, we may have no idea of the size of the vessel until October 14th.

    But as I’ve said before, in all the times I’ve used Google Earth, nothing like this has ever appeared before. It’s something we just shouldn’t throw on the backburner. This should be investigated and should have a close eye kept on it on a day to day basis until the 14th.

    Only 5 more days until those who believe (myself included) see for themselves, and the skeptics will see the very thing they thought they would have never of seen in this lifetime.


    UPDATE: I found this post in the comments rather interesting. A poster named “lilrose” stated the following:

    “Brad, thanks, for this, I know someone who worked for NATO and defense department… they told me that The Department of Defense gets first dibs on what goes out on all satellite images and if there is anything there that they do not want us to see, they are blocked out ‘for security reasons’. So no matter where the images are coming from… whatever it is they do not want us to see is blocked off. It has nothing to do with putting together ‘snapshots’ from previous days, or angles of the satellite images… these shapes were not there previously and they take photos daily and they have the technology to cover the whole globe. There is a coverup.”

    I have a strong feeling that lilrose is correct. Like I’ve said guys. I’ve used Google Earth in the past, and nothing like this has ever come up before. People can offer their ‘explanations’ about multiple photos causing shapes and bla, bla, bla, bla…I’m not buying it. This is a strange phenomenon that is happening on Google Earth, and on other satelites as well…And it’s not going to get dismissed. We really need to not throw this aside and say, “oh, well it’s just a glitch.” I think with this being the 8th day of these occurences, a mere ‘glitch’ is definitely irrational thinking.

    Another clue lilrose stated was about Blossom’s book named “Snapshot.” And she had no idea why it’s called that. It has also been stated that Blossom’s wikipedia page is gone as well. And still no forms of blip within the main media on this at all. Guys, wake up and smell the cover up coffee.



    That first image looks a little suspect, with a “blue beam” surrounding it… but this is a breathtaking collection of images, anyway.

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