I came across this channeling today on Abundanthope.net.
Esu Makes a Few More Comments on Martial Law
By Esu via Jess
Sep 28, 2008, 21:39
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9-28-09 B
Esu, do you want to comment on this statement of martial law?
I don’t have much more to say than what you know. This is a type of legislative procedure that allows the few in Congress to ram the bill through to pay off the Bush interests. The strings are being pulled and all the favors are being called in. Bush and company have lost their vast accumulated assets and they are desperate to have some cash liquidity to pay off the debts they have squandered recently. This bail out is to prevent their having to post bail. It was curiously named.
The money is purely to help those in power, not to help the banks or prevent further decline. As I said before, this is an inappropriate and misguided action.
We don’t know how this will play out. We are waiting to see what actions people take. The military is standing by to act in opposing ways. They also can be placed in key positions to control the crowds if the bailout continues as it has been planned. Nothing is determined precisely. People need to act now to prevent military action from escalating into a full scale take over. They need to talk to their representatives, and they need to force the media to pay attention to what is actually happening. A loud enough protest by enough people will be noticed and reported on despite the conditioning they are operating under.
As I said earlier today, the time to act is now. The time to say “No” is now.