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Home Forums Messages From Beyond Popular Channeled Messages …Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and Galactic Fe

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    …Feb. 10, 2009…


    Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation
    8 Batz, 19 Yax, 4 Eb

    Selamat Jarin! We come again, filled with joy at what we have to report. At present, you are moving into a most curious phase of your history. Heavenly forces are at work to transform your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual selves back into galactic humans. This operation has its counterpart in what is happening to Mother Earth. These momentums have conjoined to make this time unique in your history, with millions of you now awakening each week from your deep slumber. This march toward a higher consciousness mirrors what is happening throughout your solar system and, indeed, all over this galaxy. All your lives are marked by the many-leveled changes taking place. You are living through a time when most of your major societal institutions are undergoing great systemic collapse, which is in fact a precursor to a series of vast economic, political, and societal reforms. This concatenation of factors is another reason why we have long referred to this period as an important transformational watershed in your history.

    Your dark cabalists have long seen this march to full consciousness coming. What they failed to achieve was a means to stop the inevitability of this shift, and so your lives are now being much affected by local, national, and global upheaval. This has left you reeling as you cast around for ways to adjust to what is happening. We watch everything closely while you search for solutions. Many of you recognize the significance of what is happening and are demanding a meaningful change of direction for your society. Your protests against the same outworn solutions have helped many of the newly awakened ones to rethink their own conventional wisdom. This exploration of alternatives whizzes around the Internet, permitting many to discover and agree with a number of possible reforms for the present unworkable conditions. Many political and economic bodies are also openly discussing a similar range of proposals with each other. This widespread investigation is converging on the same conclusions contained in the reforms of our Earth allies.

    The drive to restructure your present collapsing reality is coming from many quarters, including academia, reform-minded institutions, and a collection of your more savvy heads of state. They recognize that a major systemic collapse is happening. The thinking required for repairing this level of damage cannot stem from the discredited philosophies which got you into this mess in the first place; wholly novel approaches must not only mend the damage but also allow the emergence of a very different worldview. It is this that our Earth allies courageously champion. And even these unprecedented reforms merely constitute a transitional phase that can facilitate the advent of first contact. If you look carefully, the trend is clear to see. At present, all this is just below the radar, waiting to come into view. Those in charge swamp your world with corruption, deceit, and betrayal that is frightful to watch. This all needs to be expunged, followed by a new direction kick-started by Heaven’s abundance.

    Our Earth allies are assiduously focused on the remaining tasks. Several sticking points keep frustrating them: These arise from the avarice, misplaced loyalties, and downright perversions that characterize many of those in the upper echelons of your political and economic institutions. Most of these warped individuals have been removed, and an environment conducive to the many urgent reforms and other sweeping changes to your reality is currently being created. Our Earth allies know at firsthand what a challenge their quest has been. Given the magnitude of the changes required and the intractability of the planetary conditions, they were looking at a very protracted and circuitous undertaking. Early on, a series of unique maneuvers was agreed upon. Within this equation was of course us. This constituted a balancing-act for them, in which they had to reconcile and meld the information we provided for them with the present Earth worldview.

    Adapting to the nature of the dark cabal and its daily operating procedures was central to our allies’ success. On top of this came the need to accommodate the deep changes being made to each one of you. Heaven had a plan, and soon our Earth allies and we had one too. We have combined these two into a master plan for this preparatory stage of first contact. As you know, this first contact operation is far from usual. You are considered by Heaven to be “special” and we have therefore used many resources outside of normal procedures. Every person from our fleet embedded in your society is studying your world from the standpoint of contact. From their recommendations we compiled a list with which we are complying. Based on this list, the operation has been reordered into three stages. We are presently completing stage one, in which our Earth allies are to bring us to the brink of direct, mass first contact.

    Stage two is the actual mass contact operation. Here, we drew up a whole range of points for our counselors to discuss with you. We have lots of information for you, and then we wish to mentor you through the actual move into full consciousness. It is helpful for us to view this prospect as both exciting but also a little bit surreal. Let us explain: Your society, to us, is marinated in contradiction. Incongruous and illogical customs seem literally to define you. And no one seems able to acknowledge the strangeness that riddles your society. This was one of the more striking qualities of your cultures for our embedded personnel, and they are now quite adept at adjusting to these idiosyncrasies. This knowledge is helping us to formulate our first moments with you. It is important that you perceive us as friendly. To this end a number of your odd cultural nuances have been taught to our fleet personnel.

    For example, in many galactic cultures certain gestures are not considered either hostile or unfriendly. A comparison can be made with the custom, common to many Polynesian societies, of sticking the tongue out and screaming, which for them is a sign of friendship but which was viewed by most in the West as a hostile act. We quickly collated the results of a number of research projects on your many greeting protocols and then divided up our initial meeting with you into global sections. We also learned that starting a conversation with you is governed by specific verbal rules, and these too have been incorporated into our greeting ritual. First impressions are very important. After all, we come from societies that are undoubtedly strange to you too. Once we are acquainted, this mutual strangeness will fade, and we can begin the “getting to know you” part of first contact.

    We wish the moment when you discover that you are not alone to be a joyous one. We wish you to know that you are on the verge of a destiny that is truly wonderful! Over the past decades, we contacted a number of individuals in order to get you used to the idea that we are here and that we bring a series of important messages to deliver to you. Now we are in pre-first-contact mode. Besides giving you brief overviews, like this one, of what is going on in your world and what we are doing, the next step includes vast interconnected, substantial change on your world. This clears the way for first contact to be as smooth and successful an operation as possible. Together, we are indeed Victorious!

    Today, we discussed what is being done to manifest the much-needed changes on your world as quickly as possible. As always, we are fully committed to this process. We look forward to meeting you soon and working with you toward your metamorphosis into Galactic Humans! Know, dear Ones, in your Heart of Hearts that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

    Planetary Activation Organization | Mailing Address: P. O. Box 4975, El Dorado Hills, California 95762 USA
    Voicemail: 808-573-3110 | Fax: (808) 573-2867 | E-mail: info@paoweb. com | Website address: http://www.paoweb.com


    Sheldon Nidle is on Rumor Mill News Radio today at 11am PST. Here is the link to Rumor Mills News Radio:

    I’ll be listening… 😀



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