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    by Anica
    posted by Maryann Rada June 28, 2009 at http://changingaddress.wordpress.com

    Sanity is not always part of the experience of living as an embodied human. From time to time, insanity breaks out, and you find your world is in a state of chaos. This, it is understood, is called war. War is nothing new to Earth, nor is it unique to Earth. War has been raging in the stars as long as the stars have shone and that is true not only of your home galaxy but of many. Before the experience of peace can be enjoyed, the experience of war must, in some way, be endured. The place of peace is not truly experienced until not-peace is known. In knowing war, the experience of peace is perfected. The peace that passes beyond the ability of most humans confronted with war to understand can only be gained through the experience of losing everything to mayhem, on some level. Let’s take a look at the phenomenon of war from a slightly elevated perspective, and perhaps we will be able to keep the focus on love.

    The wars between the forces in opposition-you may call that evil and virtuous, or dark and light, or more accurately honor and pride — began in the beginning of the thought of I AM in duality. When that was, we cannot accurately say, other than it is a part of creation. The current wars raging on your planet are outgrowths of the original conflicted state of awareness and have evolved through many twists and turns into the struggle between the haves and the have-nots. If this is to change, and it is, people everywhere must recognize in themselves the fundamental reality that having is not the same as taking, and not-having is not the same as being without support. There is nothing that can separate you from the source of all being, not poverty, war, or death of the body. However you may try to prove that wrong, you cannot. Even now, the war machine is losing its balance and faltering. Which way will it finally crumble and fall? That is a point of much debate.

    For now, war is a reality everyone must deal with in some way or another. We, too, must deal with battles — though not so much in the “Star Wars” kind of way. For us, it is knowing what we must do and staying aware of the unpredictable nature of free will. We have our own history of skirmishes and intrigue, and we have our own lessons to master regarding what might be called the oppression of the human race. So do you. War is one of them, and the final exam fast approaches. Study well now the ways of peace and the ways of war will find their resolution. The only question is this: If the only way to survive means the end of who you know yourselves to be, do you go willingly forward into oblivion? Or do you relinquish the ways of war and go willingly into transformation? For some, these questions are identical. We say they are not. To relinquish the ways of war is to cast aside both the veil of deception and the shackles of victimhood. Will you choose freedom? It is in your power.

    There is only one true war. We have to be very careful here, not to mislead you. When there is discord among the separate embodiments of I AM, either as an individual or as a collective, the seeds of war are present. They are nurtured by polarity, and mature into weeds. No other polarization within the realm of duality exists which does not result in war, to some degree. Yet there is no other way, in the world of duality, to achieve a real understanding of peace. Bridging this apparent dichotomy in experience is the path of Nine through chaos. There is a way to perfection within the imperfect. How to access it is to be willing to open your heart to love’s obliteration of duality and hence, of war.

    Will you? Much depends on your ability to conquer fear through love and open the dark places of your heart to the light of awareness. It shines in each embodied soul, and fills the field of reality with its essence. To resist its natural inclination to enlighten is to choose death over life, and to reject the innate divinity of the self. It is the choice of life over death that brings one into the fullness of fear, not the other way around. To confront life is to confront fear. To conquer fear is to conquer death, for it is fear that keeps one from fully living. Death is merely a transition of form. You cannot run away from death, but you can — and many do — run away from life into death’s arms. From there, life finds them again. We say, do not be afraid of transformation, for it is ever into life which you evolve.

    The wars of Earth will end, as will the wars within the heart of one in conflicted awareness of the reality of the divine. Sanity is beckoning. Peace awaits. So do we.


    Beautiful picture 🙂 .

    Yes , yes and yes to Life and Anica’s flow …..I feel so close(close is not he word, It Is ) to Anica’s way of seeing things, I feel a common Mother thought pattern. I am certainly a part of her We.


    I was thinking of sport recently, the money put into it, the Mamoth broadcast , the crowds and the chaotic frequencies of separation, how millions of us are kept slave of a programmed win and lose pattern with a line in the middle, when only one team out of a hundred will reach the short Ego bliss of victory. All this is certainly keeping millions of brains with neurons trapped in a certain frequency bandwave .
    I wonder what games the pleiadians have birthed as their civilisation overcame duality?
    What is the futur of NBA, tennis ,football and their transmuted version of a Love peace sharing game with the spice of challenge?


    Really awesome post, Opal. I’m enjoying Anica’s perspective a lot.

    I love the dichotomy that she speaks to: The fact that life IS change. And we fear death so we retreat from change. Ironically in our fear of death we resist change and therefore are actually inviting and creating death. If we are to embrace life then we must embrace change including the change of form that is death. Then we really get LIFE.

    Just out of curiosity, Opal… I am interested in why you feel you have moved from speaking for the Nine as a group to speaking for Anica. Is it the more “personal” approach that Anica seems to bring? A more personal relationship between you and her? Just wondering…


    @ jam: yes you certainly are part of her We!

    @ Zing: Yeah, there is a lot to chew on there about life and death. I’m glad you find resonance with her message, and thank you for the questions. Anica is a Pleiadian human, whereas the Renegades are a collective, a group voice… though no less human than Anica, or you or I. More so, I would guess! 😆 Which is where we are heading. I began receiving communication from her bang on the money right after October 14 of last year, a date which may ring a bell. She quite boldly introduced herself (as Anica Bintarilo ta Colinion) and we began settling into what was to become another evolution of the work I’m doing. Here’s a tidbit from her, from last month’s newsletter, a note called “Getting to Know You”:

    The best part of waiting to finally meet you in person is getting acquainted first. I have a window into your world, as I can read your energetic story and learn about you. So I will tell you about myself and you can learn about me and my people.

    I am, like you, human. My work is to serve as an ambassador to your planet. I represent the people who serve on a spacefaring vessel called MMM 5 Life Force Knowledge, or in our language Eho-ka-ta-il. MMM is a designation of the elementary classification of our ship, which is of the diplomatic type. MMM represents the planet of our origin, in league with other planets who recognize a common purpose and intent – sort of a federation, but we call it Arco-ki-il, which translates in English to “League of Light. Ours is one of many ships of our class and purpose. Other types of vessels are in your skies, and just beyond. There are many kinds of planets and people represented in the other vessels, each with a message for the people of Earth.

    I, Anica, carry a message to you from the League of Light and of Nine, which is, we are here to bring home our people and to help the keepers of the frequencies of the awakening have their light perfected by sharing the knowledge of the science of Nine. We are here in peace and with great love and respect for all humans. We have waited for a long time to greet you openly. The time of our meeting is near. How that meeting goes is under consideration, as to the final details. It’s all so intriguing, isn’t it? Know that we are ready, and we are waiting only for a few crucial elements to be in place before full contact is initiated.

    Now, I will keep a hand near the pen as much as possible in the next several weeks, and write as often as I can and my scribe is able. Keep reading, and stay tuned, because some big changes are coming soon. We will update you as things unfold. As they do unfold, remain secure in the knowledge that each one of you on the planet is loved, and find peace between each other and within yourself.

    Au revoir,

    To clarify an answer to your question, I have been channeling Nine not as a group of nine beings or otherwise as a separate entity, but Nine as the perfecting tendency of what is, as part of the weave of reality. There’s a whole Science of Nine that’s unfolding in the writings, which I am really looking forward to getting more into. But basically, if you consider the weave of reality to be made up of 8 basic types of experience, Nine is what runs through all of them to lead you toward perfection / divinity / wholeness. Here:

    OM does not rely on a pocket calculator to determine the nature of Nature, but creates according to the knowingness of I AM. All that is is because I AM exists in everything and is in the essence of everything as divinity itself. I AM is what makes water wet, what makes joy happy, what makes home. I AM is how OM is known. I AM my self alone is a statement of the function of One. A statement of the function of Two would be I AM someone in relation to other than my self. A statement of the function of Three would be I AM of a derivative. Of Four, I AM part of. Of Five, I AM engaged with reality in a particular form. Of Six, I AM in search of Source. Of Seven, I AM within framework of understanding. Of Eight, I AM united with other. Of Nine, I AM.

    So Nine is sort of an elemental source from which the Pleiadians (and who knows who else) whom I am in contact with derive their understandings of What Is. A font of wisdom. The love that weaves through everything.


    That is an awesome explanation, thank you Opal. I get it now. It would very much appear to me that my Adamu is a personality construct which acts as a mask through whom I am talking also to Nine. Like… we are speaking to the same intelligence but mine is filtered through a persona that is known to me. Which might explain the general resonance.

    So Anica is a currently incarnated Pleiadian human who is right now on a ship somewhere in the earth’s surrounds and she has come on a diplomatic mission from the Pleiades to meet us. How awesome is that?!? I am SO looking forward to meeting our star family. And I greatly look forward to reading more of her messages in preparation for that happy day of meeting!


    Hm, and as there’s also the parallel-thing going on with 8 and Nine, I wonder if Anica and Adamu know each other? 😆 Now that’d be interesting!


    lord i am so happy to be back, its amazing the instant excitement i feel when i read all you guys words. I am off to bed now with renewed wonderment!

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