I watch many time this crop circle episode in Discovery channel but I am not satisfied he has to proved answer about that. He said peoples has to done this craps circle but i how it is possible in one night? Some was very typical circle so I don’t believe her answer. I think might be possible UFO.
It seems only one machine but its not looking in picture but I think it can possible.Because the light area setup it would become in mind, But great shot man and I am very impress.
Hey I just watched your video which you have to given here link..It was really awesome funny video. The man was very scary with women driving. Really Still I am laughing.
Hey friends any one has to saw here The kingdom movie? I just saw this movie last night .it was really awesome movie, the concept was in the movie is battle with American army and terrorist but Director had to watched in a short way,
Hey I just saw your video recently. I am very impress watch to your collection video , Its really great, The video behind the story it was told to us we should have to beware to natural accident.
Hey I just saw your video recently. I am very impress watch to your collection video , Its really great, The video behind the story it was told to us we should have to beware to natural accident.