“You are weaving networks of consciousness across great distances, whether physical, geographic, or ideological, and the pull of your desire for interaction with a greater reality becomes ever more inevitable.”
When you ask for an extraterrestrial presence to show up in your collective-awareness real-world level of direct observation, it is only natural that such a presence will, eventually, show itself to you on a collective, global level of interaction. The call emanates not only from one individual’s heart, but from the collective heart of a people united in their desire to change the reality currently holding the attention of the populace. If an individual here and another there and another somewhere else hold that desire, individually, we applaud the renegade thinkers and encourage them to come together as a harmonic unit to practice together the fine art and high science of changing reality. When a collective of people who hold a similar harmonic vision employ desire as a creative tool, not as an attachment but as a magnetic force present in all things, the potential for change is more irresistible and it more easily comes into being. You are weaving networks of consciousness across great distances, whether physical, geographic, or ideological, and the pull of your desire for interaction with a greater reality becomes ever more inevitable. Do you see where we’re going with this? It need not be anything more organized than knowing others share your desire for contact with a family of galactic proportions. Of course, you may celebrate any way you like the joy of collective creation, but we are saying it is not necessary to stress yourselves out over this. It will happen.
When you do finally see something you know is not of the planet’s origin, you will know that enough of your people have connected to the network of light to pull away the veil that separates our worlds. No email alert will be necessary, no phone call, no television emergency broadcast message. You will know, and all will be well. Those who are in tune with contact will be of great help to those who wait until we are undeniably in front of their eyes to awaken to a greater reality. We encourage you to look within your hearts and meet that part of you which understands the nature of our reality as seeing becomes believing, connect with your heart to those who yet cannot believe, and as a people awake and aware choose to see a new reality imagined into being in which the whole of humanity comes together to welcome a greater part of themselves into the collective understanding of what “human” means.
Our brothers and sisters, we are here. We see light growing as more people sense our presence in peace, joy and perfect timing. This shall be, and your world will change according to the force and nature of your desire. Feel the pull?