Pleiadian Renegades through Amanda R. Ryan
“If you can picture yourself in a place of beauty, serenity, joy and peace, you’re halfway home. Then you’ll get a good look at a Pleiadian world.“
June 5, 2008
First thing you would notice, if you visited a world of relative parallel singularity-wise positioning to yours is the absence of noise. No mechanical hums, no lawn mowers, no airplanes. Only music, nature’s song, and voices. If there is anything akin to noise, that might be the sound of work on the computer. Computers on our world are relics of an era in which it was not yet permitted that we have mental access to each other or the main library directly. Eventually, they and all the data contained in them was amassed into human consciousness and the human race became one with the ones who had gone before them into the initiation of light. Thus, Pleiadians gained a new aspect of beingness, as those who had been happily (or not-so-happily) calling themselves human saw themselves mansioned in Pleiadian consciousness more and more. Then there was light, then they became Pleiadian. This happened long ago, and it happens again soon. Are you ready for that? If you can picture yourself in a place of beauty, serenity, joy and peace, you’re halfway home. Then you’ll get a good look at a Pleiadian world.
However, you are asked to consider the picture of paradise as a mere symbol for the reality. In the picture, you lose the interplay of light and shadow that exists in 3-D. In your mental picture, you lack only the dimension of light as a substance, as love, and seeing that makes even the most vivid imagining seem flat.
May we say how supportive we are of you now? Your power is the most potentially earth-changing than ever. What do you choose to focus on? Have you considered the possibility that your only mode of expression has meant that the mind has been compartmentalized? Through recognizing the pattern of destruction and rebirth, you become able to make decisions based on peace instead of fear. Nothing really dies, but everything undergoes transformation to be created anew. You aren’t who you’ve been taught in school. We have visited you before, brothers, sisters, kin. Your planet is coming to the time of light initiation once again. What you see is what you get. Mom and Dad are waiting for you to bring you the message that you are loved.
So for now, you are in two worlds, one of earthly familiarity and one of Pleiadian promise. When your planet approaches the great light, you will see the difference between the two and have a chance to make a different world your own. Then, our brothers and sisters and kin, you will call yourselves by a new name. Then you will see how the day breaks when the light from the central sun polarizes love and peace to the tear-drop shape of liquidity. Then you will be able to call yourselves Pleiadian, for the resonance of Alcyone will awaken your sleeping crystalline DNA and light will be your substance. No matter. We are love. You are love. Begin to see that coming to be your reality. Come what may, our words are lacking our voices, you’ll be able to hear us in your own hearts.