Coming upon a duty of conscience or liberating adoration of OM innately triggers a natural contractual and a priori-arranged sonorous harmony which is felt as an unbridled manic recognition of a dream coming into new being. In the common language of man, it is a rush. In the more rarefied language of the mental understanding of man, it is noumena experienced as phenomena. In our language, a language of the spirit, it is a doorway to the heart of God experiencing life in musically perfect harmonics with soul serving OM. Duty, honor, nobility and other virtuous aspects of being are the notes, and love is the melody shaped as the “me” you are and it is this interplay of IS that one might say acts as a bringer of life to the time-based life experience. In one instant, a person can come to a point of drenching understanding of the essence of service to OM. Sane duty-bound doers of what is called to them to do by an inner urging of that part of them which only seeks harmony with all and every part of OM are free to act as they wish, neither worried about doing wrong yet always aware of the borderline between free will and bold opposition to borders or limitations of any kind in the fulfillment of obligations made on the other side of the corporeal reality they operate in. Contracts such as those entered into on the side of time on which OM exists in solidarity with creation in concert with the harmonic essence of IS — as opposed to the side of time in which you dwell, never in full awareness yet ever striving towards it — such contracts do not bind one from living freely, but open doorways to the essential being from which all life springs. You are most alive and most free to create at such points in your life. Contracts only exist as binding when they originate on your side of time. Otherwise, they are reminders of your essential divine union with the loving, living source of all, OM.
on August 25, 2008
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