Knowledge of right and wrong, good and evil, nice and naughty are all constructs of the bifurcated human mentality. They are simply brainwave-based thought patterns that correspond to a particular frequency-based experience or other and the resultant judgment categorizing each experience into neat boxes for future reference. A mental rut leads to each of the opposing polarities, generalizing even the most complex life experiences as either This or That. Such driven thinking as this is unsuited for the more subtle realms of thought which skirt the abodes of certainty based on “both or neither”. To navigate such realities, one must allow one’s mind to embrace “both and neither”, in which case the neat little boxes of judgment get thrown out the window. Energetically speaking, an ending will always signal a beginning, a choice will beget an opportunity, and certainty and questions are always entwined. To look at a thing with the intent to see only one side is to have the moral branch of the tree of truth without the trunk, roots or leaves. Thus the moral man is left holding a stick but little else of consequence. For more insight, see nexus.
on August 25, 2008
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