Hey all, Ever wonder what your “rights” actually are? This video gives a small percent of what you can do if you know W H O Y O U A R E. I’ve been researching different aspects of evolution and freedom for years now and can now say with confidence that I believe Sovereignty is […]
Read moreEver wanted to know the truth about the Sunshine Vitamin? Apparently, Sunscreen does more harm than good, and the Government Recommended Daily Intake seems to be many MANY times to low. Vitamin D positively impacts cancer patients, improves recovery rate in many diseases, and even helps our body fight off simple old cold and flu. As an immune […]
Read moreOMMM Reiki MI is a synergy of healing methods integrated into a holistic approach to self-healing. OMMM Reiki MI includes the use of Reiki, both Tibetan and Usui methods through Chikara-Reiki-Do (Which is an integrated form of Reiki that allows Masters to attune themselves through using Living Water.), Emotional Freedom Techniques, Hawaiian Ho’oponopono, and Solfeggio […]