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Home Forums Creative Endeavors Express Yourself A Postcard: To the Comm-Unity of Light & Zingdad

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    Hello Everyone! 😀
    As a way of unwinding from the stress and boredom of my studies, I like to make postcards for friends and family. Most of the time they are either made with photos or cut-outs from a magazine but sometime I use random news articles for these postcard collages. And this is one of them from a news magazine called “The Week”:

    Message: Life is sometimes disappointing and quite judgemental. But take heart in knowing that someday soon the light of truth will shine through the ice-cold darkness of yesteryear. But also remember that the best medicine for the dishearten people of the world is a warm cup of renewing optimism!

    I know that this is long over due and would have been more appropriate had I posted it earlier but I guess now is better than never.



    Thank you clever_sky…very nice. 😀



    What a gift you have!


    Very neat! I appreciate your present. 🙂

    And also a nice message it in. For me it mirrors the steady awakening of people. People begin to consider the unconsidered – could it be true that our thoughts actually have an effect on things like our body temperature or generally the emotional state we are in?

    That was nice to read. Thx for that. =)


    Awesome stuff, thank you so much clever_sky. It certainly has been an interesting time, hasn’t it? I don’t know about anyone else but this has been the most polarising period of my life. All the icky doubt and fear stuff pulled in one direction and all the powerful and liberating love and joy stuff pulled in the other. It has become very clear to me how we really create our own reality with elements of either love or fear. And how I had been creating with a mixed collection. As a result of the events of this period I have come to see clearly that it no longer serves me to use fear and doubt and pain at all any more. So it has actually been pretty amazing. No more leaving myself out in the cold, clever_sky! 🙂 Thanks for the postcard! Big hugs to you!


    @Annu wrote:


    Thank you clever_sky…very nice. 😀


    Aw~! You’re welcome Annu! 🙂


    @opalescent wrote:

    What a gift you have!

    Thanks but really isn’t anything special, I just thought everyone could use an artistic pep talk. I find, from my own personal experience, that visual art can sometimes be a good Band-Aid for the defeated and emotional wounded at heart. Sorry, if that doesn’t make any sense. 😆


    @UFOBelieve wrote:

    Very neat! I appreciate your present. 🙂

    And also a nice message it in. For me it mirrors the steady awakening of people. People begin to consider the unconsidered – could it be true that our thoughts actually have an effect on things like our body temperature or generally the emotional state we are in?

    That was nice to read. Thx for that. =)

    I’m glad you liked it UFOBelieve!
    And if I were to venture a guess, I would say ‘yes’ but I don’t think it’s anything new. Maybe people are just becoming more aware of that relationship between the mind and body, perhaps? Anyway here’s another, slightly older, article that I think you might also be interested in. But I can’t help but wonder if the ‘placebo effect’ has an influence in this:



    @Zingdad wrote:

    Awesome stuff, thank you so much clever_sky. It certainly has been an interesting time, hasn’t it? I don’t know about anyone else but this has been the most polarising period of my life. All the icky doubt and fear stuff pulled in one direction and all the powerful and liberating love and joy stuff pulled in the other. It has become very clear to me how we really create our own reality with elements of either love or fear. And how I had been creating with a mixed collection. As a result of the events of this period I have come to see clearly that it no longer serves me to use fear and doubt and pain at all any more. So it has actually been pretty amazing. No more leaving myself out in the cold, clever_sky! 🙂 Thanks for the postcard! Big hugs to you!

    😀 I’m so glad that you liked it! I usually make these sorts of cards for friends (currently living far away), who are having a hard time whether it’s due to school related issues or quarrels in within social circles. Just to let them know that they aren’t alone and not to given to despair.

    And I completely agree with you! For I, too am experiencing the same effects, but I’m having a harder time parting from the negative. Yes, I’m the dual opposite of my words, I’m good at inspiring others just not myself. 🙁

    Say how does one let one’s self go? I mean I’ve never really tried mediation before however I get this distinct feeling that it might be the key to healing my mind but I’m a bit scared of letting go of control. What sort of beginning mediation techniques would you recommend?


    Clever_sky I assure you nothing weird is going to happen to you if you meditate. You are totally in control of what happens. I would suggest, if anything, you will come to see the illusion of control that you currently cling to is redundant. All is perfect. And yes, if there is one key to finding yourself then I think it might be meditation.

    Is suspect there are as many techniques as there are meditators! But for you a beginner I’d try something very simple. How about this:

    1. It’s often a good idea to start when you are as comfortable and relaxed as possible. After a gentle walk or a nice bath is good. Many can’t do it before bed time because they fall asleep but I find that ideal. Be prepared to experiment a bit. Commit to at least 10 minutes every day. One meditation in six weeks is only going to frustrate you.
    2. Release all expectations of what you think will or could happen in the meditation. Agree with yourself that this is simply a time-out-of-time which is sacred to you becasue you make it so. Agree with yourself that expectations will just get in the way.
    3. Dress in loose fitting clothes. Lie down comfortably. Take a three deep breaths. Deep, deep as you can. hold for a few counts and release your days stress with the breath out.
    4. Focus you attention on the muscles in your feet. Tell yourself to relax those muscles. When they are relaxed move your attention to your ankles and relax. Then to your calves and relax. Do this sequentially with every muscle group all the way up your body. Make sure each group is totally relaxed before you move on. remeber to get the muscles of your front and your back. stay a bit longer than normal in relaxing the shoulders and the neck. We normally keep a lot of tension there. Then also be sure to relax even your scalp and facial muscles. By this point your body should be feeling really yummy and relaxed.
    5. Now you can begin to meditate. The idea is to lull your ego-will to sleep whilst keeping your spirit-mind awake. There are a number of tricks that can help to achieve this. One of the easiest is to count your breaths. You breath in while counting to three and then you breathe out while counting to four. And you just do this over and over and over. If your mind wanders or if you forget to count or if you are distracted then it is important that you don’t get mean with yourself. Simply start again. There is no actual destination here. The practice of meditating itself is a wonderful thing. But it is something you need to get the hang of. So you might find it feeling a bit silly at first. Just do your 10 minutes and come at it again tomorrow. “If you do this every day for three weeks you will know why you needed to do this”. I first told this to a friend years ago to motivate her to stay with it. It was just something I made up. It wasn’teven three weeks and she came back to me glowing about how she was finding healing and peace. So now I tell everyone that asks me about meditation this. And almost every single person that has stuck with it has told me before the three week mark that this was true. So I make the prediction for you too. tell me if it’s true, okay?


    …people have asked me where do I go when I meditate…and I answer how many places are there to go on the internet ?…you can do a different practice each time…you can have a different purpose each time…

    …something funny that someone said…teaching yourself how to meditate is like teaching a puppy to be house broken…
    …one of the first things you come up against is the monkey-mind…you know , that chattering that doesn’t seem to stop…

    …well witha puppy …you can scream at it and beat it …but this usually confuses the puppy and he relates you to pain…or you put the puppy on the newspaper and when he leaves you put him back…and keep patienty returning him to the paper…eventually he gets the idea…but hith a LOT of patience on your part…

    …so you sit down to meditate …….and then your ear itches…lovingly put the puppy back on the paper…
    …then you think about the grocery list that you started………lovingly put the puppy back on the paper…
    …then you remember that you promise to call your mom……..you get the idea…

    …after a while…and you Must be patient and loving with yourself…your mind will run out of distractions …
    …at first just focus on being calm…
    …people say to focus on and count your breaths…

    …I am going to let this post rest at this point…there is more …much more beyond this but I will let someone else pick up now…

    …one thought …maybe these should be moved to a new board and thread that focusses specifically on Meditation…
    …who is Moderateing this board ?…

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