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- This topic has 13 replies, 7 voices, and was last updated 15 years, 7 months ago by
June 17, 2009 at 4:02 pm #7021
ParticipantThe marketing team behind the November 2009 release of Roland Emmerich’s “2012” has designed a very sleek hoax website called The Institute for Human Continuity (http://www.instituteforhumancontinuity.org/). Seems the film’s marketers might be attempting to pull the wool over John Q. Public akin to Orson Wells’ infamous “War of the Worlds” radio broadcast. Have a look at the site — particularly the public service announcement video! Namaste, Mathew
June 18, 2009 at 3:13 pm #12621Will
Participant…ought to be very good for the guy selling the “Lottery” tickets…
June 18, 2009 at 8:12 pm #12622mathewdhart
Participant…andl if not, at least the guys selling the movie tickets! 😉
June 18, 2009 at 10:59 pm #12623Will
Participant…they won’t get my ticket money…
…neither did the producers of The Passion…….
…( I had to be drug kicking and screaming to Angels and Demons)…
June 18, 2009 at 11:39 pm #12624mathewdhart
ParticipantMine either. I didn’t see The Passion, nor Angels & Demons. Not my thing to support those films.
June 23, 2009 at 12:13 pm #12625Zingdad
ParticipantQuite irritating that this fella is taking the whole 2012 concept and condensing it into an opportunity to show “the whole world going to shit”. That’s a direct quote of Emmerich from an interview.
With everything that is said, that is believed, that is known about 2012… the best Hollywood can come up with is a movie in which everything is destroyed? That’s the kind of plot-line I came up with when I was 10 and had just discovered how to put together crude home-made gunpowder. Kabl-OOOM! It was lots of fun. But I have grown up a bit since then. Now it’s more fun to create things and to really learn to understand things as they are. It’s a pity Hollywood seems to have their mental-emotional age stuck at pre-pubescent. For them it’s STILL about destroying things for fun. Sad.
June 23, 2009 at 8:49 pm #12626opalescent
Participant@Zingdad wrote:
Quite irritating that this fella is taking the whole 2012 concept and condensing it into an opportunity to show “the whole world going to shit”. That’s a direct quote of Emmerich from an interview.
Aye, ’tis his talent and his predilection so to do. Did it with Independence Day and The Day After Tomorrow, and totally trashed the whole Godzilla mythos in his version of the film. Still, maybe he’ll irritate a whole bunch of people into waking up from the doom scenario? “We come in peace” ain’t so much of a wake-up call for some…
June 24, 2009 at 2:11 pm #12627jamwolfsky
There are going to be catastrophies, tsunamies, earthquakes.Nothing new… 🙂 .
Maybe we could develop the tools to feel and connect with Mother earth, understand Her like the Animal world so that we can move from a dangerous area when it is most needed……Because She is going to release the 2000 years of misuse and bad treatment one day , I can feel Her exhaustion, “Enough is enough,” call, better be wise and become friends with Her Rythm before it is too late 😉 so that we can move wisely in Her environment 😉 .June 26, 2009 at 4:27 am #12628echo
ParticipantI would have to agree with the spiritual path rather than the technological one. Sounds to me like the difference is avoiding disaster and surviving it. It’s also funny to me because the IMH video looked like a political add…
July 1, 2009 at 1:07 pm #12629Wanderer
ParticipantI’m neither for or against the film. The guy behind the film certainly has his own point of view of what 2012 is about, just like everyone else. I have heard that the film is not actually about the catastrophes that you see in the trailer but more about surviving those hardships. If that’s what it’s actually about then I would think the film might actually be better than what the trailer makes it out to seem.
Opal I agree with you in regards to the films you mentioned, but look at the bright side. Independence day: yea our ET friends aren’t so friendly with their plot to take over the earth, but what happens in the end? Countries come together and unite for one common purpose – to get the bad guys out our back yard. The day after tomorrow: sort of the same thing. In the end where to most Americans end up after the crazy storm? In Mexico 🙂
I’m hoping the 2012 turns out to have at least some glimmer of truth in it and some unity amongst humanity.
July 14, 2009 at 3:17 pm #12630mathewdhart
ParticipantSorry to be contrary, Wanderer, but I am not a fan of any message (film, book or otherwise) that uses fear as a means to unity. In my opinion, these so-called entertainments condition millions of people to react with fear (to ET’s, earth changes, etc.) and as a result of that fear, should a real event take place, we, the people, are being tacitly conditioned to surrender our power and will with significantly less discernment and resistance than might otherwise be employed! Great tactic for the power-elite. Not so great for the rest of us!
July 14, 2009 at 4:51 pm #12631opalescent
ParticipantIt is, nonetheless, a projection of something that does exist within the human psyche, be it from outside influences creating a scenario that becomes learned as “what is to be expected” or from reverberations of trauma (see Michael Tsarion‘s work for a very interesting body of research on that topic alone; there are a ton of his videos on YouTube etc).
It is something to be dealt with on some level, even if it’s for someone who has always been into that sort of story line/movie experience to leave the theater after seeing it and say “That was a total waste of time.” Everyone has a choice. Surrender is a choice. There’s a whole spectrum of emotional colors to choose from in response. I find it refreshing to try one on once in a while, and gain a greater understanding of the big picture, develop some antibodies to the unhealthy contagion. Here, a redefinition of FLU:
Fear + Love = Understanding
Think too of this, that unity can be achieved as much by people moving away from something as towards something. First that something has to be recognized. Then choices can be made, myriad tiny choices like dominoes coming together to flip the switch. Perhaps there is some critical mass, where enough people watch a movie like that with the intention that all who see it see the truth behind the illusion, that they wake up. Renegade style. Then the movie becomes something other than what it appears on the surface to be. ‘Tis but a tool for wrenching open human consciousness. See, it’s already opening great cracks of light in the doom!
July 14, 2009 at 9:09 pm #12632mathewdhart
ParticipantThanks, Opal. I agree that all choices are part of the human psyche/experience. I would even go further and say none of those choices are wrong or bad (from the highest non-duality perspective). IMO, all choices do ultimately lead us in the direction of Oneness…eventually. That said, we have had generation upon generation to experience separation and suffering — let’s get over ourselves already and move on! In so far as films are concerned, I think films that contrast characters who choose separation and suffering with those who choose unity consciousness are more likely to steer people in positive ways as opposed to simply giving us examples of separation and suffering and leaving us to sort it all out on our own. In that regard, while a film like Independence Day does ultimately unite humanity against ET’s, I don’t see that as much of a giant leap forward in understanding — though I do get what you mean about occasionally trying on a lower vibration film to see how it feels and develop some antibodies…
July 14, 2009 at 9:48 pm #12633opalescent
Participant@mathewdhart wrote:
In that regard, while a film like Independence Day does ultimately unite humanity against ET’s, I don’t see that as much of a giant leap forward in understanding — though I do get what you mean about occasionally trying on a lower vibration film to see how it feels and develop some antibodies…
Yeah, exactly. After all, we’re here to experience life without fear. And you can then try watching it from the point of view of someone “getting it”, finally, that they’ve been watching a story not of might and power taking sides but of fear creating from itself an apparition of fear. Then creating a way back to love — perhaps, even, by walking out of the picture! Because, somehow, beating the ETs brought everyone back to unity in fear.
My son loves monsters. He’s 5. He loves watching Godzilla movies, and I watch them with him, and we talk about what’s really going on. Like that Godzilla is a protector, that he was made a monster by nasty bombs during a big war and even though it was the people who made him that way, he protects them, even though they fear him. That some people made this movie to show how they felt about something that had happened in the world for real, that it’s a kind of art and expression. And I always make a point of digging deeper than “That monster’s bad” to something like “That monster is greedy”, you know?
Again I have to mention Michael Tsarion, who teaches classes of children “how” to watch tv, what it is that they’re really witnessing, how to be aware of what they see. For the most part, don’t people slip into hypnosis in front of the tube, unaware of what is entering their eyeballs? Ah, we’ve all been climbing out of one pit or another!
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