Intention is a gathering purposed towards delivering a completely co-created experience that allows all inhabitants to try on the future that we wish to live-into-being.
Intention has been called Practice Heaven by folks in the past. Imagine the exact sort of world that you seek to enjoy: the sights, sounds and feelings; the relationships and communities; the learning and play; the initiatives and expressions: And then, write all of those things down and come create them with us exactly as you want them. THAT is Intention. We create a container in which all needs are met with glorious, lavish abundance (organic foods, rustic cabins, beautiful surroundings) and then we create the living experience that we have always wanted out of this life .
We do this by teaching each other through workshops, playshops, games, talks, hikes and videos that allow us to explore each facet of this expanded and aware world. We also do this by eating long and elaborate organic meals, all together, creating a stunning community tapestry. We also do this by sharing our gifts and talents with people who are giddy to receive them (everyone at the gathering). And lastly, we do this by dancing like nobody is watching, All Night Long.
Intention is not an event or a party at which you purchase your ticket and are given an experience. Intention is a framework that is useless and naked without the content contributed by every collaborator. Yes, there are workshops, playshops, games, hikes, talks, videos, teachings, structures, services, healing and stories that we share. AND, this is also the way that we extend ourselves to others and how we receive those around us. This is the core kernel of the gathering. Many of us have discovered pieces of the future that we are excited about, such as: yoga, local food, renewable energy, sustainable homes, community parenting, alternative education, holistic economies, gifting and sharing, sustainable agriculture, green jobs, personal awakening / awareness / enlightenment, spiritual existence, dance, personal wellness, art and expression, meditation, radical communication, living in community and global awakening. Intention is the place and time in which we try as many of these aspects on as we wish or just be as we are.
Intention is also an utterly Safe Space, in which absolutely EVERYONE is permitted to be perfect exactly as they are, as long as it does not include maliciousness of any kind.
We practice Radical Compassion and it works like a charm. We are welcome to shed our protective layers, built up from years of “making it” or surviving, to reveal the beams of the inner jewel that is as shiny as the day it was brought into existence. This is a space in which ultimate sharing may occur. The result is a feeling of personal and collective levity that are very rare on this earth. We bolster each other in such a way that we may carry this feeling into our worlds, alone and together. The effects are palpable, and this result has been building steam since the very first Intention gathering in Vancouver 11 years ago.