Pleiadian Renegades through Amanda R. Ryan
“Look at the demons hiding in the shadows watching how you use power. Know they seek to learn. What will you teach them?”
April 10, 2008
A matter-of-fact approach, we find, is the surest way to go without stumbling on mental constructs like philosophy or belief. Can you hang with that? It means you must let go of such things and just look at the way things are. What’s true is true at every level.
Consider this: Demons are fighting about divine power. Nothing more or less, just divine power, where it sources and where it goes. Yet those who love peace and gentleness are also fighting, in their way, for the survival of their understanding of divine power and its path. Same for non-denominational spiritual seekers on the path of recovery, who fight to demonstrate divine power in their lives. On and on it goes, for any and all. Are any wrong? No. If one were, all would be. Remember, reality is holographic. Little changes make big differences in the inner workings of the whole. Thus we approach the subject of demons. In so doing, we are asking you to come face to face with your fears and decide whether or not they live or become transformed. If the former, well, it’s been nice knowing you. But if the latter, we celebrate your arrival to a new level of understanding and experience. We enjoy parties much more than funerals, so we urge you to opt for understanding and joy. The more, the merrier!
So, if demons are fighting for the same thing anyone else is fighting for, each in their own way, what makes them different? Only the love they feel for what they call God. Man’s understanding of love is evolving to eventually know what lay in the heart of a demon, but you first need to lose your fear. Only fear keeps you from more love than you can at this point comprehend. It is only fear which makes a perfect expression of God’s experience into a spectre of awful appearance. Lose your fear. It is neither a source of strength or power.
Beginning at the close of the week, you may see opportunities arise to de-demonize certain ones you consider demonic. Game gets interesting when all the pieces look the same. What then is the point? If the black and white pieces are all suddenly grey – or better yet, each a shade of light frequency in brilliant color – what does the game become? Ponder this awhile.
Dramatic shifts become commonplace in the days that lay ahead. Uncharted terrain. A jigsaw puzzle without a picture, only color which gains definition in union with others. You are an important piece. Your understanding colors more than just your little patch of reality. It changes how all the pieces fit together in harmonic semblance of nature’s true beauty and power. Look at the demons hiding in the shadows watching how you use power. Know they seek to learn. What will you teach them?
Can you dream of demons dancing in delight, having learned the ultimate secret of love? Maybe you will dance, too. If you let go of fear, you might find you can kick up your heels a little easier. Remember, you are a being of love and power. You can reach the deepest recesses of consciousness calling out for understanding. Joy begins to dance and calls your name to love’s partnership. If fear cuts in, teach it a new two-step. Get a little crazy on the dance floor and let your true spirit move you. It feels good to no longer be in fear. You might be surprised how easy it is to make friends with the demon who’s been following your footsteps. Anything is possible. Even demons are emanations of divine knowingness, and nature’s always living, even in death. In death is new life, and in demons is new love. Teach it by being it. Love has no match but lights the fire of transformation simply by loving. Brilliant burns that fire when more love is being embraced by arms newly discovering its infinity. It is a radical transformation, a pole shift of molecular degree, that kindles itself into love’s glory of combustion and rebirth.
Random acts of love do much to alter your reality. Perhaps they alter a demon’s understanding, too. It always follows that love leads and ignorance follows, transformed by the creative power of divine knowledge of self as all. Part of God are demons, as part of love is fear. Remembrance of that is power.
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