This booklet contains 66 Astral Projection Techniques that may help you out of your body and travel to the astral planes.
We cannot guarantee the success of any of the presented techniques and we advice the reader to practice and find the technique(s) that works best for you.
We are not responsible for any damage done as a result of using the described techniques in this booklet. By using this booklet you agree to assume full responsibility and be cautious.
If you have any questions, feedback or ideas feel free to visit our forum:
Note from Annu: Before embarking on any Astral travelling or playtime in these interdimensional lands be sure to visualize protective white light or a protective circle of white light around you. I like to see this as an egg shaped light all around me. Visualize this energetic protection all around you before staring the exit techniques.
Exit Technique#1. The Girtitak Mantra
Written by JKL
Do whatever it is you do to get gooood and relaxed. As far as I know its more effective if you are deeply relaxed. Once you get to where you cant feel you body…stare into the darkness of your eyelids and proceed with this
Exhale….and say this in your head….’Giiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirrrr’
As in ‘fuuuuuuuuurrr’ or fur…
You wanna try and roll the R.
Exhale….and say ‘Tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii’
As in ‘teeeeeeeeea or tea
As in roooooock or rock…
(sounds like)..Guuuuuuuurr Teeeeeeeeea Toooooooock.
Repeat this over and over and focus only on the words and saying them in sync with your breath. But watch that you dont make yourself breathe funny cuz yer payin attention to it…again…dont actually pay attention to your breath….just continue the mantra every time you go to exhale. Do this until you pass out, get out, or get tired of tryin.
Sometimes it takes a while to notice anything.
And when you do notice sensations like tickles, or itching, or vibrations….Ignore them….they are
normal…Just forget how your body feels and get back to focusing on the mantra. Try to ignore all
sounds and sensations you may feel. All sensations you could feel are harmless and natural. It takes a
little time for your second body to separate…and there are sometimes strange sensations involved.
When you find yourself wondering off in your mind as it chatters away….just see that you have
gotten off track..and get back on track.
This tech usually produces some sort of activity be it AP/dreams/chakra‐esque activity or energy
rushes, vibrations, astral sight, etc
Exit Technique#2. Third eye escape method
List compiled by JKL
Once you are completely relaxed, concentrate on the area between your eyes on your forehead. This
is also called the “third‐eye” It has been linked with psychic abilities throughout the ages. In actuality
there is a gland in that approximate area of the head called the ‘pineal’ gland, which has been
believed to be the ‘link’ between the physical and spiritual being.
Still concentrating on this area, roll your still closed eyes upward to this position. Do not strain them,
it should not be uncomfortable. Only roll them as far back as is comfortable. While in this position
and still completely relaxed, ‘will’ yourself to leave from this position.
Do not be dissapointed if it does not work the first time, or you fall asleep before you project. Keep
practicing and you will get results!
Exit Technique#3. 6:00 AM in the morning method
Set your alarm clock for 6:00 AM and go to bed between 10:00 and 11:00 PM. When you wake up at
6, walk around the house, watch T.V., get on the computer, etc. for 20‐30 minutes until you feel fully
awake. Then go back to bed, as you drift into sleep try to stay as aware as possible. When you reach
the state where you are almost dreaming, yet still awake, then you can let yourself fall to sleep.
This may take a few days to work, but you should wake up in the desired trance state about 5‐50 minutes
after you let yourself fall to sleep. When you find yourself in the desired trance state, where you
can’t move and you hear vibrations, you can just roll over out of your body. Be sure to get away from
your body because it can pull you back in.
Exit Technique#4. The 6 Feet Method
Sounds simple to do as you picture yourself about 6 feet from yourself then ..transfer your
conscience to that form., looking about you with the eyes of that form. Then visualize the person or
place that you wish to travel too . To visit and communicate with whom you wish to talk to.
This sounds easy but takes a lot to visualize yourself in a nether body ..with all the determinations
you can muster and transfer your will to it.
Some people have a hard time and with pure determination can master astral plaining while others
have to learn to control as they have what is referred to as a loose astral body.
Exit Technique#5. Affirmation
Your subconscious mind is a powerful thing, and you can influence it by repetative subtle nightly
affirmations. These should be very positive in nature so as to decrease fear, and increase you
subconscious will to experience fully conscious astral projection. I recomend using your own words
as they will have the most meaning to you, however here is one that I wrote that I find particularly
“I am a spiritual being, and Astral Projection is a natural part of who I am. When I fall asleep tonight, I
will have an out‐of‐body experience, with no fears, and when I wish to return to my physical body, I
will do so easily. When I awaken I will remember the event in full detail, and with elation.”
Every night before you go to sleep, recite the above affirmation (or your own) to yourself three
times. For some reason three works better than any other number. More than three times seems to
increase loss of interest, and less seems to not have as strong effect on the subconscious, and after
all, the number three is believed to hold signifigant power. Just before sleep also seems to be the
time when the mind seems most open to the power of suggestion, and influence to the
Exit Technique#6. The Anchor Technique
This is another popular technique, which produces an etheric projection.
The basis of this method is to focus on an anchor point outside of the physical body. There are two
basic variations to this technique ‐ the fixed anchor, and the moving anchor.
As with all the techniques described, a deep level of relaxation is required, a number of relaxation
techniques can be found here.
Once you have reached a very deep level of relaxation (trance state), you must then use your powers
of visualisation.
Please download the ebook below to read more (60 more exit techniques!)