The Emerald Tablet, also known as the Smaragdine Table, or Tabula Smaragdina, is a compact and cryptic piece of the Hermetica reputed to contain the secret of the prima materia and its transmutation. It was highly regarded by European alchemists as the foundation of their art and its Hermetic tradition. The original source of […]
Read moreThe Return of the Annunaki Introduction Long long ago in the far reaches of space a light shone forth and a great creation came into being. A Time was created and within that time Light touched the Dark Matter, everywhere the Light touched it brought forth life. Eventually all the potential of the dark matter […]
Read moreBeHereNow The Heart Cave Best Sellers in Musical Instruments, Stage & Studio “Except ye be converted & become as little children, ye shall not enter the Kingdom of Heaven” Unless you… START AGAIN Become that Trusting OPEN SURRENDERED BEING The Energy can’t come in That is the Kingdom of Heaven THE ENERGY It is the […]
Read moreINTRODUCTION – A Future by Design Are you prepared to design the future? Although many of us feel we can prepare for our future by thinking, acting, and learning using present methods and values, nothing is farther from the truth – especially in today’s rapidly changing world. A newborn child enters a world not of […]
Read moreOahspe: A New Bible is a book announcing new revelations from God, which was produced by John Ballou Newbrough (1828–1891) by automatic writing, and which was first published by Newbrough in 1882. The title page of Oahspe describes the content of the book with these words: A New Bible in the Words of Jehovih […]
Read moreThe Key to the ONE. The Key to Ex-IS-tense.Speaking to your Subconscious mind… Acting through the Conscious mind…. Being in Unison of Mind with the ONE UNIVERSAL MIND! The material presented here is to be read very slowly. Most of it originates from very deep levels of Mind. Pause when you feel the need to […]
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