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Home Forums Messages From Beyond New Messages from the Grid …Blossom Goodchild May3,09…

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    19. May 3rd.

    Good morning to you. In the right space today to let’s see what comes
    through. I am guessing you don’t wake up (should you indeed sleep) and say
    ‘Ah Sunday… a day of rest!’ With no time or days of weeks etc … I mean …
    what is that like? And do you sleep?

    Good morning to you. Yes, a more vibrant vibration is being offered by you
    this day. Although WE do not have the time frame and work by days of the
    week, and segregation of months and years, this does not mean that we are
    not able to calculate the time frame in which you reside in upon earth. If
    we could not do this, much would go awry in our communications with you.
    Regarding sleep … it is not in the way you would think of it, although it
    would ‘appear’ that we were doing so if one was to look upon us. It is more
    of a ‘going off’ as you would say. It is like a shut down … a switch off. It
    is as if we give ourselves permission to do so in order to function in our
    fullest capacity. We would put it in a sense that if we did not do this we
    would find it difficult to ‘breath’. That is the only way we know how to
    describe it. Yet, we do not breathe in the same way as humans in the
    atmospheres of earth. It is more that our survival depends on the entrance
    through our ‘skin’ of a biospheric (?) matter that enables our bodily
    functions to circulate. We are presenting to you in your mind’s eye as if it
    is like moisture seeping through, although it is not exactly of this. It is
    as if the atmosphere in which we reside is charged with energy that keeps us
    ‘upright’. Indeed, enables us to function. We wonder if you would understand
    that in certain areas of our ship there are different atmospheres to suit
    different needs of different populous. In a sense as if ‘chambers are
    encountered to suit ones needs. ‘
    This would lead us on to speak of matters regarding respect for all living
    things. We have spoken before concerning the fact that aboard our vessel our
    many different ‘species’, from many different planets. Recruits were chosen
    to represent each ‘nation’, very much like you have governmental boards for
    individual countries on earth. These representatives coerce with each other
    in a manner of understanding of the individuality of each other’s needs. It
    is necessary to respect certain ‘necessities’ … ‘particular requirements’ of
    each ‘pride’.

    Pride? A funny term to use.

    And yet it is an appropriate one. There is not one section here that would
    consider interfering with that of anthers ways, however diverse they maybe
    from their own. Again we say it is difficult to put into your words, because
    there is so much that is unable to be explained to you. As souls upon the
    earth plane it is not comprehensible.

    And yet, would you not say that perhaps many of the ‘species’ that are part
    of you (The Federation Of Light) … are indeed souls from places that many of
    us on earth are originally from? And that we are visiting earth to help the
    change over into the new world?

    This is so, yet you must understand that the human aspect of yourselves is
    just an individual aspect of the whole of yourself … that incarnated into
    human form to help the whole. And the whole of your individual selves is
    only a part of the whole of the All.

    I understand what you are saying, but not sure how clearly it reads.

    We also spoke recently to you regarding your desire to call out to ‘home’.
    Your home that is elsewhere and yet we would also say that your soul is your
    home. But because you are not ALL of yourself down there on earth, the part
    of you that is there is calling out to be reunited with the Higher aspect
    that remains elsewhere. Also we would say that there are times when our
    vessel is far closer to you than you realise and that is another reason why
    you feel this ‘calling’. .. because you are linking up with your ‘kin’. And
    they in turn our able to connect with you in a stronger fashion because you
    are within a closer range of each other … if we may put it that way.

    Your energy companion White cloud has spoken of a time when your world as
    you live upon it ‘now’ shall be very different. A time when those from other
    worlds shall walk hand in hand along your shores with those that reside in
    the form of ‘human’.
    This merging will come about as the acceptance of Truth is recognised. When
    there is no separation. It shall be … as if … for example … if you Blossom
    were from say planet ‘zebra’, hypothetically speaking … In your future days
    it could be that the ‘form’ of the beings that reside on planet zebra would
    be able to ‘walk with you’ on earth, yet YOU would be in your human form,
    because you volunteered to be human during this transmission, and yet ‘human
    ’ is not your real self … by any stretch of the imagination. Earth is simply
    ‘borrowing’ you at this time to complete its mission.

    Yet … if different ‘species’ need to reside in different atmospheres in
    order to survive, then how could those not in the human form … from other
    planets … possibly ‘breathe’ down here on earth?

    As your earth moves forward in awareness, the vibration of the very
    atmosphere is changing. Please take note we did not say this merging is to
    take place tomorrow! Therefore there will be a situation when it is possible
    for other ‘races’ to enter into the New Earths atmospherics for certain
    periods of ‘time’. There are those with us who are preparing for this. In
    the same way, you of earth our preparing for your Ascension, there are those
    of us who are preparing for the ‘dissension’ in order for the merging to
    take place.

    I know when you say ‘dissension’ that it is meant in the manner of having to
    lower their vibration in order to allow this to happen. In the same way
    White Cloud needs to ‘turn down’ his level of High vibration when he merges
    with me, because my human vibration simply could not accept the level of
    awareness that White Clouds True energy resides upon.

    This is correct. It is not that one would be sacrificing in this ‘descent’.
    Indeed it is an honour for those ‘chosen’. In the grand scheme of things …
    that is about as far as we can present to you at this juncture. What lies
    beyond that is not ‘on the cards’ as you would say, to be revealed.

    You are aware our energy is getting ready to depart this day. May we offer
    you this to think about? There was a time not so long ago on your planet
    when those who resided upon it knew only of riding on an animal’s back in
    order to get from A to B. There was a time when if one desired to
    communicate with another there would be a delay of many of your weeks whilst
    that message was sent, and then indeed, the reply would take that many weeks
    again to return to the original sender. In those times when this took place,
    the souls of your earth could not possibly have imagined that in the days of
    their future … on the very same planet earth … there would be rockets
    entering space, there would be instant communication via computer method.
    Look at the technology now compared to fifty years hence. Therefore we say
    to you, do not conceive what we have spoken with you of this day to be ‘out
    of reach’. In terms of the vastness of ‘life’s expansion’, this merging of
    worlds is merely around the corner.

    And may I say that whenever I have been given this image of merging it has
    been an automatic feeling of peace and Love. I am aware that there are those
    that already walk among us that are not of earth. But what you speak of
    feels different, as it would be an accepted ‘walking amongst us’. Not that
    of having to be incognito!

    Dearest friend of ours. Indeed it is now time to retreat from your energy.
    Every cloud has a silver lining.

    I know what that means … but you say it in the context of?

    ‘Look, look, look to the rainbow.’


    It is a sight to behold.

    Thank you to you. What a difference a day makes … It seems we have entered
    the world of song. !!! And for me that’s a beautiful place to be. Good
    sharing guys ! Until next time. In Love and Thanks. Blossom Goodchild
    signing off!

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