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Homepage / Messages From Beyond / New Messages from the Grid / Channelings from Blossom Goodchild
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Home Forums Messages From Beyond New Messages from the Grid Channelings from Blossom Goodchild

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    Here`s the latest from Blossom.


    First of all thank you so much for your interest in this page. I feel it is so important to pass this message on as we draw closer to the 14th.

    I have had to make a decision today (6th oct) that I can no longer continue to update letters etc. I shall channel as always at the weekend, but other than that, or unless there is MAJOR NEWS to announce (which I will put up on THIS page) I shall leave it as it is. Truly I am exhausted. I THANK EVERYONE for their amazing support of LOVE and encouragement and general points of view.

    My life has turned upside down. I have been overwhelmed with the amount of mail I have received and although I have been trying to reply in person, it has got to the point when it is no longer possible. I do apologize.

    I am SO thankful to everyone for their uplifting words of courage and strength. It is SO good to know of SO many out there in the LIGHT and KNOWLEDGE that THIS WILL TAKE PLACE.

    Happy to announce that the new e-book ‘Snap shot’ from THE FEDERATION OF LIGHT is now available on the books page. (we have rushed this through as so many of you wish to read the channellings leading up to the Oct14th message.) Enjoy! Many thanks.

    I update The Federations channellings every weekend which you can read via the subheader ‘Channellings’.

    Please go to my EVENTS PAGE or blog to find out when I am on the radio. I feel it gives you a chance to get to know me better and listen to ‘my take’ on it all.

    If you want to find more information please go to

    Thanks to BRAD……………………. 10-14-08. blogspot.com

    Thanks to Lissa………………………Federation of Light Community Forum is located at http://federationoflightcommunity.lefora.com/forum/

    ‘ Thank you to those souls who chose to put up individual youtubes regarding this event. Inspirational in spreading the word. Google youtube and put Blossom Goodchild in the search engine. Please note, however, one of them is from an anonymous channel confirming the date and saying the ship will be 2,000 miles in diameter. These words are not from my channel , although they have used parts of ‘The Federation’s’ letter in the same video. I have been told there are now 200 videos. THERFORE ……

    It is SO important in ALL that you read and hear to ….


    A few things of note if I may?

    1.Other channellers are now confirming Oct 14th ,. See page 6.

    2 On the net there is much talk of this event. I wish it to be known that those I channel say they are ‘The Federation of Light’ . I have not used the term Galactic, although I am not saying for a moment that they are not one and the same. I believe “The Federation’ to be an ENORMOUS organisation of which many races, species, galaxies and universes are part. I do not channel Ashtar. Many do, and we are blessed for that. I channell ‘The Federation of Light’ and that is how they desire to be known to me . Please understand I am in no way decrying other channels and their work. (Far from it! )I am Truly grateful for their assistance in this HUGE task. I just felt the need to clarify these details. (small as they may seem)

    3 Thank you to everyone who has suggested that Alabama is in ‘the south of YOUR hemisphere’ … assuming that I live in the Northern hemisphere. I live in AUSTRALIA! The south of my hemisphere is the South Pole. Probably not the best location for the visit!.

    4. I THINK THIS IS EXCELLENT NEWS! I have a Bio-Tensor flexible dowsing rod (http://www.bio-tensor.com) that can be used to calibrate documents and other entities on the consciousness scale of 1 to 1000 that is defined in the book “Power Versus Force” by David Hawkins, PhD. I calibrated a print-out of the original channeling by you (Blossom) that gives the date of October 14, 2008 for extensive revealing of a space-ship. The value obtained was 960, which is very high, and indeed, according to Hawkins’ book, is higher that the current versions of any of the major religions except Mahayana Buddhism, which also calibrates at 960. I told the Bio-Tensor supplier, who uses one extensively in his consultancy, about your channeling, and he also calibrated it, and his result was also exactly 960. So, on that basis, the channeling would be judged as credible, except possibly a few words being not quite precice. (Thank you Jim Farmer)

    5. IF MUSIC BE THE FOOD OF LOVE …. Please see no 47 p 7 inspirational idea.

    6. Please check out page 8. no 75.

    Many many thanks to you all for your encouraging support. Keep checking the following pages as I am ‘trying’ to add to them daily.

    Love Light Laughter and Golden Rays. And in order to keep it LIGHT … try this … http://dingo.care2.com/cards/flash/5409/galaxy.swf



    I hope I’m posting all of this in the right thread, if not give me yell but I just came across this Web Bot Project thing. Check it out.


    here are some highlights:

    Since its conception in the late 1990’s, the Web Bot Project has made a number of very accurate and insightful predictions regarding coming events

    This tool is believed to be able to forecast the future by tapping into the collective unconscious of society.

    – September 22-27 2008 are seen as precursor dates to a significant event expected to take place on October 7 2008.
    Closely watch events during September 22 through 27 2008 for hints as to what to expect on October 7 2008. Although the predictions are not specific, the event is expected to be as significant as the events of 9/11.

    – October 7 2008 to February 19 2008 (i have a feeling they meant 2009 here) will be filled with emotional intensity
    The Web Bot has never picked up any event lasting this long. In comparison, the events of 9/11 lasted about 10 days. This event will be four months of high emotion.

    And then there’s Terrance Mckennas novelty theory also pointing towards this area of time… 😯 .


    – October 7 2008 to February 19 2008 (i have a feeling they meant 2009 here) will be filled with emotional intensity
    The Web Bot has never picked up any event lasting this long. In comparison, the events of 9/11 lasted about 10 days. This event will be four months of high emotion.

    I’m definitely going to keep alert today then, lol! Maybe we’ll see some Federation of Light ships??

    Wishful thinking. :mrgreen:


    @Nightfable wrote:

    I’m definitely going to keep alert today then, lol! Maybe we’ll see some Federation of Light ships??

    Wishful thinking. :mrgreen:

    Wishful thinking changes things… as long as beliefs don’t get in the way. 🙄


    Well I’ve got my camcorder handy just in case. 😉


    Can`t say that I understand all of this analysis, but I thought I`d share. Could this be the ‘Table’?

    EVIDENCE!!!!! GOOGLE EARTH HUGE UFO,Galactic Federation of Light?

    I recorded these images on October 2nd. What I saw amazed me.
    If anyone has these images as well please post them!
    This may be the galactic federation of light ship!!!!




    Tiaka, I don’t follow all of the analysis either, but the thought had crossed my mind, what he said about there being cropped-out portions. If there’s not enough time to photoshop it, just draw some shapes and clear their content.


    Good evening my friends. It is so nice to see that others are tracking this on google as well. In my travels tonight going through the google videos I found this under someones reply post. If you go to google search and type this in “Change the World DECIDE” then read the first link that comes up, I think you will find it interesting. I was going to post it here, but Im not sure if it has been posted all ready or not and it is a bit long. So enjoy the read and I will catch you soon. Peace 😀


    I continue watching Google Earth and it appears the large house shaped object has been stationary at the North Pole for almost 3 days now without changing shape or position. This certainly appears to me as more convincing that these could indeed be the lightships shown on Google Earth. These glitches are definitely not consistently random. They only appear to be random some of the time. There’s also something else to consider. Given that the FOL including their lightship is inner dimensional then they wouldn’t be limited to the physical limitations of space and time. They could disappear and reappear randomly anywhere across the globe. When they appear on October 14th for everyone to observe with our physical eyes all they need to do is lower their vibration to match that of Earth’s vibration.


    This article ties in nicely with the anomalies we`re seeing on Google Earth.

    Huge flying craft of some sort produced wakes in a cloud layer in this image captured by a NASA environmental satellite.



    Hey folks, just thought Id post real quick for the folks following the google earth thing, that it has just changed again after being the same for so long. 11:16 est! 😀


    Phew… I finally finished reading this thread. There’s a lot of good stuff in here so I’d like to chime in.

    David Wilcock: Yea he’s being a bit cocky in regards to the 14th. I do agree with others that he’s probably a little bitter he’s not at the center of all of this event. I also think that he may be a bit afraid of ruining his reputation and that might be the real reason he doesn’t want to agree with any of it. After all, the guy makes a living from selling his material. I really do not understand why he’s not being supportive in all to all the channels who are putting their names out there. His argument about free will doesn’t fly with me – at least not for the 14th. I do not think that the Federation of Light is infringing upon our free will in any way by simply showing up. They’re just “appearing” and putting on a light show. How is that going against our free will?

    Dimensions: The only knowledge I have in regards to this is from the Law of One, by Ra – A humble messenger of The Law of One. I find it to be one of the best lessons you can teach yourself in regards to 2012, ascension, dimensions and/or densities. There is a difference between those two (dimensions and densities) from what I understand. To the best of my knowledge dimensions are infinite. They are like radio stations or TV channels and there are even parallel dimensions (realities). Densities on the other hand are a little different and are more associated with the evolution of all life. The are a total of eight densities. Currently we are in the third density (density of self awareness) and are moving into the fourth density. That is what 2012 is all about – we are graduating, well at least some people are – the ones who are aware. After the fourth obviously comes 5th, 6th, 7th and when you get to the 8th you become part of everything that is. You go back to the source, kind of like Neo in the matrix. You go back to the creator. So what is first density and second density, you might ask? First would be plant life, second would be animals and third is us – again, the density of self awareness.

    Just like plants reach for the light to grow and evolve so do we. We reach for the light so much that we eventually become light, hence why our brothers from the Federation of Light are light beings. They are pure light energy and have no use for a body anymore. How did they get to be light beings? That my friends happens in the 6th density. By that time you will have reached for the light to the point that you transform into light. I would think it is the most amazing thing EVER. This is were beings look like angels and I’m willing to bet that’s where the idea of angels originated. Angels are not real. WE are the angels. We will be light beings at some point in our evolution but that is millions of years off. For now, lets concentrate on the soul harvesting that is going down in 2012.

    All the densities have cycles and I’ll use rough numbers to explain my understanding of what is happening. Our density (3rd) happens to be approximately 75,000-76,000 years roughly. You would call this a major Solar Cycle. If you divide that by three, that would be 25,000 roughly (this coincides with the Mayan Calendar). There is a harvesting of souls each 25,000 years. We reside at the very last of these small cycles, which is what Dec 21, 2012 is all about. The planet itself is moving from third density to fourth whether you are ready or not and it’s going and in full force. Major climate changes have a lot to do with this transition. To my understanding the whole graduation phase can be a good thing or a bad thing depending on the planets children – us. If we do not come together to spread love and peace to unite as one the changes can be bad, but if we do the changes can go as smooth as butter. It’s really up to us as a society of beings to decide, but like I said, the planet is making the transition whether you are ready or not. That’s why if you are open to this change and you are aware of what is happening and trying to make this harvest as big as it could be by spreading awareness, you will make this change with the planet. If you are still a robot to society and do not know didley squat of what is going on, then chances are you will repeat this lesson.

    I learned all of this by reading the Law of One. I cannot express how much these books have changed my life. I have learned so much about myself and everything around me just by reading these short books. The information is short but it’s jam packed with stuff that could literally keep you studying it for a lifetime. If you are not familiar with the books I recommend you pick them up. You can also read most of the material online @ http://www.lawofone.info/ I hope the explanation I provided you in regards to densities is clear if not ask me for more details or check out the link which provides almost all the sessions with Ra. The person putting it together is not finished yet, but you have plenty of stuff there to keep you busy for weeks/months.

    PS: Yes Ra as in the sun God from Egypt, but he never wanted to be seen a God. He/they is/are actually a social memory Complex for this solar system, just like Adamu is for the Pleaides if I’m not mistaking. AND just like the Federation of Light is trying to raise awareness so has Ra for quite some time. Ra never gives dates, only approximations. When he first mentions a harvest of souls he doesn’t mention a year or a date, he merely says 30 years into our future. The first book was written in 1981. You do the math 🙂

    PPS: Ra is a 6th Density being


    I am curious as to why I haven’t seen any “Seth” book correlations here as well? Maybe Im not looking in the right place? I know when I read them way back when, was when I began my first understanding of dimensions, as well as Pierce Anthonys, On a Pale Horse series. maybe its just me? Just seems a lot of this resonates with all that.


    I am giving myself a project for this evening, and I will go thru all the Seth books I have not lent out and see what I can find!!! Thanks Yigdady! I will submit my report asap! LOL!


    oooo that sounds great! I can’t beleive a forum like this would be Sethless! Odlly enough I was looking at ebay to get some of the books back like a 2 days before I stumbled upon all this. how odd!

    Anyhow, not sure where to put this so I’ll just stick here, you can move it if need be, but I gave it a shot. I do tarot readings and I have been known in the past to “connect” somehow and I feel silly putting this here, but I feel I should so I will. baby steps I suppose… it is the rough graff as it came to me so here it is in all its simplicity! Sorry about typos and grammer!

    Well here I am being nudged into this direction. Being a Tarot reader and being a channeler I’m sure are way two different things, yet, I am being pushed here. So here I am
    Things on my mind… my family. Believers of sorts, but lacking in 100 % commitment

    I really have no questions so why am I here?
    To write
    About what? Your concerns.

    Others need to know they aren’t the only ones….
    What else?

    Keep the faith they will follow. Seeing is believing some just need an edge over.
    Do you have a name? Not important, I talk to you all the time..
    So you’re my guide? Yes
    I keep hearing you say blue velvet. Why?
    In time it will make sense.
    That doesn’t really help me now. It will

    Why do I feel so foolish? You’re human
    What is it we really need to know?
    All that you have heard and read is sufficient, it truly is.

    My daughter and my wife are suspicious. It is ok as we said they will follow, just need a gentle push
    I feel silly posting this. Its ok it will be well taken, the point is you are trying.
    Not a lot of big words here. Doesn’t matter not a lot of people know big words. I feel like I’m typing to myself. In essence you are, but I feel silly. So do many others and that’s ok.

    I have been watching Google earth closely. Yes it is magnificent isn’t it? Yes indeed it is. I got so excited the other night when my daughter said it got larger, I actually got teary eyed. Yes we saw. Funny huh? Yes and no. The humor of it yes…. That fact you felt it is a serious but enlighten moment.
    Why all the chills? Because you know
    Should I write more? No that’s enough for now, but you will soon….

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