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The Illusion of Choice: Ninety Percent of American Media Controlled by Six Corporations Gallery of Giants Ebook: The Book of Giants – Dead Sea Scrolls Illuminations Ancient Mysteries of Sound Levitation by Kathy J. Forti Video: The Real Story of Christmas Documentary Video: The Real Story of Halloween HD – History Channel Ebook: Egyptian Book of the Dead Ebook: The Lost Book of Enki – Memoirs and Prophecies of an Extraterrestrial God Video: The Universe Space Time Mystery | Mathematical Science Documentary HD Video: Vedic Cosmos – Full Documentary Video: Buckminster Fuller – Thinking Out Loud (1996) Documentary Video: The Buckminster Fuller / Edward Leedskalnin Connection Edward Leedskalnin – The Mysterious Magnetic Coral Castle a Broken Heart Built Ebook: The Lost Journals of Nikola Tesla – 20th Century Genius Video: Nikola Tesla’s Life – New Documentary Full Ebook: The inventions, researches and writing of Nikola Tesla Video: The Connected Universe – Nassim Haramein Video: UNGRIP (From the creators of Esoteric Agenda and KYMATICA) Ebook: The Book of Enoch – The Secret Old Testament Book Ebook: The Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean Videos: Aleshenka – A Tiny Creature Found in Russia The Mysterious Georgia Guidestones – 10 Shocking Commandments Set in Stone in 1980 Book-of-Light.com STAR of LIGHT The Return of the Annunaki – Gillian DeArmond-Green Video: Secrets of Water, The Movie Video Series: Ancient Aliens – Full Series Video: Guided Astral Projection Technique Meditation Ebook: Be Here Now The Charge of the Goddess The Lake of Fire That Men Built Tantra and Taoist Cosmic Connection Video: ONE STEP BEYOND AND THE SACRED MUSHROOM Building A Post-Chaos Community Video: UFO: The Greatest Story Ever Denied Life’s True Beginnings Video: Urantia Book on “Strange Universe” Making the Connection Between Spirituality & Creativity The Four-Fold Path to Enlightenment The Hynek Classification System Ebook: Designing Our Future – The Venus Project Video: Why in the World are They Spraying? (Chemtrails, Geoengineering) Video: Kymatica Renewable Energy Directory Self Confidence & Inner Self Worth Video: THRIVE – What on Earth Will it Take? *MOST IMPORTANT FILM ON EARTH* The Zeitgeist Movement FREE DOWNLOAD! 4th Chakra – Green Open Heart Bliss 528hz & 639hz http://t.co/VZWQK5sJ Law of One / RA Material Forgotten In Time: The Ancient Solfeggio Frequencies Video: Zeitgeist II – Addendum Ebook: Oahspe – A Very Weird New Bible (1828-1891) Communicate Telepathically with Animals Techniques for Soul Growth Every person has within them…A Song of Life…Each of us know we have a song. A beautiful vibration within as a reminder of our essence… Video: Nassim Haramein – Crossing The Event Horizon part 4 of 4 Master Mayan Tzolkin Calendar The Messianc Complex Video: The Big Picture by George Green Video: Human Genetics Manipulated – Human Origins Intro Ebook: Out of the Matrix Video: *Quantum Physics* The Reality As You Know It Does Not Exist Authentic Sacred Jewelry and Talismans Ebook: Messages for the Ground Crew Jonathan Goldman – Holy Harmony Homeland Security Checkpoint "Those who are hardest to Love, need Love the most" – The Peaceful Warrior The Truth about Vitamin D Video: Zeitgeist I: The Movie Remastered Version Key to the Gnosis Video: The Freedom Movie 2: A Spiritual Awakening (1 of 14) 13 Moon Mayan Galactic Calendar Date Decoder Video: Beyond 2012: Evolving Perspectives on the Next Age Unconditional Love OMMM Reiki MI – Healing on All Levels Winston Shrout – Solutions In Commerce Thoughts, Words & Deeds aligned is total CONGRUENCY… Total Congruency = Powerful Manifestation of Goals Ebook: The Book of Light: The Nature of God, The Structure of Consciousness and the Universe Within You Codex Alimentarius…Bills C-51 and C-52 and C-6 Canadian Implementations of the CODEX ideals -Become Aware, be FREE to choose Implications of Oneness Sustainable Earth Friendly Living About Awakenings Does DNA Have Telepathic Properties? Thought Therapy Avoiding Victimhood Video Library: What About Me? Consult the Sabian Oracle The Magnificent You Inner Child Meditation About Love – Happy Valentines Day! XO LΦVE H20 Festival June 19th – 21st, 2009 – The Historic Summer Solstice Celebration & Concert For The Living Water Video: Gnarls Barkley – Crazy The Science of Oneness – Is Current Science Incomplete? many happy returns echoes Winter Solstice celebrations: a.k.a. Christmas, Saturnalia, Yule, the Long Night, etc. Ebook: Monroe Techniques for Astral Projection Ebook: The Astral Body & Other Astral Phenomena Ebook: 66 Astral Projection Exit Techniques Ebook: Secret Guide to Instant Astral Projection Ebook: Astral Projection – The Complete Guide

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  • in reply to: Vote for disclosure now! #11873

    …the Economy is pretty much foremost on people’s minds…

    …I’m in N.Calif and the economy is really starting to suck !…

    …I’m in construction and have been out of work for 4 months…the longest in 32 years…

    …my wife works at a High School and the staff was all told at a meeting yesterday that our District only has a few weeks of funds left …then everyone will have to be paid in State I.O.U.’s !…

    …so do you think the grocery store will take an iou for bread and milk ?…

    …when the grocery store shelves are empty…that’s when the %&#@ will hit the fan !…

    …people will say that unless the ET’s can feed us, what is the point in knowing about them ?…

    in reply to: Vote for disclosure now! #11870


    …you click then it lights up as soon as you pull your curser down…

    in reply to: The Zeta Reticuli Exchange Program #11904

    …oh Zing…

    …I found you at this site…


    …on the personae page…scroll down to Star Nations> Adamu…

    in reply to: The Zeta Reticuli Exchange Program #11903

    …Happy Obama Day, Opal…

    …can you give us some dirrect links to the videos and Dan Burish dialogue ?…

    …the trick would be to discern the wheat from the mountain of chaff…

    in reply to: Hello! Welcome! Hugs! & Site Maintenance… :-( #11897

    …BIG Loves back to you and the Maveric …

    …Love and Light…


    in reply to: arcturian alignment #11836

    …I Love you Jam…( I just feel like telling you )…

    …here is a link to rysa’s site…there are Many good people there…that network blankets the globe, too…


    …I am there as Will224…

    in reply to: Pleiadian Healing Circle,Frequencies of Brilliance Australia #11839

    …welcome to the Book of Light ,Dan…

    …I see that you are trying the shotgun approach to posting …lol…

    …I am glad that you found your way here…you will find many Light-minded allies at the Book…

    …I am anxious to here more of what you and our brothers and sisters are doing Down Under…we certainly circle the globe with Intentions…

    in reply to: arcturian alignment #11834

    …thank you Jam…

    …rysa 5 rocks !…

    …are you familiar with the GoldRing Game ?…

    in reply to: …Tears for Gaza… #11830

    …yesterday I finally watch a Free Speach TV show on the Palistinian Occupatin that I had recorded earlier…

    …the Only weapons that these brave people have to fight with are their bodies and their Will…and OUR Intentions …

    in reply to: …Tears for Gaza… #11827

    …on one specific point I disagree with Bill Moyers…he describes this conflict as a centuries old family struggle…

    …I have friends that are Sephartic Jews and also friends that are Palestinian…these groups got along as neighbors before the creation of the state of Israel in 1947…

    …the Askanazi or European Jews are jewish in religion only…they are not Semetic or descendents of Abraham…being more closely related to Attila the Hun…and originate in the Kindom of Kasaria, in western Asia…

    …this is more western colonialism with an ultimate agenda of triggering an Armagedon scenario…

    in reply to: Law of One resources #11543

    …here are some synopsis’ that are from the site…


    The Law of One Questions and Answers
    The citations in parentheses refer to the number of the session and question where Ra and Don Elkins discussed the material. (4.20 means session 4, question 20.)

    What is the Law of One?

    There is only one, and that one is the Infinite Creator. (4.20)

    Why do there seem to be many?

    The Infinite Creator became aware of the possibility of finity. It determined to explore this possibility. (13.12)


    It is interested in free will. What happens if portions of itself are free to do whatever they want?

    Why does it care?

    It wants to know Itself.

    How does the Creator investigate the concept of free will?

    Its infinite intelligence coalesces into foci of intelligent energy. These foci call light into being, thereby establishing a pattern of natural laws and creating what we call a galaxy. (13.13)

    What do we call such a focus?

    The Logos, the Creative Principle, or Love. (13.7)

    How does calling light into being establish natural laws?

    Light is intelligent, full of energy, and the building block of what we call matter.

    Is there more than one Logos?

    Yes, each galaxy has its own Logos. Ra says that our people have often worshipped the Logos instead of the One Infinite Creator from which it comes. (27.12)

    Is there a physical manifestation of the Logos?

    I’m not sure. If there is, I guess it would be the central sun of our galaxy. But though Ra does refer to a central sun, it seems to be the central sun of the universe that all will return to. (27.6)

    So does each galaxy have its own system of natural laws?

    Yes. And also its own archetypical mind. Ra says that some of its members have wandered to other galaxies, and that “[t]he experience has been one which staggers the intellectual and intuitive capacities.” (90.17)

    What is our sun?

    A “sub-Logos.” It refines the natural laws and the archetypical mind set up by our Logos, informed by the experience of earlier solar systems in our galaxy, just as our Logos was informed by the experience of earlier Logoi with their galaxies. (29.1)

    So how did people come about?

    Our Logos, in its plan for how best to allow the Creator to know itself, chose to invest bipedal apes with self-consciousness.


    Ra doesn’t know, but they do hazard a guess: so that we would develop speech, rather than telepathy and so that rather than rediscovering the powers of the mind, we would be drawn to the making, holding, and using of physical tools. (90.12, 19.10)

    Why would the Logos want us not to discover the powers of the mind?

    It goes back to free will. We are each, in essence, the One Infinite Creator, exploring the illusion of finity. The Logos wanted to give each portion of the Creator the utmost free will in its exploration. It therefore carefully veiled the subconscious and deep minds from the conscious mind.

    How does veiling the subconscious from the conscious mind give us free will?

    The subconscious mind is aware of unity with all that is. If we were consciously aware of that unity, we would have no need for seeking or for choosing a path back to the Creator.

    If we already are the Creator, why do we have to choose a path back?

    It’s a matter of becoming more and more that which we already are. And as each of us makes choices on our journey back, we become like jewels in the crown of the Creator.

    What choices do we have for paths?

    Service to self or service to others. Or neither.

    What happens if we choose neither?

    We reincarnate until we do choose one of the two paths.

    Why are there only two paths?

    Ra doesn’t say, but I think that, just as a magnet has two poles, the positive and the negative, so does consciousness. Ra does point out that, just as it’s impossible to judge the polarity of a magnet, so is it impossible, and inappropriate, to judge the polarity of another being.

    How do we choose one path or the other?

    In order to choose the positive path, at least 51 percent of our thoughts and actions must be dedicated to the service of others. For the negative path, at least 95% must be self-serving. Between the two lies “the sinkhole of indifference.”

    What happens if we do choose one of the paths successfully?

    We graduate to a planet of service to others or a planet of service to self.

    How long do we have in which to choose?

    75,000 years.

    What happens after 75,000 years?

    After that, earth will be a service to others planet. Those who have chosen service to others will work together in the manner that seems best to them. Those who have chosen service to self will go to planets dedicated to their path. Those who have not yet chosen will go to other third-density planets.

    What do you mean third density?

    There are seven densities of experience.

    First density is the density of awareness, in which the planet moves out of the timeless state into physical manifestation. Its inhabitants are earth, wind, water, and fire.

    Second density is the density of growth, in which what we call biological life emerges and evolves into greater and greater complexity.

    Third density is the density of choice, in which certain of the biological entities are invested with spirits and choose which way they will further their evolution toward the Creator.

    Fourth density is the density of love. Those who have successfully chosen come together with others of like mind in order to pursue that choice, either towards loving self or loving others.

    Fifth density is the density of wisdom. Those who have studied the love of self or of others now learn to be wise in their service.

    Sixth density is the density of unity. In it love and wisdom are blended together. The two paths reunite as those on the service-to-self path, realizing that they cannot successfully master the lessons of unity without opening their hearts to others, switch their polarity to positive.

    Seventh density is the gateway density, the last step before we become again that which we have always been, the One Infinite Creator.

    Eighth density is also the beginning of the first density of the next Creation.

    Between seventh and eight densities, I believe, the creation re-merges in a period of timeless, formless unity with the Creator.

    Why are there seven densities?

    It is Ra’s understanding that “ways of the octave are without time; that is, there are seven densities in each creation infinitely.” They point out, though, that the limits of their knowledge are narrow.

    in reply to: Law of One resources #11541

    …thank you Wanderer also for sparking my interest and sending me over…

    …they ( Ra) spoke of the Confederation of Planets…as opposed to the Orion Confederation…

    …they gave some interesting material on densities and the Harvest…

    in reply to: Dollar enslavement is really a choice #11804

    …I am with you Shivajiva…

    …there is electrical current in the air !…the Earth is a large generator…the Andramedans through Alex Collier wonder at why beings have to Pay to exist on our own world!… this is the time to ACT…

    …what ideas are you working on ?…

    in reply to: Hello Everyone, Grateful to BE HERE! #11789

    …BIG hug boomerangs back Savonn…

    …I am partial to singing crystals…I have several…they are definitly a different feeling…

    …glad that you found us…more willing hands to share the work of Love…

    …tell us more of your energy work…

    in reply to: David Wilcock’s latest interview on Coast to Coast #11785

    …have they posted the second hour yet ?…

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