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The Illusion of Choice: Ninety Percent of American Media Controlled by Six Corporations Gallery of Giants Ebook: The Book of Giants – Dead Sea Scrolls Illuminations Ancient Mysteries of Sound Levitation by Kathy J. Forti Video: The Real Story of Christmas Documentary Video: The Real Story of Halloween HD – History Channel Ebook: Egyptian Book of the Dead Ebook: The Lost Book of Enki – Memoirs and Prophecies of an Extraterrestrial God Video: The Universe Space Time Mystery | Mathematical Science Documentary HD Video: Vedic Cosmos – Full Documentary Video: Buckminster Fuller – Thinking Out Loud (1996) Documentary Video: The Buckminster Fuller / Edward Leedskalnin Connection Edward Leedskalnin – The Mysterious Magnetic Coral Castle a Broken Heart Built Ebook: The Lost Journals of Nikola Tesla – 20th Century Genius Video: Nikola Tesla’s Life – New Documentary Full Ebook: The inventions, researches and writing of Nikola Tesla Video: The Connected Universe – Nassim Haramein Video: UNGRIP (From the creators of Esoteric Agenda and KYMATICA) Ebook: The Book of Enoch – The Secret Old Testament Book Ebook: The Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean Videos: Aleshenka – A Tiny Creature Found in Russia The Mysterious Georgia Guidestones – 10 Shocking Commandments Set in Stone in 1980 Book-of-Light.com STAR of LIGHT The Return of the Annunaki – Gillian DeArmond-Green Video: Secrets of Water, The Movie Video Series: Ancient Aliens – Full Series Video: Guided Astral Projection Technique Meditation Ebook: Be Here Now The Charge of the Goddess The Lake of Fire That Men Built Tantra and Taoist Cosmic Connection Video: ONE STEP BEYOND AND THE SACRED MUSHROOM Building A Post-Chaos Community Video: UFO: The Greatest Story Ever Denied Life’s True Beginnings Video: Urantia Book on “Strange Universe” Making the Connection Between Spirituality & Creativity The Four-Fold Path to Enlightenment The Hynek Classification System Ebook: Designing Our Future – The Venus Project Video: Why in the World are They Spraying? (Chemtrails, Geoengineering) Video: Kymatica Renewable Energy Directory Self Confidence & Inner Self Worth Video: THRIVE – What on Earth Will it Take? *MOST IMPORTANT FILM ON EARTH* The Zeitgeist Movement FREE DOWNLOAD! 4th Chakra – Green Open Heart Bliss 528hz & 639hz http://t.co/VZWQK5sJ Law of One / RA Material Forgotten In Time: The Ancient Solfeggio Frequencies Video: Zeitgeist II – Addendum Ebook: Oahspe – A Very Weird New Bible (1828-1891) Communicate Telepathically with Animals Techniques for Soul Growth Every person has within them…A Song of Life…Each of us know we have a song. A beautiful vibration within as a reminder of our essence… Video: Nassim Haramein – Crossing The Event Horizon part 4 of 4 Master Mayan Tzolkin Calendar The Messianc Complex Video: The Big Picture by George Green Video: Human Genetics Manipulated – Human Origins Intro Ebook: Out of the Matrix Video: *Quantum Physics* The Reality As You Know It Does Not Exist Authentic Sacred Jewelry and Talismans Ebook: Messages for the Ground Crew Jonathan Goldman – Holy Harmony Homeland Security Checkpoint "Those who are hardest to Love, need Love the most" – The Peaceful Warrior The Truth about Vitamin D Video: Zeitgeist I: The Movie Remastered Version Key to the Gnosis Video: The Freedom Movie 2: A Spiritual Awakening (1 of 14) 13 Moon Mayan Galactic Calendar Date Decoder Video: Beyond 2012: Evolving Perspectives on the Next Age Unconditional Love OMMM Reiki MI – Healing on All Levels Winston Shrout – Solutions In Commerce Thoughts, Words & Deeds aligned is total CONGRUENCY… Total Congruency = Powerful Manifestation of Goals Ebook: The Book of Light: The Nature of God, The Structure of Consciousness and the Universe Within You Codex Alimentarius…Bills C-51 and C-52 and C-6 Canadian Implementations of the CODEX ideals -Become Aware, be FREE to choose Implications of Oneness Sustainable Earth Friendly Living About Awakenings Does DNA Have Telepathic Properties? Thought Therapy Avoiding Victimhood Video Library: What About Me? Consult the Sabian Oracle The Magnificent You Inner Child Meditation About Love – Happy Valentines Day! XO LΦVE H20 Festival June 19th – 21st, 2009 – The Historic Summer Solstice Celebration & Concert For The Living Water Video: Gnarls Barkley – Crazy The Science of Oneness – Is Current Science Incomplete? many happy returns echoes Winter Solstice celebrations: a.k.a. Christmas, Saturnalia, Yule, the Long Night, etc. Ebook: Monroe Techniques for Astral Projection Ebook: The Astral Body & Other Astral Phenomena Ebook: 66 Astral Projection Exit Techniques Ebook: Secret Guide to Instant Astral Projection Ebook: Astral Projection – The Complete Guide

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Viewing 15 posts - 61 through 75 (of 528 total)
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  • in reply to: The Ascension Papers by Zingdad #12525

    …great site Z…

    …I like the flavor of the dialogue so far…

    …but I have to find time… betweens…

    …so it will take a little while…


    …will there be a test at the end ?…


    in reply to: Straight from my PlAyLiSt #9835

    …Jamie Woon…



    While we have oceans
    Rivers that still bring us life
    Reasons to live in the moment
    Hold onto your timeLet your heart go where the wind takes it
    Pure like the raindrops of time
    Follow the path where it takes you
    Straight down the line

    Ladies and Gentlemen
    Surely we’re here in mind
    Watching our spirits dance on the
    On the backs of our lives

    How can one sit back and dream it
    I’d have no peace in my life
    Climbing these walls in an hourglass
    Prized in our strife

    And I have seen worlds filled with wonder
    Lost on my own lonely mile
    Lessons I wish I had mirrored
    Time after time

    Ladies and Gentlemen
    Surely we’re here in mind
    Watching our spirits dance on the
    On the backs of our lives

    While we have oceans
    Rivers that still bring us life
    Reasons to dance in the moment
    Hold onto your time

    Come fill up your souls with our blessings
    Hold up your hands to the sky
    Let the whole world know you’re out there
    High in our highs

    Ladies and Gentlemen
    Surely we’re here in mind
    Watching our spirits dance on the
    On the backs of our lives

    in reply to: …First Contact… #12611

    UFO fever sweeps the Latin World: Uruguay discloses

    10th June 2009

    Michael Cohen m.cohen@allnewsweb. com

    In the lead-up to anticipated French disclosure, UFO fever is sweeping
    through the Latin world at an incredible pace. Brazil has disclosed,
    Italy has effectively disclosed, with UFO information posted on the
    Italian Air Force website. Argentina is tipped to follow suite.

    Now Uruguay has joined these UFO nations: disclosing its previously
    classified UFO files and allowing researchers to access them. Apparently
    around 40 well studied cases in the country have been made public. Some
    involve abductions and others highly documented UFO chases by the
    nation’s Air Force.

    Like so many files revealed during disclosure processes, there seem to
    be common experiences and descriptions of events that transcend cultural
    barriers and hint at an overall UFO reality.
    The Governments of the Romance nations are revealing what they know to
    their citizens. Will UFO fever sweep through to Northern Europe and
    eventually North America via France, the nation that has always been the
    bridge between these two cultural blocs?


    in reply to: …First Contact… #12610

    In light of the recent post about the french perhaps releasing info this week about ufos etc. I thought some of you might like this link as well.

    here is a piece and the link to read it all is at the end!

    A French aviation expert has come forward to reveal his participation in a secret meeting held at the United Nations New York headquarters that discussed the UFO phenomenon from February 12-14. Gilles Lorant is an attaché to the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS- National Center for Scientific Research ) which is a government-funded research organization, under the administrative authority of France’s Ministry of Research. He is also a member Institute of Advanced Studies for National Defense (IHEDN – the French Organization that produced the 1999 COMETA Report). Both CNRS and IHEDN are prestigious scientific organizations in France, and Lorant was invited to attend the UN meetings in a professional capacity. A report released by a French UFO organization (Federation of European Airplane ), of which Lorant is an executive member, contained a summary of the UN meeting where he describes what happened at the meeting.


    in reply to: Disclosure this Week? #12601

    …this is the probable site that the announcement would be made…


    in reply to: …crop circles… #12152

    …great new website…

    …a centralisation of circles and more…


    in reply to: Big News #12604

    …BRING IT ON !!!…

    in reply to: "Channel Nine News" newsletter #12600

    …I am soooo there Opal…

    …give my Love to Anica…


    in reply to: Marks Conference call May 26, 2009 #12503

    …here is a good page to save to your favorites… it is the downloads for the Galactic Roundtable conference calls and more…

    …they are in mp3 format and I use my Media Player to transfer to my ipod…

    …very interesting stuff, eh Wanderer ?…


    …these are a few sites that carry the messages and more… GRT-CIP (case in point) is the site for interaction… the others are just for intel…





    in reply to: …crop circles… #12149

    …Orissa… sounds like you are getting around !…

    …I didn’t know that you were quite the globetrotter!…


    in reply to: …crop circles… #12147
    in reply to: …crop circles… #12146

    …new circle…


    …very cool… looks like a jelly fish…

    in reply to: Latest scientific evidence 9/11 #12480

    …Faux News let this one slip by…

    …the question is Why ?…


    in reply to: Hacked again! :-( & Updates about my life :-) #12498

    …a guy I know in the SF North Bay area named Crystal Bill wholesales and retails crystals… mostly quartz… has a large garage sized building in his back yard for his business… he has a 6 foot tall Amythist cathedral crystal that you can sit in !… he does therapy with Tibetan Crystal Bowls while you sit in the geode !… is Very intense !


    in reply to: Hacked again! :-( & Updates about my life :-) #12494

    …Love to you Annu…

    …sending along some extra strength…

    …I have heard of some ladies in Australia that are working with Solfeggio frequencies… I’ll look for the link and send it along… they sell recordings and downloads…


Viewing 15 posts - 61 through 75 (of 528 total)