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  • in reply to: New Mod Silversurfer! #12329

    Oh wow, GOOD CALL Annu!!!

    Really glad to have you aboard Silver!

    As you know things are really quiet here right now, Silver, so there’s nothing much to do other than bat-n-ban the rash of spam artist we are currently getting. But I have this really strong feeling this site is going to be picking up a lot in the near future. Things happen in cycles and the kind of stuff that mostly gets discussed here has generally been quiet. But it’s about to get noisy again I just know it. And then it’s going to be very useful indeed to have someone with your experience aboard.

    in reply to: Is life bubbling up in Mars mud? #12327

    This is fascinating stuff, Silver. Thanks for keeping us all up to date!

    I don’t think many are aware of the implications of this quietly unfolding story on Mars. For much of what is considered by the mainstream to be our accepted history the planet earth was considered to be the centre of the universe. Everything revolved around earth. Not just the sun and the other planets but indeed all the stars and EVERYTHING. The thought was usually that the earth was a very special place in the universe as it was the only place that God decided to create life. Everything else – the sun, the moon, the planets, the stars… all of these things were created by God just for us. To light our day and beautify our night. Such was our arrogance. But you know… most of us haven’t actually changed much since then. Go ask a random selection of strangers “do you believe there is intelligent life on other planets” or the almost equivalent question “do you believe UFO’s could be travellers from other planets” and you will get anything from “I’m not sure” to “it’s possible” to “I don’t know” to the good old “No, God only made life here on earth”. The point I am making here is that we actually haven’t moved on very far from the belief that earth is totally unique and special and there is nowhere else in All That Is that has life on it.

    Well. This is about to change. Softly, quietly we are having the news broken to us that, while it is true that our world is beautiful and remarkable, it is not unusual to find life “out there”. It will start with Mars. We have moved in quite short order from “it’s sterile” to “it MIGHT have some water on it” to “there MIGHT be some life where the water is” to “we can now identify Methane plumes which probably indicate Methanogenic bacteria”. The next step is the discovery of those simple life forms which will prove that there IS life on Mars. And if there is life on Mars COULD there be life elsewhere? That will be the next question. Analysis of comet dust and the like will continue to show that there is in face life EVERYWHERE. The next question will be “but is the advanced life… intelligence that we can communicate with?” And THAT will be the point at which we will be ready to know the truth. An interesting moment in our planets history indeed!

    Or so I believe.

    in reply to: What is 2012? or "The Great Harvest"? #12322

    Great answer, Wanderer.

    I would like to add this to my dear friend, UFO:

    Firstly your post did not come off in any way negative or snide! It comes off as if you have some doubts and questions which you are striving to resolve, that is all. And though I only hold my own truth, to the degree that it might be of value to you in helping to resolve these doubts and questions, I will be very happy to share what is true for me…

    The first issue is about you and your alignment. I can tell you that you are at the very least STO. How? Well how about the fact that you even give a damn about the issue of whether others will make it or not! An STS being by definition does not care what happens to others. An STS being only cares about it’s own welfare: “I don’t give a damn what happens to you. Go rot in hell. I am going to take care of myself and make sure I have power, wealth and luxury – even if I have to hurt you to get it. Even if I have to take it from your cold, dead hands.” THAT is STS. And undecided? That is someone that is working very hard not to think about any of this stuff. Someone that goes to work to pay the mortgage, goes home to his TV and his beer. Someone that thinks the most important thing in the world is if his favourite sport team wins this weekend. That kind of thing… people that completely engross themselves with stuff that is worldly stuff and work very hard not to even THINK of matters larger than that. They do not give themselves and opportunity to think about what they want (in a greater context) or who they serve or why they are really here… or anything like that. You won’t find “undecided” people on forums like this!

    UFO, you will go where your heart resonates. Release your fear my friend. You are a good, caring being that wants to help, that wants to live in a world of love, happiness and mutual support and caring. You will get to the world that your heart desires.

    Now I’d like to address your question about your worry about where others will go. This is tricky to explain becasue you and I are both still here in 3D. We think in 3D terms with our 3D brains. It is very hard for us to comprehend what the higher dimensions are. The first thing I must say is that they are not “just like this one, only a bit nicer” (or something like that). They are seriously very different. Let me suggest one way in which they are different. At the 5D level, for example, you are outside of time. That means that all your incarnations are NOW. All of them. The are not “past lives”. No. They are all right now in your mind. All of the moments in all of your lives ever are all moments of simultaneity. Can you get your head around that? Can you imagine how that might be and what all the implications of it are? I can’t. It is too different from my current experience for me to really comprehend what it means. But in my channellings some of this has been explained to me and so I will try to tell you a little story from what I have understood:

    I am a 3D being. This life I am now living is one of a number of incarnations at 3D level. It appears to me that they are sequential… one after another… but when I ascend to 5D level I will discover that I have ALWAYS been a 5D being and that all these 3D incarnations of mine are “RIGHT NOW” for me. I will be able to experience any or all of them in any way that I desire and I will be able to make new and different choices in them if I desire. I will realise that, while it is so that only one of the group of 3D incarnations… the one named Zingdad… decided to “ascend”, the Zingdad lifetime is in no way more special or precious or beautiful than any of the other lifetimes. In fact the lifetimes in which I did some of the most painful stuff that pushed me deeper into duality will be very valuable and special to me. They will teach me great things about myself and I will find great compassion and learning from those lives. They were not “bad” and they were not “mistakes”. They were perfect tools for learning about love and understanding. Very valuable to me. The reasons I will love the Zingdad lifetime is that it was the lifetime in which I managed whilst still in 3D to find a way to heal the pain of those “negative” lives so that I could bring all of them back home to my 5D self. And 5D me will know 5D you, UFO. We will know each other as we will know all the other players in the 3D game. Our 5D selves will look at each other and all know that we have played many games together down in 3D. Sometimes our 3D selves liked each other, loved each other, helped each other…. sometimes they hated each other, hurt each other, fought and killed each other. That, we will know and understand, is the nature of 3D. We will at that level understand that it is all just the game that we have played in 3D. We will certainly not bear each other any animosity over this! And here is the thing UFO: even someone from 3D that is NOT now going to ascend… that person is a 3D person… ONE incarnation of many for some 5D being. That 5D being is already there, already exists right now. Sometime, somewhere, some incarnation will make the ascension choice and then that being will ascend. It will be whenever it is perfect and right for that 5D being. And if that 5D being does not choose for it to be the 3D life you are looking at now? That is no problem. It will all work out in perfection in the end. You see what I am saying? It is all a matter of perspective. If YOUR perspective is 5D then you will see the 5D aspect of this other person. And you will be able to see the 3D lifetime that ascended. But as you perspective is now 3D you might only be looking at one of the lives that does not (and was not meant to be) an ascending lifetime. but that’s okay. That non-ascending life-time is just a part of a bigger picture. And somewhere in the greater reality there is another aspect of this person that IS ascending. It is truly all perfect.

    Now if you and your “inner-self” have chose it you could instead ascend to 4D. This is where you can first live some more lives of either just STO or just STS. This could be very interesting and lots of fun. I think a whole planet that is just STO might be a very beautiful thing to experience. And for those that want to check it out, just STS could be pretty interesting too, I guess. Not MY cup of tea… but hey! who am I to judge? At that level you are able to create more powerfully and more directly. And becasue you are not sharing a world with others that are aligned very differently for you there is much less conflict. So this could be interesting to do for a while.

    If, on the other hand you and you soul are wanting to ascend even “higher” then 5D then there is the 6D level of realisation in which you come to understand that ALL truly is ONE. This is what I am talking about above and in my current series of channellings. The 6D self enfolds and includes all the 5D selves, all the 4D selves and all the 3D selves. It is a self that looks at everyone and everything and KNOWS that it is all ONE. This is very hard indeed to comprehend for us here in 3D. We cannot but think “I” am different from “you”. I mean you are over there and I am over here and we are different people, right? Well THIS is the thing I am addressing in my current work. I am channelling my spiritual family in what is turning out to be quite a long series of discussions which cumulatively have the goal of explaining exactly how all this works and what it means and why one might wish to choose a 6D ascension. And as I am still busy with the process of the channelling I really haven’t “got it” all yet myself. But I certainly can see, as it unfolds, that the truth FOR ME is that it really is all perfect, There is nothing to worry about. We are each of us doing exactly what we should be doing to experience the choices we desire for ourselves.

    The bottom line of all this, UFO, is that you really shouldn’t create pain for yourself about what other people are choosing. They are responsible for themselves and they are creating their own realities. Work on your own self. Meditate. Heal your pain. Release your fears. LOVE yourself. Find out what your true bliss is and follow that. Express yourself as you most want to. Offer your truth and especially your love to all that might want it or ask for it but never insist or demand that others must accept what you have to offer. It is my belief and my experience that if you do this you will keep finding yourself at just the right place at just the right time that your expressions, your truth and your love is the perfect “service to other” that someone else is requiring. AND that the world around you just keeps offering you exactly what you need too!

    These are some of the thoughts I have to offer you for now. When I release my channellings in this regard you’ll be able to get a fuller picture of what I am on about. But of course you are welcome to ask more questions or discuss this more in the interim if you want to. Again: I do not claim to hold THE truth. I only hold MY truth. I simply offer what I have in case it might be of use to you too.

    in reply to: What is 2012? or "The Great Harvest"? #12325

    This is, from my perspective, correct. It is very useful info beautifully expressed. But the story presented here is not quite complete. It speaks of three paths forward: STS, STO and undecided. As far as that goes this is right. But there is a fourth path that I am aware of. Maybe there are more? I don’t know. I personally am aware of a fourth path. It is the path of true Oneness. Those that work off all their separation issues… those that create the truth in their heart that “all is one” do not particular find themselves in service to themselves or others. They discover all is perfect and complete and no “serving” needs to be done. Such beings simply express themselves AS THEY ARE. Not to change or fix others and not to gain the service of others. They simply are what they are in sure knowingness of the Oneness. It is so that their expressions are what they are. Expressions. And beings that wish to engage with these expressions may. They may percieve it to be a service or not. But the being doing the expressing is not attached to working an change in those they engage with. Such unity-conscious beings will not need to tarry at the 4th dimensional level. They will “ascend” directly to AT LEAST the 5th, probably the 6th or even above.

    I find that my task is to be a part of the spreading this message. Not becasue I need anyone to agree but simply becasue I have a story to tell and tell it I must. Even if no-one needs to read it. I tell it for ME and the very telling is a process in which I am healing MYSELF of my separation issues. I do it becasue I must. That is all. The message is one of true unity and love for all… of releasing the desire to reject aspects of the self. it is precisely this “pushing away” of aspects of self that keeps beings in a state of pain and incompleteness. When each is TRULY healed, whole and at one with Itself then it is at one with all that is. And then there is this further ascension to a point above (4D which still allows for an “us vs’ them” mentality). You see even the 4D STO beings – who indeed will inhabit a very beautiful reality – will find that they have some inner pain to work out. There are aspects of self still (from their perspective) stuck “over there” in the STS realities. Out of sight is, unfortunately not out of mind. This is not a judgement though. This is perfect for such beings that still wish to play here in this very beautiful game. I am simply pointing out that there IS a another option not elucidated here in the above post.

    I am busy working on a full description of this and how one can actually attain such unity consciousness if one wants and if one is ready to let go of duality. It is turning into quite a large channelled work. I will be releasing this on my soon to be launched website when there is enough mater there to make a solid case. Watch this space I will be making the announcement of the opening of my website soon (or at least in perfect time). And of course I will be willing to discuss that matter over here on BoL and also take some questions for the beings I channel.

    I am loving how in the above post the being – Lucifer – is now taking off Its mask. It has played the role of enemy and adversary for a very, very long time. It is now beginning to offer those that are willing to accept this the understanding that this too was an act of love from a being that is of course ALSO One with all that is. I have understood the same story as has been presented here. Interestingly not all aspects of Lucifer are ready to accept the oneness. Just as many aspects of the “light side” are still talking in terms of war and punishing the evil doe-ers. That is why there are so many doom-and-gloom scenarios being painted around 2012 too. For those beings it might be so that there IS going to be a great big war… that there is going to be death and destruction. If that is the only way they can find their way out of this density/ duality reality then that is their right to choose that. We each create our own reality and MUST be allowed to do so. So allow this. Allow that they are doing this and allow also that that does not invalidate your sure knowing that YOU will not see or be involved in the death drama. If we release our attachment to their being only one outcome for all of us then we can go our own path. And if we trust our truth implicitly then we can allow that we KNOW that we are simply not going to need to have disaster befall us. We can turn down the invitation to dance the fear dance that is being offered to us by many.

    But we will get there. All will remember who they REALLY are. And then the game will end in the most glorious and spectacular fashion.

    These are exciting and wondrous times. Something is about to happen which is nothing short of miraculous. We are attempting to ascend a whole system IN SITU. This has never been done before. Ascensions like this have always happened as “harvests” – bit by bit and almost always in the discarnate state. We that were here for this will be valued throughout All That Is for the understanding that will be in our beings as a result of being here for this. We will be able to be party to fantastic creations when we are ready for that.

    This is my truth. In no way do I demand that it must be true for anyone else.

    in reply to: Suggestion / Question about this spamming problem #12267

    We are most certainly doing that, Wanderer. But either they are simply spoofing new IPs or there is a constant supply of new ones coming in.

    in reply to: Suggestion / Question about this spamming problem #12265

    Wow! It IS getting a bit ridiculous thought, huh?

    Each time I log on I first have to go and do some clean up. It certainly seems to me like we are being particularly targeted.

    I agree with your call UFO – it would be best if there was some kind of vetting system. People should need to “apply” for membership. Is that possible, Annu?

    in reply to: A Call to Conscious Evolution #12279

    Thanks for the info, Qanena.

    I have signed this. I hope many others will too.

    in reply to: pest control instructions #12030

    Hi Orissa

    That is the way I do it too. And thank you to whoever cleaned that up!

    Wowzer it gets chaotic sometimes, doesn’t it? I think the thing that fools the spammers is the fact that we are all from around the globe so there isn’t a time when we are all asleep. So we win. I just cleared up a whole rash of spam. The idiot was advertising his discount software store… with 25 new topics! I mean good grief! But it was nice to note that most of his topics had zero views and one or two had one view when I got there. Purged and banned. We win again!

    @Will wrote:

    …Mucho Gusto on the site Zing !…

    …is that your music ?…

    …I can hardly wait !…

    Sorry Will I only saw this now. Yeah that is one of my tunes. I’m pretty excited too, as you can imagine. The totally outrageously fantabulous Anu is busy creating the site for me. So it is both pretty and functional. To be launched pretty soon now. The idea is that I will be hosting all my stuff there but with link-backs to here so that people can read it there in one continuous flow but they must come and join here to discuss.

    in reply to: Earths Forbidden Secrets Part 2 #12236

    That looks great.

    In the mean time, part one is available here. I’m going to start reading it now…

    in reply to: Blossom’s back on line #12072

    @UFOBelieve wrote:

    I’m taking ANYTHING with a grain of salt these days

    UFO I think that right there was one of the benefits of the Oct 14 no-show. It seems before then many (or most) of us were looking for truth and for salvation from outside of ourselves. With the no-show many (or most) of us broke free from that. We realised that our truth lies within us and within our own experience of life. So we stop believing stuff because a channel says so and rather choose to believe it if it resonates deeply within us. This way we are believing our own hearts rather than the words someone else is offering us. This is a lot healthier. People who are looking for a saviour are expressing the sponsoring thought “I am lost and I can’t save myself”. So that is what they create and that is what they get. It is far healthier to trust your own heart. Then you can read something and say “this is true because it resonates for me”. Or not, of course.

    Blossom’s sources and mine have disagreed quite fundamentally over the aftermath of the no-show. Her sources told her, essentially, that they didn’t come because TPTB threatened them. And as they (in their light-ship) are not indestructible, they basically got scared and changed their minds about coming. Until some other later time when, I assume, TPTB will be of a more friendly mien. There could scarcely be a sharper contrast than with that which I received. I understood that there was no mistake at all. That is was exactly perfect the way it played out. This so-called non-event:
    1. Opened a very large number of people of the world up to the idea… to the mystery and the wonder… of benevolent, loving space-brothers being “out there”.
    2. Shook a great number of people free from their externalisation of their power and their saviour complex (as discussed above).
    3. Severely disrupted a range of destructive plans that the power cabal had planed. All that stuff about “blue-beam” and marshal law and all that came to nothing, right?
    4. And more than that it disturbed the balance of power within the cabal so that those that are pro-disclosure gained the upper hand. MUCH has changed as a result of this. Negotiations have been opened and this has paved the way fro a new direction for our planet. It is my belief that this is one of the main factors in Obama being selected rather than Clinton. And yes, I did say SELECTED not ELECTED. Obama is approved by the light beings whereas Hillary was the cabal choice.

    Anyway… those are just some of the benefits of the so-called no-show. I say “so-called” because of course the ship DID appear just not in the way it was said it would.
    1. It appeared in our collective conscious as a result of the channellings.
    2. It appeared in an alternative time-line which has impacted obliquely on THIS time line and change our direction forward to a much more loving and peaceful outcome.
    3. It appeared to to many, many people who were willing to see it with their “spirit eyes”. If you didn’t demand that it must be visible in the consensual reality then you certainly might have seen it. Many did. I did.
    4. And as the light ship is there right now in the next dimension one can say it has always and will always be there. And yes – all that desire to will still see it after disclosure has happened. And we ARE heading towards that quite fast.

    And that is why I say my received understandings were very different from Blossoms. Certainly this was no mistake. No fear-based last-minute retreat. No error in judgement. Quite the opposite. It was a grand victory which we earth people are just not able to see the outcome of quite yet.

    As to this latest channelling of Blossoms? She took a hellava pounding over the “no-show”. I am glad she is back at it again. That takes courage. I hope she has gained for herself the learnings that that experience had to offer her so that she doesn’t need to experience a crash to the ego like that again.

    in reply to: Ascension #12122

    Cool! Thanks for that Orissa. I have quite a high degree of resonance with this particular channelling from Matthew. He touches on some of the subjects that are being assembled for my own channellings. Certainly nothing leapt out with which I felt disagreement.

    in reply to: Ascension #12118

    Syme, the reason there is no simple explanation out there is because…
    there is no simple explanation! 🙂

    Each persons ascension process will be completely unique and each’s experiences will be unique. There ARE some common factors but even to get there to explain those is quite a complex thing.

    And as to what it will be like AFTER… well this is even harder to explain. You see, us earth humans have certain experiences of life. As a result we think of things in a particular way. We expect our ascended reality to be the same as our current reality with a few extra toys. Maybe we think its “like earth but with extra abilities”. Or something. It won’t. Our consciousness will expand to the multi-dimensional. We will each be aware of ourselves as “the one that is many”. All of your incarnations and lives between lives will be available to you as NOW. And you will truly understand that you absolutely and completely create your own reality. The difference between material and spiritual will cease to be important.

    But explaining all this is quite a job. Not something that can be done in a paragraph or two. I am however currently doing a channelled series on exactly this subject. I have just started and I can see that it’s going to be quite long when it is done. It is to encompass what ascension is, how one engages with the ascension process, what the outcome will be and what a truly “ascended being” is (and whatever else is given to me to transcribe). When I am ready I will be releasing that. It might take a little while though. When I try to understand one concept I realise there are underlying concepts that need to be understood first and it just grows and grows!

    In the mean time here is a thought. The term “ascension” is a misnomer. No one goes “up”, of course. It is better to understand it in terms like:
    Remembering who you really are
    Healing all aspects of yourself
    Becoming fully integral
    Becoming at-one with yourself
    Experiencing the Oneness of All
    Bringing all your energy to integration in the heart.
    Having all aspects of yourself in alignment with and service to your heart.
    Being the creator of your own reality
    …and so on.
    But these are all complex concepts and so it is much easier to just say “ascension”.

    Edit to add:
    Syme, you ask specifically about whether there will be disaster and cataclysm. The thing is that there will be many time lines. We each create our own reality. Right now we work on a single time-line consensus reality system. These time lines are being unbundled now. So the future will be different for different people, depending on what they need to take their soul progression forward. Do you not think it curious that you don’t really resonate with a some fear-filled disaster scenario and yet that is all some other people can think of? Why is destruction and mayhem all they can see when they look to the future? And why do some people almost seem to lick their lips with glee at the thought of the middle east conflict exploding into WW-III? There are some major themes of what will happen. My very firm contention is that they all, to one extent or another, get to be played out. But YOU don’t have to experience all of them. By the choices you take for yourself… the energy you put out into the world… the beliefs you have about yourself… by your INTENTION and ATTENTION you will bring to yourself the future experiences and realities that are congruent with your soul. I can tell you that it is right for me that I will not experience a violent, destructive, cataclysmic future. Quite the opposite. It will be peaceful and love-filled. There will be no monumental disasters. I will quite shortly be moving from the city to the forest where I will ride out the transition without any need for great upheaval in my life at all. This is so for me. If it it can be so for me it can be so for others. Each creates their own reality weather they know it or not.

    in reply to: …Swami Beyondananda channeling…?… #12079

    LOL! Awesome stuff! Thanks for sharing Will. I love how he delivers truth and wisdom with humour and wit. Excellent!

    in reply to: …Camelot interview with James… #11961

    @Will wrote:

    …I agree with a lot of what you said, Zing, but also with James…

    …could you both be different fascets on the same Gem ?…

    Ah. Yes, of course. It is all true depending on where you stand. I guess I got a bit carried away. Let me revise my position slightly. It is so that I concur exactly with what Opal has just said:
    @opalescent wrote:

    As for the entrapment by devious ones who from heaven to earth came, all part of the drama. Costumes, script, plot, lights, smoke, mirrors… er, not really “real” but oh well we play the part until we decide not to any more. If we have nothing more as poor miserable sods trapped on this rock, we do have choice.

    Yes. Of course this is exactly it. We came here to experience this. We experience it by believing it. It is meant to look as if we are trapped and separated. That is the drama. So we believe it. But the greater truth FOR ME is that we came here by choice specifically to experience this. So we seem to be trapped by the baddies. But actually we chose to be in a situation in which it would seem that way. So yes, both views are right depending on the perspective one holds.

    @Will wrote:

    …life was planted here by the Ancients and nurtured for millions of years to get us to the stage of the brute beasts that the Anunnaki found…. they are the latecomers that messed with the Natural Spirit Evolution of the race, the Pao Taal, that were here from the beginning… the Anunnaki were the ones that put the artificial break in our DNA and “enslaved” us to the Dual Stand Prison…

    Yes, of course you are right about the story here beginning long before our current civilisation was here. There have been numerous other civilisations here at all kinds of levels of advancement. Just one little part of the story is the one that began a several thousand years ago in Sumeria and leads to us being here now.

    But you know… I have done my quite a bit of inner-exploring of this story and I believe what the Annunaki found here were actually quite beautiful beings. They were not AT ALL technological. They were beings that lived in a state of communion with each other. They were telepathic and acutely felt their bond with one another, with their environment, the other animals and the planet. Loving gentle creatures. But they didn’t “think” like we do. They didn’t speak or write or any of that. They didn’t need to because they were able to access the akashic for “group knowledge” at will. Beautiful. But not very growth-filled. Such a life did not create much opportunity for the advancement of the individual. Indeed they didn’t really have much need for the concept “individual”. They though in terms of the tribe as being “one being”. So their evolution was stunted. Then the Anunnaki came. They took a look at this and only saw dumb mute beasts that were of no use. The Anunnaki saw a being that was stupid and lazy. So they mucked with them and created the fore-runner of humanity. We were genetically disconnected from the oneness and all the beautiful telepathic stuff and instead made far more “cerebral”. This was, on the face of it, so that we could serve the Anunnaki masters. And from one persepctive this did indeed create a kind of a soul-trap for these beings. But it also spurred some of the fastest spiritual growth opportunities ever seen anywhere in All That Is. So was it “wrong” or was it “right”? Either or neither or both… depending on your perspective. Certainly the spirit entities that incarnated into those bodies chose to do so. No one enters a life without wanting to be there. So how then are we victims to this experience? We aren’t! Except when we ARE in the experience then it can certainly look like we are victims to it. We can certainly believe we are. And then, of course, it is our reality that we ARE!

    So both are true.

    @Will wrote:

    …and maybe our Human Race is holding the *Keys* to the prison that has inadvertantly enslaved the Anunnaki !…

    Ahhhh. Now THAT sent a little shiver up my spine. Hmmm. I think you have put your finger on some very deep truth right there. I think the Anunnaki most definitely created their own prison for themselves when they acted as they did. I think we have it in our power to release them if we can find sufficient compassion and understanding. Then there will be a mutual releasing. I think this needs to be explored more but I think you’ve hit onto something really deep here.

    in reply to: Cosmic Dust Storm Rages #12076

    Cool find! Thanks SS.

    So lots more particulate mater out there and even more as we head towards 2013. But WHY?

    And they say “our solar system’s natural defences are down” but they don’t say why to that either.

    And yeah… of course my attention was piqued by the 2013 thing. More synchronicity.

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