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  • in reply to: Questions for Zingdad Re: Oct 14 #10194

    Hiya Multi!

    When I said I wanted to create a community I was talking about two things:
    1. Inviting folks here to Book of Light to discuss. And you are here. So… WELCOME! 🙂
    2. Inviting folks to join as members on my website so that I have their contact details and can let them know about updates and so on on my site.

    That’s the opening ambit. I don’t know where it goes from here. But at least we are getting together and talking to each other so we have a community when things become clearer!

    But I’m a bit confused, Multi. You say you’ve been on my site but yet you are asking what I’ve been up to. I can only assume you haven’t found your way to The Ascension Papers? Please have a look at http://www.zingdad.com/writings. That is my current project. There are 8 chapters up and more to come as I write them. And as you read them you are invited to come and join in on the associated discussion thread here on BoL.

    You ask about Adamu? Well I have some good news. Chapters 15 to 21 will apparently be with him. We will apparently be talking about all the exciting “lightships and ETs and space civilisations” stuff then. But I’m sure you’ll find some value on the preceeding material as well.

    You’re right… things are a bit quiet right now here on BoL. But you assumption that nothing has gone on here for months in not correct. But is has been quiet-ish. Things go in cycles. Like for example the sun… I don’t know if you know this but the sun itself has been very very quiet for the past while. It has had no sun-spots at all for a long time. But now it is becoming more active again. The first sunspot of the next cycle has appeared. And, according to solar physicists, they expect activity to accelerate to a maximum of activity at the end of 2012. How about that!? Even the sun goes through cycles of quiet to busy. And even the sun is going to be at it’s busiest in recorded history at the end of 2012. Cool, huh? I think we might be following a similar pattern. 😉

    Anyway… again… welcome to BoL and I look forward to chatting with you some more.

    in reply to: Hello everyONE #12682

    Hello Ann

    I’d like to wish you a very warm welcome to BoL.

    I’m really glad my stuff has given you reason to join!

    Ann there is some funky synchronicity going on here.

    Your name is Ann. My “real” name is Arn
    You chose the numbers 7002 to add to your nickname. I am born in February 1970 which makes the first four numbers in my national identity number 7002.
    You sign off with “love, truth and joy” and I have often felt that that is a very significant division in the order of things. I have been told that my greater reality is constructed by the three being: Love Truth and Joy. I don’t make a big deal out of this because I don’t understand what this means yet. But your signing like that… well… that is interesting.

    So I don’t know what these little synchronicities mean. Maybe something, maybe nothing. But it did get my attention.

    Again: welcome to BoL!

    And Will,
    @Will wrote:

    …Zingdad is a special treasure here

    If the weather suddenly gets warmer there where you are it is the heat of me blushing from all the way over here in South Africa! LOL!

    Thank you, my brother.

    in reply to: The Ascension Papers by Zingdad #12566

    @Ann7002 wrote:

    Hi everyone 😀
    I have to express a heartfelt THANK to you Zingdad, J-D and 8 <3

    Hi Ann

    You are MOST welcome.
    …and I also wish you a warm welcome to BoL!

    Ann I am most please that you have found such resonance in The Ascension Papers. I am really loving the process of writing them too!

    @Ann7002 wrote:

    Now on the other hand, I find life difficult, there seems to be no point in anything.. still, life goes on, and we have to play the game to continue to experience, the game is not over till it’s over 😉

    I feel this with you. To one degree or another before I began writing The Ascension Papers this was how I felt about life too. I felt like I kept creating reasons to be here but they never made me really feel like I belonged or like I really WANTED to be here. I kept having these fantasies of how I would “walk out” of this life. How I would leave on a spaceship or exit this world while having an out of body experience. Such things. But now – for me – I feel a profound sense of purpose. I am creating a path forward that I am really loving. Now everything changes for me.

    Ann – I don’t know you and I am not in the habit of telling other people about their lives – but just maybe you are waiting to discover you truest, highest, most magnificent purpose. Maybe. I can say there is nothing so exciting as feeling you have that!

    But irrespective… it is wonderful having you along on this amazing journey!

    in reply to: The Ascension Papers by Zingdad #12565

    @wolfke74 wrote:

    The organisms on 1ste and 2nd dimension will they ascend also to a another higher dimension and get counsioness or will they stay there on that same level even when Gaia ascended to fourth dimension?

    Wolfke I have a feeling that things are not as simple as that. You see 1st and 2nd density consciousness structures already exist somewhat in a state of unity. That is to say a plant of a rock would not consider itself to be an individual any more than a cell in your body would. These are expressions of a greater consciousness. So there might be a massive soul that is responsible for all trees of a certain type on the planet – lets say Pine trees. And another one that expresses all quartz rocks. You seem to be asking if the quartz rock would want to move up and express itself as a plant and if the Pine tree being would want to individuate into a self-conscious animal. Well, I really don’t know about that at all. I don’t think there is any kind of rule to say it must be so. I agree with Will that everything grows and evolves “upwards” but I don’t know that it must necessarily be in a strict linear fashion.

    By way of support for my contention I shall say that I was never a mineral, never a plant and never a non-self-conscious animal. I did not evolve my consciousness in that way. I know this to be true for me. I rather suspect most humans did not either. Which would indicate to me that there is no requirement of climbing step by-little-step all the way from the bottom of 1D to the top of 8D. For me the lowest my soul has ever penetrated is 3D. And I have not expressed myself at many tones of 3D either. And from here I believe I am going to hop-scotch my way home – not expressing myself in every density up either! So it is most apparent to me that there are no strict rules about this stuff.

    But this is just my perspective and my guess. I will probably get some more clarity for myself on this subject in the “densities and dimensions” chapter when that comes. And then you can see what you think of that.

    As an interesting aside – I believe our bodies at 5D have a crystalline structure. 🙂 Just some food for thought!

    in reply to: The Ascension Papers by Zingdad #12560

    Hi Jilly

    Glad to have you along for this journey!

    Those are good and interesting questions. I suspect they might be answered somewhat as you read chapters 6 and 7. So I’ll keep them on the backburner ’till then, okay? Let me know if they aren’t and I’ll happily see if I can address them.


    in reply to: The Ascension Papers by Zingdad #12558

    @wolfke74 wrote:

    I had years ago two expiriences that were amazing. I was one with Earth. I was every drop of water, every animal and plant, every leaf on the trees every branch on the trees, I was every drop of water but I also was the ocean, like the puzzle. Every piece is single but I you pieced them togother it becomes One. It was a blessfull moment , and one I want to have back.

    Hi wolfke

    Firstly may I wish you a very warm welcome to the Book of Light! It’s awesome to have you here.

    Wolfke I am so glad you have posted this. My lady-love and I have both had some similar experiences. Profound, wonderful, amazing, healing, beautiful experiences. I find these experiences just can’t be made to fit into words or concepts that I can adequately communicate to another person. When I tell the story it ends up sounding really lame compared to what I experienced. But once I had touched this I just knew I had to find my way back there again.

    When I went questing to find out what this meant I was told the experience was a “love letter” from the earth – from “Gaia” as we have called her. It was an invitation to dance. A whole new and amazing dance. And I was told some others were getting a similar invitation. Each one would be a little different becasue each of us is a little different. But the basics would be the same: we would each have a wondrous, mystical experience of unity with the earth herself. We would experience unambiguously that the earth is a living being. A oneness composed of the manyness. And we would feel our hearts touched by this being.

    There are many, many paths forward into the ascension. Some paths will take you off this planet onto other planets. Some paths will take you to new realities. Some paths may be on one of the versions of earth but not serving the planet in quite the same way, I guess. And who knows what else could lie ahead for some beings. But, I am told, ones that have experienced this mystical union with Gaia herself have been invited – and have on a soul level accepted the invitation. We are Earth Partners. That is our path forward. We serve the planet as a network of points of light as she births herself into the next density.

    I am one such. My lady-love is another. And it seems to me you are one too. I am pleased indeed to have made your acquaintance. And I look forward to meeting more.

    @wolfke74 wrote:

    I just had one question. He talks about 3D and other dimensions above. Are there also 1D en 2D dimensions , I presume the also excist? 🙂

    They certainly do!

    @Will wrote:

    …in my understanding the seat of the 1st D is the iron core of this world… this is the base that our spirits anchor to…

    …then *children* of 1D might be considered the minerals of this world…

    …2 D is the point where the line is crossed towards basic life… bacteria upwards to one-celled organisms…

    …and my dear brother Will has hit the nail squarely on the head! This is the gist of it as I understand it also… 1st density is minerals, 2nd density is life forms that are not self-aware. But my understanding of densities and dimensions is somewhat sketchy at present but both 8 and J-D have now promised us a chapter on this subject. I especially look forward to getting the explanation for what is in the higher densities and what the experience of life is like at each density.

    in reply to: The Ascension Papers by Zingdad #12557

    @mathewdhart wrote:

    Hi Zingdad,

    Well, I must say, 8 was great! Well worth the wait! (LOL)

    Hi Mathew

    I was going to reply with rhymes about 8
    But then I decided I wouldn’t take the bait.

    Ooo… err



    @mathewdhart wrote:

    Also, in the same vein, the perspective that when we die even those we leave behind can be there waiting for us on the other side of the veil — well, their higher selves anyway. This is something I never considered before.

    This surprised me too. I suppose it’s obvious when you think about it… but I’m so used to thinking in a linear-time fashion that this kind of stuff often takes me by surprise.

    @mathewdhart wrote:

    if I am able to interact with the higher selves of my loved ones after I pass through the veil, how will I perceive my own higher self? Will I meet this person (me) in a form that appears separate from my self or will I simply feel them/hear them/experience them more clearly than I do on this side of the veil?

    I feel this will depend entirely on your perspective. You will be whatever you believe yourself to be (or whatever you are willing and able to remember yourself to be). And from that context there is you, then there are the “lower” aspects of self which would be the incarnated personae and then there will always be a “higher” self too. It will be an aspect of self that you know to be “self” but will recognise as being more radiant and magnificent than you currently find yourself to be.

    I think there is ALWAYS this… it is truly fractal. You can zoom in as much as you like and you can zoom out as much as you like. Wherever you are there is always still more picture to look at – endlessly recursive in all directions. So – yeah – there is always a higher self. I think so.

    @mathewdhart wrote:

    Looking forward to 9…

    So am I! 🙂

    in reply to: The Ascension Papers by Zingdad #12556

    @dan wrote:

    Hey Zing, now 8 clarifies better what I wrote about death and 2012. … the new world and change of densities, realities, dimensions we are gonna go through is gonna be like a death. Meaning a profound change.

    Hi dan

    It seems I misunderstood you quite a bit. But this post of yours clears that up. Yes, I agree death is a profound change and in that same way any profound change is a kind of a death. Like when you have been with a person in a relationship and that relationship ends. There is a big change. Then there is a period of mourning. And isn’t it amazing that we then go through exactly the same stages of grief and mourning that we do when we have lost a loved on to death? It might not be as intense but it is the same process.

    And so, yes, I find I agree with you. All these major changes that we now undertake as we tread the path to ascension can be quite like death. CERTAINLY my own experience of my own ascension path has brought me a great many such “deaths” in my life. I have had to let go of a tremendous amount of things as I found they no longer served me. And some of these “letting go” processes were very traumatic. Letting go of being a victim was very, very difficult for me. And maybe this is a story I shall tell some time.

    But yes, I get what you’re saying and I agree.

    @dan wrote:

    if something was my greatest “oponent” in life was fear. Fear of this world that “I desided” to come to. The experience was too painful, too lonely, too confusing, I shutted my self off. Distrust in the flow of things. The idea I did something wrong, pretty wrong, hence, this darth vader suit.

    Oh wow, do I sympathise with that! I know EXACTLY what you are talking about. If you recall in chapter 1 I tell about my past lives? The life just before this one was the “wizard” lifetime. I did some pretty abusive and dark stuff in that life. And then, after that I had to find my way back to self. When I incarnated again I often felt the way you describe. I held SUCH deep fear. Not of the world itself but of what I might do in it if I ever found my way back to personal power. I feared myself being an abuser again. So I locked myself of from my own source of authentic power. And in so doing I caused myself to live a life that was anaemic, sickly, listless, joyless, powerless and full of victimhood. And that was the story of my life until a few years ago. Until I started to find my way back to self-love. So I understand, I really do.

    And you know, dan, in the end even Darth Vader finds his way back to the light-side. Even Darth Vader’s heart is melted by love! 😀

    @dan wrote:

    Well, Zing thanks so much for the ascension papers, it’s helping me a lot already. And thanks for my own version of 8 that brought me here.
    good night
    PS more and more thankssssssssssssssssss

    You are so, so welcome, my friend. And you know what? I am told we have only just BEGUN with the good stuff. This is going to be a very exciting journey!

    in reply to: …crop circles… #12172

    dunno, Will, that link isn’t working…

    I think THIS is what you wanted…

    It certainly is GORGEOUS. I’m seeing that particular image of a swallow repeated a lot.

    And here are more:

    How’s THIS for a co-incidence. You were just talking about the Nazca bird, Will. Here it is…

    And this is real pretty too. Lots of sun-images lately…

    Magic mushroom anyone?

    …and now for some comic relief…

    Can YOU spot the difference between space-brother art and human art?

    in reply to: …crop circles… #12169

    Thanks for sharing Orissa! I have to say that doesn’t really work for me though. The explanation is 1 part vague and 2 parts “just believe us” and three parts “you aren’t ready to hear”.

    What really IS working for me is that third phase of Milk Hill! OMG! How amazing is that? I’m loving the intricacy and the “alien writing” in that one. Pretty much like the Southfield on on the previous page except – if anything – even MORE complex. WOW!

    in reply to: The Ascension Papers by Zingdad #12551

    Oh! I almost forgot!

    I wanted to let everyone know that…


    Chapter 8 is up!

    YAY! 🙂

    It’s been quite a marathon session getting this one written but I totally feel it was worth it. I have really loved receiving this conversation. It is one of my favourites and not AT ALL what I expected when I first began writing it. It turned out to be a pretty wonderful surprise for me. I look forward to hearing what you think.

    Love and laughter
    ʑ̊ǃɳǥðåð ̊

    in reply to: The Ascension Papers by Zingdad #12550

    Wow, thanks for the wonderful warm words, Wanderer! I am touched.

    The path of loving another can be complicated, challenging and hard work. A bit like the path of loving ourselves, isn’t it? I don’t know HOW I got as lucky as I did with my lady-love. We have quite simply had a miracle of a love story. I never stop counting my blessings for this. I wish you for you that your faith should be rewarded and that you will find great joy and love on your journey with your special other.


    There is something VERY troubling about this mission to bomb the moon. I haven’t got it sorted in my head yet but it just doesn’t add up. It feels like the rash action of madman. I can’t believe this is actually going ahead.

    in reply to: War #12668

    That is an awesome explanation, thank you Opal. I get it now. It would very much appear to me that my Adamu is a personality construct which acts as a mask through whom I am talking also to Nine. Like… we are speaking to the same intelligence but mine is filtered through a persona that is known to me. Which might explain the general resonance.

    So Anica is a currently incarnated Pleiadian human who is right now on a ship somewhere in the earth’s surrounds and she has come on a diplomatic mission from the Pleiades to meet us. How awesome is that?!? I am SO looking forward to meeting our star family. And I greatly look forward to reading more of her messages in preparation for that happy day of meeting!

    in reply to: The Ascension Papers by Zingdad #12548

    Hi dan

    That is an interesting quote there from Quo. I quite enjoyed it and it reminds me that I should go and reacquaint myself with what Carla and friends are up to.

    What is quite curious to me is how you extrapolate from that quote that “many of us will simply die”. I really don’t feel that is implied AT ALL by Quo. To my mind it is quite clear that they are saying that we 3D earth people “are not wired to be able to grasp” the change from third density to fourth density “without significant distortion”. This means we are not set-up to be able to understand what this change will bring about without undergoing a lot of internal change… a lot of inner-work. As far as I am concerned that is all they are saying. Maybe it is the word “distortion” that has caused you to think they implied death? If so I would strongly encourage you to read more of especially the RA material that precedes the Quo works. They use the word distortion a great deal and to them it doesn’t have the pejorative value that our culture often applies to to it. To them it means altered, changed, morphed. They would, for example, say a persons name is a “sound distortion”. It is apparent that they use this word in a very neutral way.

    So it’s an interesting quote but I must say I don’t think it supports your contention that “many of us will simply die”.

    But does that mean I disagree with you? Well… no, not exactly. It is quite possible that many earth people WILL die. But let’s get honest, if you remove 2012 and the ascension thing from the equation then… were you really expecting not to ever die? And irrespective of anything else a good number of folks would ANYWAY die every year of normal stuff like viruses and car accidents and war and famine. So what are we talking about? It would appear to me that you are making the assertion that 2012 equals everyone dying. And that we must get over our fear of it because it is inevitable. You make the statement that “Jumping over the veil always means the experience of death on many levels.” (my emphasis). Really? ALWAYS? Are you sure? It is a point I would disagree with you upon. I would certainly agree that it often does. That it usually does. Even that, up to now, it ALMOST always has. Yes – when it is “business as usual” then the path to ascension has usually culminated with physical death followed by some post-incarnational final work and on you go to a higher-dimensional consciousness. Super. But ALWAYS? Nope. I don’t agree. Firstly there does seem to be some evidence of “bodily ascensions” in the religious literature of pretty much every religion – if you are of a mind to look and if you are of a mind to believe it. Secondly there is some evidence of mass ascensions for example the with Mayans. And then, for myself, I know as a matter of my own past-life memories that bodily ascension was the norm practised by all the members of a civilisation living on a planet in the system of Lyra… if you are of a mind to believe ME. So even if it is business-as-usual there does seem to be some wriggle room. It does seem to ME to be possible to “get out of here” alive. And then what does the 2012 ascension mean if not business UNusual? I mean if we were going to just keep doing the same stuff the same way why bother with the whole 2012 thing at all? Why have it be an important date? Why do anything about it or for it? Why not just let folks keep slowly raising their consciousness to the point that they are ascension-ready when they end one of their incarnations? That is business as usual. So why do it differently now? Or if, as you seem to be arguing, it is just to be a mass-extinction event why bother alerting us to it? We’re just going to die, after all! And then we will be spirit beings and then we’ll sort ourselves according to our levels of consciousness and move on. Why alert us to what is coming if it’s just a big die-off? The only possible reason for that is to sow fear. And all that does is lower vibrations.

    So I guess each person can (and will) decide for themselves what they think is coming. But for me it is my truth that ascension does not equal death. Ascension actually equals LIFE. And no, I don’t come to this conclusion becasue I fear death. I state it unambiguously that I do NOT fear death. I have seen it enough times and remembered my way across it’s borders to know that death is a lot less painful a thing than birth, for example, is. This is not wishful thinking talking. This is me standing in my truth and expressing it. And I am not creating my path with death. And as I create that path so I am expressing it in the form of The Ascension Papers. I share it in the hope that others will not only find value in it but actually come and share the journey with me… as everyone that has joined in this discussion forum has!

    By way of reminder… The first seven chapters are available to read here. As new chapters are written so they will be added. And, coincidentally, Chapter 8 (which I am busy writing right now) deals at some length with the concept of death and how it is not to be feared. Maybe that will go some way to responding to your post? I look forward to your feedback.

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