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Home Forums Messages From Beyond New Messages from the Grid Channelings from Blossom Goodchild

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    @tiaka9 wrote:

    Well, we know that South Africa has a town called Alabama and also that there is a Table Mountain. Don`t know about the snow cone though. But the latest clue would also point to South Africa as it is famous for diamond mines.

    Then again, I might be completely wrong. 😕

    My thoughts exactly Tiaka… could the snow cone be Mt. Kilimanjaro, ya think? …

    Today I have seen diamonds all over the place today… on a billboard right across the street from my table at dinner, on a business card in front of my foot on the sidewalk… And I must say, I’m not jumping all over the place excited as I thought I should be in anticipation of the changes on the horizon, just calm and ready for whatever comes next. Steady. 🙂

    But very happy 😀 The diamond reference, I feel, is a crystallization of great joy, above and below, within and without.


    This is mentioned in another thread, so I’m gonna post it here, Blossom’s latest:

    13.Gotta be honest, feeling REALLY tired today … moan moan moan … just wondering if my energy is a bit too low in order to pick up with you?

    Lift your spirits dear friend. We are here.

    Yep … got that exploding in my heart again suddenly. Good morning … Are you well?

    Indeed. We know not of illness. There is much speculation upon your planet as to the whys and wherefores of our arrival. Please let it be known that we do not wish to confuse, that is not of our nature. It is simply that certain methods of discretion are important in order for our mission to succeed. There is little more that is required now. We are very astute and we are of much gratitude for those who are assisting in LOVE on your plane. Collect your thoughts dear ones. Present yourselves to yourselves … are you happy with what you see? Are you proud of how you feel about yourself as you meet it? We ask this of you … concentrate on all the LOVE that is you. Let go of all manner of things that do not serve you in LOVE. It is time now to release them. With our coming you are able to advance your souls evolvement in a fashion that will assist your own individual vibration.

    I do know about everywhere else in the world but here in Australia they are showing all the fear based movies such as War of the Worlds etc. I DO HOPE people can see through this. How lovely it would be if they were to show ‘Close Encounters’ or ET, but NO …
    My friends , I feel a little low today …I feel so much hope in your visit, for I am bombarded with views from others that indeed show me how much LOVE is needed in this world of ours. And in my heart I KNOW you come to show us a better way… and BOY DO WE NEED IT.

    May this be understood by all. We are not making ourselves known in order to conflict with TRUTHS of the soul. We are making ourselves KNOWN in order to WAKE UP many who still sleep. When they awake, there shall be a new ‘feeling’ upon your planet. The beauty that one feels inside will be expressed out to the world and enhance all things upon and within it.


    Refrain from judgment until you have the facts before your very eyes. As we have stated before, upon our arrival there shall be NO QUESTION that we come from somewhere outside your earthly vibration and that indeed we are of great Love for each and every one of you.
    Be of peace this day and in the days that follow. Be of good cheer. Take care of each other as we move forward into the great Light of Divinity. For we are all from this LIGHT and those that are in darkness shall one day join their brothers on the pathway home. We ask that you send much Love to the souls that have hidden agendas to cause harm and alarm upon your blessed earth. They are lost in the depths of human greed. Bring them safely home. For we are all brothers and sisters. We are ONE family … ONE energy … therefore as words have been spoken in years behind you … do unto your brother as you would do unto yourself.


    Allow it to express itself through you, in you, as you. We encourage you to rest now Blossom. Everything is in perfect order for our visit and IT SHALL BE SO.

    I accept what you say. Feeling better now. You’re right …I know you’re right … how easily we ‘sink’ when energy is low. Eh…. Is that it for today then? No little jigsaw pieces to add.


    I’ve got to admit … feel a bit dodgy about that one (not saying I felt ‘safe’ about the others!, yet they seem to be piecing together nicely) so … back to that famous word … TRUST. Shine your shoes it is! Intrigued by that one, but I was the same with snow cone and table.
    Dare I ask, just feel I need to know for sure … …is that you that is being hidden on Google earth? Some are saying that is the table clue. If it is … that’s big!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Did we not say a craft of HUGE size?

    So is it you? I feel you are saying ‘yes’, but to be honest here… I’m questioning it, in case I’m wrong. I’ve been sitting here a few minutes thinking about this and now I am laughing. I feel you want me to put


    So there you are … in for a penny, in for a pound. At this point in the process … what have I got to lose? Oh guys … I feel so much better than when I began today. Lets ALL remember to keep everything we do /are full of that good old LOVE LIGHT AND LAUGHTER. Lets not focus on talk of anything other. I’m putting the kettle on guys … one lump or two? Many thanks
    And in deep gratification to you dear lady. In LOVE. .

    The part about “Shine your shoes” rings in my head… I get a lot of the same kinds of messages in my messages, to look deep within and love what you see there, warts and all. Give the monster a hug. I read this reference to be a kind of, “In case you feel mopey while you’re looking at your deep inner self, make sure your shoes can reflect the light that’s above you, and see your own self in love”.


    Hi guys. I just had to join this forum to share in the discussion. I am, and I’m sure many others are too, following as much of this October 14th info as possible.
    Please forgive my analytical mind but I have been counting how many channeled enteties are in some way or another agreeing with the original Blossom message and I have found 9 so far, they are;

    Federation of Light (Blossom)
    Ashtar Command
    St Germain
    Cosmic Awareness

    If you know of others I would like to know and add to the list. I really do hope that this quasi-contact occurs. I have visualized it for a long time.

    And so know the list of hints given to whatever means, are as follows;

    Snow Cone
    A Table
    and recently “Shine your shoes”
    (plus the rainbows)

    I really have no idea what that is meant to add up to and jusdt trust that it will become apparent. I’m not really sure why everyone is so interested in “where” the ship will first be seen. I don’t really care, just as long as it does. We need a wake up call. I have studied the Illuminati and I know they are in control at this time and it is not fair on our evolution. They need to go.

    Anyway, I’d just like to add that I really don’t like posting on the internet because I never feel like I am getting my message across properly. Its not the same at all in writing. I’m not good enough to express what I really want but I’ll do my best. I can’t type as much as you lot…….

    I am following this stuff closely and realise the importance and seriousness of the claim. Even if this does not come to pass, I still think we should be address the issue otherwise. There is certainly a new way of looking at ourselves and the world coming in at this time and I hope we are ready.

    One more thing I’d like to add is that apon thinking about the reaction people will have to this event, If you think about all the children and very young adults, which must make up a huge portion of the world at the moment, I think they would handle this event better than the adults because they are more open and naturally loveing. So right there is a massive portion the of the worlds population and collective consciousness that will have no problem with a visit from higher dimensions.

    Love and light.


    @Nagual wrote:

    Please forgive my analytical mind but I have been counting how many channeled enteties are in some way or another agreeing with the original Blossom message and I have found 9 so far, they are;

    Federation of Light (Blossom)
    Ashtar Command
    St Germain
    Cosmic Awareness

    If you know of others I would like to know and add to the list. I really do hope that this quasi-contact occurs. I have visualized it for a long time.

    Hi, Nagual… Many thanks to add me to the list, darlin’ , and Magenta Pixie as well 😉

    The Pleiadian Renegades have been talking about contact for a while but kicked into high gear in tune with the harmony that sounded with Blossom’s wake-up call. Visit the link below to see the weaving of words.

    And I am in total agreement with your assessment of the little ones’ ability to lead us through this transition! Glad I’ve got one handy 😉 😆


    Sorry, which link?

    Also, I’d just like to add that I haven’t followed all of the pleadian channelings for a long time and I’m not familiar with all of the names and who channels them etc. I just stated jotting down the entities names to give them a quick count up.

    By the way, does anyone remember where I might have read that the federation takes responsiblity for the crop circles. I read it somewhere but I can’t remember where and there is a lot of channeled material to look through. I found that very interesting.



    Sorry that wasn’t very clear, the link in my signature line… here it is: http://opalescentwords.wordpress.com/
    Magenta Pixie’s YouTube site is http://www.youtube.com/user/MagentaPixie2012.

    There are so many new channelings, how could you possibly read them all! One must sleep, eventually, at least for a while 😕 😆
    What a great list to put together, I’m sure it will be added to, a lot 😀


    aahh thank you very much Opalescent!


    I’ve got to admit … feel a bit dodgy about that one (not saying I felt ‘safe’ about the others!, yet they seem to be piecing together nicely) so … back to that famous word … TRUST. Shine your shoes it is! Intrigued by that one, but I was the same with snow cone and table.
    Dare I ask, just feel I need to know for sure … …is that you that is being hidden on Google earth? Some are saying that is the table clue. If it is … that’s big!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Did we not say a craft of HUGE size?

    So is it you? I feel you are saying ‘yes’, but to be honest here… I’m questioning it, in case I’m wrong. I’ve been sitting here a few minutes thinking about this and now I am laughing. I feel you want me to put


    So there you are … in for a penny, in for a pound. At this point in the process … what have I got to lose? Oh guys … I feel so much better than when I began today. Lets ALL remember to keep everything we do /are full of that good old LOVE LIGHT AND LAUGHTER. Lets not focus on talk of anything other. I’m putting the kettle on guys … one lump or two? Many thanks
    And in deep gratification to you dear lady. In LOVE. .

    So, If I’m not mistaken, right here the federation is telling us that the shape we see in google earth is infact their ship! Is this how you guys are interpreting it? If that’s correct then currently the ship has five sides and is roughly 3 and a half THOUSAND kilometers (roughly 2 thousand miles) in diameter! COLASSAL!!!
    Is this not exciting? 😯



    Snowcone? Theres some more shapes coming in there too…

    The big shape over the north pole area has stayed five sided for a good while now albeit morphing around a bit….

    A diamond. 😯


    Thanks for the pics from Google Earth Nagual. Do you know if these shapes have been seen before? People are saying they could be glitches, but in today`s channeling the FoL say it is them. I was wondering if you have found anything anomalous over Australia or South Africa?


    Blossom`s interview on Now That’s Weird (10-03-08) Download
    To download it enter the code in the download box next to the big MEGAUPLOAD sign and click on the orange download button. Then choose the free download option. This is a one hour show and could take a while to download if you have a slow connection.


    My little image.

    Seems like they focus on north- and south pole to “park” those bigggg diamond light ships. =)
    Awesome, awesome awesome. Just decloak finally! xD


    Those google earth “glithes” is a bit to large and many to be glitces…..and the shapes are far out to strange to be that aswell. The weather sattelites do not scan the earth in cubes….and the earth is not flat!!! And there can be no “natural” occuring reactangular or straight lines as this on a globe…..just not possible…..it have had to be curved to be accepted….atleast from me….as a simple glitch…..and why has no one seen these in the past on google earth??

    Much love
    Annan the Nordic


    Dear Annan,

    I’m not sure if you were aware of this – those “glitches” were confirmed to BlossomGoodChild to be the ships – or at least to have something to do with them. And the mentioning of the crystal shape makes it even clearer. Check out her latest channeling!

    Love to you!


    It has been mentioned in the google earth community forums here: http://bbs.keyhole.com/ubb/showflat.php/Cat/0/Number/1242763/Main/1242364/

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