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Home Forums Messages From Beyond New Messages from the Grid Channelings from Blossom Goodchild

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    I have never heard the dimensions explained like that. Thank you , I had no idea . Thank you for the question, and thank you for the answer! Is any one feeling ‘waves’ of love washing over them? I am feeling … I can not explain with out sounding like a total dork. Love and appreciation for each of you, for everything my eyes lite on, I feel tears welling up. It sounds so corny. Anyone?


    I am beginning to think of the 4th dimension as the manifest of the Astral Layer. This in terms of our earlier “creations” either, both positive or negative, is back to “haunt us” in these times. Simply because we can not surpass 4th to come to 5th. Opinions on that one?

    95% of every Ghost sightings and experiences, is said to be the observers own astral projection, in other words, their own 4th dimesional creation of fear. The assumably 5% left of these, is actual entities, that has not left of different reasons – pursuing the path they were created for. So by that, I am getting a whole lot of sense in sorting out and round up a couple of things here now….after Yigdady and Zingdads postings. Thank you!! 🙂

    And must I say, much welcome dear friend Yigdady 🙂

    Much joy
    Annan the Nordic


    …here is an interesting article on dimensions…



    Awesome my brother will….thats a read for tomorrow…thanks!!

    Much love
    Annan the Nordic


    @Nagual wrote:

    It has been mentioned in the google earth community forums here: http://bbs.keyhole.com/ubb/showflat.php/Cat/0/Number/1242763/Main/1242364/

    Thanks for the link Nagual. Seems Google Earth users are none the wiser as to whether/weather 😆 these shapes are glitches or not. I checked Google Earth`s website and the satellite imagery of the terrain can be anytime between one and three years old, but the weather data can be the most recent.

    Google Earth acquires the best imagery available, most of which is approximately one to three years old. The information in Google Earth is collected over time and is not ‘real time’ in nature. For example, it’s not possible to see real time changes in images.

    Google Earth

    Use a map of satellite weather data that updates to reflect the most recent weather imagery for that region.

    Google Earth Image Overlays


    @Patte wrote:

    I have never heard the dimensions explained like that. Thank you , I had no idea . Thank you for the question, and thank you for the answer! Is any one feeling ‘waves’ of love washing over them? I am feeling … I can not explain with out sounding like a total dork. Love and appreciation for each of you, for everything my eyes lite on, I feel tears welling up. It sounds so corny. Anyone?

    Hi Patte,

    You don’t sound like a dork at all and is by no means corny. The reason some people might think it would sound corny is because of the stigma surrounding Love.
    Here is a quote out of a chapter on Unconditional Love from the book “Our Ultimate Reality” that explains it most wonderfully and that I resonate with entirely:

    Pure Unconditional Love is the most powerful vibration, force, Energy, in the entire Universe, in all spheres of life and reality. Without the all-pervading power of Unconditional Love the entire Universe could not and would not exist. If Unconditional Love where to be withdrawn, the entire Universe would collapse in an instant.
    Unconditional Love should never be confused simply with sentimental love, attraction between two people, sexual love or lust, love of family or friends, or where the word “love” is used very loosely as a sign of friendship, affection or simply as an expression of endearment. Unconditional Love is best described as a state of Energy, vibration, a powerful force, ultimately the very highest expression of Energy and vibration of all emanating as it does from the very highest, purest, most perfect and most Divine Energy of The Source, The First Cause, of God, a vibration sustaining all creation within the entire Universe without which there would be nothing.

    From what I understand these beings from “The Federation of Light” are here to vibrate Unconditional Love across the entire planet to assist us in raising our vibration to a level that will help awaken and enlighten those who are still asleep and in the dark.


    Hello and welcome yigdady 😀

    @yigdady wrote:

    I do have one question I can’t seem to find the answer to and maybe you good folks could answer it. I keep reading how we go from the 3rd dimension to the 5th. What happened to the 4th dimesnion? I feel like I am missing something here.

    The response I have on reading this is that we manipulate 3D while we’re in the matrix of 4D (time) and when we move to 5D we will be able to manipulate 4D as easily as we can mold clay. There are probably a million different responses that are accurate to some degree… 😆

    And yes, Patte, I too have felt waves of love crashing over me for a while now, catching me with tears in my eyes.


    Thank you so much Kailaurius and Opalessence,
    It is difficult to say to anyone without it sounding corny, but I so appreciate you supporting my feelings!!!! I read about it, I have wanted to feel it, but I have never really felt this way until now, and usually when I am on this blog.You have no idea how much I appreciate this blog! ALL the other blogs have someone or several someones, saying hideous things, like go hang yourself you are so stupid and that sort of thing that literally turns my stomach. I zip past them when I realize what they are, but the gut wrenching is still there, and dims the light of others.Or using the Bible to support warped ideas. Thank you, all of you, again for this place to express myself, and to learn.I can hardly think of anything else. I spend every free minute here, Blossoms site, not the blog, and 10-14-08 but not his blogs either. I have been to both blogs today, and they were so negative, I had to come here to feel better!


    Thank you my friends for your greetings answers and support. I have been reading all over this site tonight, and while doing so have been running up and down the stairs to view my wifes laptop where I opened the google earth. Seems there have been a lot of “glitches” tonight. Things have been there then moved etc etc. The biggest glitch over the north pole has been around 11:15 est., and it seems to be getting clearer and clearer. Is anyone else following this or noticing this? Im new to the google weather view thing, so I dont know if we all see the same thing or not. I tired to take a pic and save it, but not really sure where that went either! Silly me… Anyhow I feel like Im watching santa claus travel around the earth! I can’t seem to stop tingling either. Many goosebumps keep coming and going and I Know Im not cold. So, if someone could get me a little more up to date about how the google view works I’d much appreciate it! or maybe someone could post the pics they are seeing tonight? 😀


    Just to check, you guys know about this already don’t you?


    CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. – NASA said Monday it is delaying its mission to the Hubble Space Telescope until next year because of a serious breakdown of the observatory in orbit.

    The space shuttle Atlantis had been scheduled to blast off in just two weeks, but an unexpected problem with the Hubble appeared on Saturday night when the telescope stopped sending science data.

    That potentially means a new repair issue for the astronauts to confront — one that they haven’t trained for and never anticipated.
    Story continues below ↓advertisement

    The abrupt, mysterious failure of the command and data-handling system for Hubble’s science instruments means that the telescope is unable to capture and beam down the data needed to produce its stunning deep space images.

    Early Monday afternoon, NASA announced that the Oct. 14 launch had been postponed until at least early next year, possibly February. Each month’s delay will cost the Hubble program about $10 million.

    NASA officials stressed that the telescope is not in trouble; it’s just that it cannot send science information to ground controllers. That means NASA is unable to receive the dramatic pictures Hubble is known for.

    I could almost say that sounds like a huge “coincidence”, if I believed in them… 😉


    Here is a google earth update:

    😯 😯 😯

    At the moment the arrowish triangle shape (top pic) is pointing South and more or less directly at another regular triangle shape (bottom pic) that is pointing North!

    😯 😯 😯


    Then look at the cut on this weather forecast from sweden. The cut is the exactly same as the edgde on the GE arrow….pointing sout…..and that arrow is above the north sea…..


    Much love
    Annan the Nordic


    Thx for posting this here. It hasn’t been posted yet, at least I didn’t see it, but I was reading it somewhere else. Alex Collier said, the hubble telescope could see the war the GFL was having with the Reptilians, this could be what was hidden with black rectangulars on the Google Earth Space thing. Just a wild guess.

    Haha that was totally awesome. It’s awesome how much “clues” we’re getting. Or actually it’s more like proofs.
    But the question in the video would also be, has this been just the case on this day, or is this the usual point where the coulds come into view of the picture?

    Come down and ROCK MY WORLD!!!!


    That is not a normal cut in the weather map….and I understand his language and I am sensing some….hmmm….strangness in his voice in some way….not that he is totally distracted….more as he is trying to compensate – and try to let it “flow normal”a little more than I feel is normal. I see it like his energy body is focusing on this anomaly, and are irritated because he has to do his job. But thats just my personal feel 😉

    “People will think I’m mental, which I am.”

    I agree myself with Robbie Williams….about his ufo and ghost sightings…..hahaha….i love Robbie….he is my comrade from other places.

    Heres the link:

    Much love
    Annan the Nordic


    I look at these images and see our whole lovely planet turning into a brilliant diamond.

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