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  • in reply to: Zingdad: Adamu speaks – YOUR INTERACTIONS #8402


    …I had forwarded your message to Steve to a friend of mine that posted it at another site…

    …she broke it into paragraphs and underlined to make it easier to read …I will cut and paste a few of the comments…

    1Vector3 said Sunday, 2:18 AM:

    OM Bastet says:

    This is an email our beloved Sanctuary member Will sent me, as perhaps too long for a post. But I found it so valuable in so many ways I want to share it. I believe it is well worth your time to read.

    It discusses some current events, but also has really important background information about what Starseeds are, and our current jobs, which is why I am posting this under Resources and not Musings. It is one of the clearest explanations of why the illusion of separation exists, how the cosmos is structured, levels of identity, and the purpose of suffering and “evil.”

    I found this REALLY uplifting. And my discernment radar lights up at the vibe level of it all.

    I especially liked what he said about activism, too, but the parts about the cosmos and the purpose of it all, is totally outstanding. Hey, I spent half an hour putting in paragraph breaks and fixing spelling. Please read it!!

    I am going to post it so I don’t lose it, but then edit in some underlinings of places I think are especially important. If your notification doesn’t have underlinings, go to the original post in the Sanctuary.


    Re: Background about us, Foreground about Events
    Mascha said Yesterday, 10:15 PM:


    Thank you so much for reminding me.

    I often have powerful physical reactions to the truth, wherever I see it…. or shall we say, whenever it kisses me, I shiver clearsentiently.

    There are words in the text that feel too small to me – “ascending” is one of those. In my mind, that is immediately translated to “wholing”. We’re a cosmic organism wholing itself by re-membering, and that contains all directions, not just going “up” but also spreading horizontally to encompass all directions.

    Member number 00001.2.3 tipping her hat to all of you beautiful people in here; Dankeschön und auf Wiedersehen,

    your m

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    Re: Background about us, Foreground about Events
    1Vector3 said Yesterday, 11:11 PM:

    Thanks for your response, mascha!!. I hope many others will read here and be as supported as I have felt. I have really “leaned on” this for the last few days. A friend I emailed it to called me in tears of gratitude.

    Yes, mascha, I completely agree, “ascend” is not the precise right word, accurate word, and I like “wholing” or remembering better. Adamu probably just chose a word most people could easily relate to.

    Yeah, shivers or goosebumps are common signs of “truth-encounters” amongst us, LOL !!!!!

    Namaste, OM

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    Re: Background about us, Foreground about Events
    Mascha said Today, 12:31 AM:

    It really is a powerful transmission, isn’t it? And I’m so glad I’m not the only one who responds by getting high on it for the last few hours since reading it… plus deep, of course (she added hastily).

    I’ve posted my UFO-related history and investigations into the matter on a private pod some time ago where very few people could read. Now I don’t feel like repeating myself on that score. Suffice it to say that I support Dr. Steven Greer’s Disclosure Project whole-heartedly.



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    in reply to: …videos… #9893

    …American prayer…


    in reply to: Vegan Essay (Part III) #10745

    …if one were truely serious on this subject , then being vegan is just another step on the path and not the destination…

    …(from one that is far from perfect )…

    …as you are killing plants to eat them…

    …being Fructarian involves eating fruit and nuts…

    …products of the plant kindom that does not end the life of the parent plant…

    in reply to: …videos… #9891

    …my all time favorite Pink Floyd tune…

    …helped me keep my sanity while I was awakening…


    in reply to: Native Americans Secretly Sterilized – George H.W. Bush #10769

    …you can brush your teeth with baking soda…

    …it won’t heal your pineal gland …

    …but will give you whiter teeth… 😀

    in reply to: Native Americans Secretly Sterilized – George H.W. Bush #10767

    …speaking of shutting down the pineal gland…

    …have you ever noticed how a Catholic priest blesses ?…by making the sign of an X over the forehead…effectively *closeing* the Third Eye…


    in reply to: Saying "hello" #10774

    …welcome mercale…
    …it’s good to see you here…

    …this is an interresting site…much to explore…

    …how are the crystal wands and walking staffs coming ?…

    …it’s good to see more *family* show up ! …

    in reply to: Oct 14th and timelines #10376

    …thank you opal…this is exactly what I needed to hear…

    …I won’t go into how many synchronicities there are in that message…

    …Love to you sister…

    in reply to: …dreams… #7602

    …I find that dreams are useful for so many reasons…MPixie sums it up very well…


    in reply to: Zingdad: Adamu speaks – YOUR INTERACTIONS #8400

    …either way…

    …you are still a Pat of the family…

    in reply to: Second channeling from Blossom after Oct 14th #10755


    …hat in a holding pattern…

    in reply to: Zingdad: Adamu speaks – YOUR INTERACTIONS #8396

    …hey Zing…
    …that was incredible…the reply to Steve…I am sending him energy to draw him back…

    …I forwarded the channeling to another friend that is of the Elohim this morning and she was estatic !…she thanks you profusely and is putting it through the pipeline…
    …this is exactly what MANY needed to here…it verifies much of what many can only feel…this is comforting …like a postcard from Home…

    …you’re a good man ,Charlie Brown …

    …still would like some downloads…any way to give us some samples ?…

    …Love to you Bro…

    in reply to: Oct 14th and timelines #10372

    …metaphores are only partial truths…
    …and just to be used as tools to gain a little bigger view of the whole…

    …heres another one…

    …where we truly reside in No-time…

    …from there you might look at past lives as a bundle of baloons that you hold in your hand…one is not before the other…they are all concurrent…

    …you can pull one down and give it your focus…then focus on another…then a different one…in no particular order…
    …at this 3rd density level we give them a particular order …

    …lessons that are learned and put into practice at this time can be shared forward …And back ! …lessons are shared until a creshendo of spirit evolution is reached and then there is a drawing back of all the ballons into one and you go to a whole ‘nother set of lesson that You set up…

    in reply to: Oct 14th and timelines #10371

    …on timelines…

    …time is not actually linear…more circular or like a spiral…

    …imagine a train on a track…when you are on the train it looks like you are traveling in a line…but it is more like a large circle…
    …if you are in the center of the circle you can veiw the track ahead and behind the train…if you see an obstacle on the track ahead of the train you can call the enginneer on your cell phone and let them know …this is like the function of a prophet… involveing possibilities and probabilities and if the trian stays on the present line…the natural course of evloution is to spiral up in an ever tightening circle…when natural evolution is stymied then the train stays on the same circle…much like a scratched record ( anyone remember records ? )…a present day metaphore factoring in the Mayan Calender with time compression would be a skipping cd with it’s irritateing screaching…

    …so what are the starseed doing here at this time ?…helping with the track switching so that the train can return to the upward spiral…

    in reply to: Oct 14th and timelines #10369

    …I have had incarnations in Egypt ,as a Knight Templar ,and in the Palistine 1st century…

    …this might be a common thread that runs through us all here…

    …a Gathering of energies …

    …does anyone else still feel the sting of the Abigensian Crusade ?…

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