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  • in reply to: Hope says hello #10008

    …namaste’ hope…

    …welcome to this gathering…

    in reply to: Zingdad: Adamu speaks – YOUR INTERACTIONS #8362

    …jeanph says

    Father Gabriele Amorth. He’s an exorcist of the Vatican. His stories are really interesting and I have no doubt that what is says is real. But he says that everything that does not fit in the Catholic religion is the devil.

    …yeah right !…

    …this is the friendly folks that brought you …
    …the Crusades…
    …the Inquisition…
    …the Burning Times…2 million dead…
    …the murder,rape and pillage of the New World… 20 million dead…

    …I wuold say that evil has a strong foothold in the Vatican…founding fathers and high council…

    in reply to: New society in an old world #10051

    …like the bible passage about putting new wine in an old bottle…

    in reply to: Channelings from Blossom Goodchild #9183

    …I’ve been waiting 2,600 years …

    …I can wait a while longer…

    …this is all about timing…

    in reply to: In less then 96 hours #9816

    …I agree with opal…and feel that there is more to this timing than we are aware of…

    …let it be a lesson in staying the course…

    …Spirit is not in need of ambivolent wishy washies…

    in reply to: Lars the Thinker #9899

    …welcome to the Book …Thinking Lars…

    …maybe we could meet up on a ship…

    in reply to: Lucid dream / OBE #7851

    …in the movie …What the Bleep Do We Know ?… they told of when Columbus came and the natives could not see the ships because this was not a part of thier conceptual framework… the shaman could see a disturbance on the ocean and had to stare for a long while before he could make out the shape of the ships…

    …in some respects I feel that this could be one scenario of Oct.14…that people might even see it on the news and then go about thier lives as if it were just a news story…nothing to do with thier particular lives…

    …this could be a part of our *job*…as modern day shaman to explain to those around each of us what this means…

    in reply to: An idea #7798

    …love you mia…

    …how about some details ?…any specifics ?…

    …it will be an all day connection for me…how about a special time when We from BoL hook up ?…

    in reply to: Channelings from Blossom Goodchild #9169

    …that is a big clause…

    …that both GB’s will admit to the contact …

    …GFoL could land on the White House lawn and ol’ Dub might still deny it…

    in reply to: The Command Ships of the Ashtar Command #9895

    …Awesome !…

    …now that’s what I call backup !…

    in reply to: USA – financial collapse….??? #9598

    …something I posted at another site…

    …where did the money go ?…

    By ERIC CARVIN, Associated Press Writer Sat Oct 11, 12:41 PM ET

    NEW YORK – Trillions in stock market value – gone. Trillions in retirement savings – gone. A huge chunk of the money you paid for your house, the money you’re saving for college, the money your boss needs to make payroll – gone, gone, gone.


    Whether you’re a stock broker or Joe Six-pack, if you have a 401(k), a mutual fund or a college savings plan, tumbling stock markets and sagging home prices mean you’ve lost a whole lot of the money that was right there on your account statements just a few months ago.

    But if you no longer have that money, who does? The fat cats on Wall Street? Some oil baron in Saudi Arabia? The government of China?

    Or is it just – gone?

    If you’re looking to track down your missing money – figure out who has it now, maybe ask to have it back – you might be disappointed to learn that is was never really money in the first place.

    Robert Shiller, an economist at Yale, puts it bluntly: The notion that you lose a pile of money whenever the stock market tanks is a “fallacy.” He says the price of a stock has never been the same thing as money – it’s simply the “best guess” of what the stock is worth.

    “It’s in people’s minds,” Shiller explains. “We’re just recording a measure of what people think the stock market is worth. What the people who are willing to trade today – who are very, very few people – are actually trading at. So we’re just extrapolating that and thinking, well, maybe that’s what everyone thinks it’s worth.”

    Shiller uses the example of an appraiser who values a house at $350,000, a week after saying it was worth $400,000.

    “In a sense, $50,000 just disappeared when he said that,” he said. “But it’s all in the mind.”

    Though something, of course, is disappearing as markets and real estate values tumble. Even if a share of stock you own isn’t a wad of bills in your wallet, even if the value of your home isn’t something you can redeem at will, surely you can lose potential money – that is, the money that would be yours to spend if you sold your house or emptied out your mutual funds right now.

    And if you’re a few months away from retirement, or hoping to sell your house and buy a smaller one to help pay for your kid’s college tuition, this “potential money” is something you’re counting on to get by. For people who need cash and need it now, this is as real as money gets, whether or not it meets the technical definition of the word.

    Still, you run into trouble when you think of that potential money as being the same thing as the cash in your purse or your checking account.

    “That’s a big mistake,” says Dale Jorgenson, an economics professor at Harvard.

    There’s a key distinction here: While the money in your pocket is unlikely to just vanish into thin air, the money you could have had, if only you’d sold your house or drained your stock-heavy mutual funds a year ago, most certainly can.

    “You can’t enjoy the benefits of your 401(k) if it’s disappeared,” Jorgenson explains. “If you had it all in financial stocks and they’ve all gone down by 80 percent – sorry! That is a permanent loss because those folks aren’t coming back. We’re gonna have a huge shrinkage in the financial sector.”

    There was a time when nobody had to wonder what happened to the money they used to have. Until paper money was developed in China around the ninth century, money was something solid that had actual value – like a gold coin that was worth whatever that amount of gold was worth, according to Douglas Mudd, curator of the American Numismatic Association’s Money Museum in Denver.

    Back then, if the money you once had was suddenly gone, there was a simple reason – you spent it, someone stole it, you dropped it in a field somewhere, or maybe a tornado or some other disaster struck wherever you last put it down.

    But these days, a lot of things that have monetary value can’t be held in your hand.

    If you choose, you can pour most of your money into stocks and track their value in real time on a computer screen, confident that you’ll get good money for them when you decide to sell. And you won’t be alone – staring at millions of computer screens are other investors who share your confidence that the value of their portfolios will hold up.

    But that collective confidence, Jorgenson says, is gone. And when confidence is drained out of a financial system, a lot of investors will decide to sell at any price, and a big chunk of that money you thought your investments were worth simply goes away.

    If you once thought your investment portfolio was as good as a suitcase full of twenties, you might suddenly suspect that it’s not.

    In the process, of course, you’re losing wealth. But does that mean someone else must be gaining it? Does the world have some fixed amount of wealth that shifts between people, nations and institutions with the ebb and flow of the economy?

    Jorgenson says no – the amount of wealth in the world “simply decreases in a situation like this.” And he cautions against assuming that your investment losses mean a gain for someone else – like wealthy stock speculators who try to make money by betting that the market will drop.

    “Those folks in general have been losing their shirts at a prodigious rate,” he said. “They took a big risk and now they’re suffering from the consequences.”

    “Of course, they had a great life, as long as it lasted.”

    …the money seemed real enough when it was deducted from our paychecks…

    in reply to: Greetings From the Dark Side #9623

    …maybe Void and Manifest are a tapestry of inseparable weft and weave…

    …an eternal dance …

    in reply to: Greetings From the Dark Side #9622

    …this is very interesting Neiru…

    …so You are of the Manifest right ?…

    …are you a spokesperson for the Void ?…

    …does the Void possess conscious awareness ?…would that not make it a part of Manifestation ?…is it not a part of All That Is ?…

    …I see the Void as a blank slate …the potential upon which Manifest comes into being…

    …your dialogue seems to separate Void from those that follow a Service to Self policy…
    …help me to understand your position…

    in reply to: Zingdad: Adamu speaks – YOUR INTERACTIONS #8357

    …this is something I found on mayanmajix…


    Posted By: X_Hermes
    Date: Thursday, 2 October 2008, 9:00 a.m.

    In Response To: OCTOBER 14TH – FEDERATION OF LIGHT SHIP ARRIVES – UPDATE (X_Hermes) Reader Robert has this very interesting rejoinder:


    Yea….this is sure making things happen where I am…on the Loas Thailand border…as a teacher at the military school and near by DUMB base..they are frantic…there is more traffic…trucks,choppers…millitary equipment…lots of truck mounted scaler weapons,laser guns..sound boards…the likes as i have never seen. And i have been teaching them how to operate many weapons that most in this world would be in ahhh of….

    But here is the thing – it is the shamans and pra here who are saying that Buddha is coming on a ship..October 14…and believe me when these guys say things the people all listen. There are no non believers of Buddha in Thailand….the preparations they are doing would astound you…they say that he will not speak in words but will emmit a love frequency that will be felt by all..as i know a little about this i feel this living craft will give off a frequency at 638hertz…but i have to study more on this..our school is going to be shut down tomorrow for 2 weeks…i thought i was to be killed last night as the M.I.B.landed in my yard…whoa..i have never seen such military expertise..a S.W.A.T.team would have run from these beings…they had glass helmets and every step, every move they made was all in unison.. they spoke using a device that desiphers different dialects…..BE AT YOUR SCHOOL OCTOBER 12 sam tomb ..9pm..

    : A few weeks ago Blossom Goodchild, a Brit living in Australia,
    : published a dramatic message from the Federation of Light,
    : an extra-terrestrial group who claim to very much support
    : and encourage our evolutionary jump at this time. In it,
    : they stated that on the 14th of this month they will arrive
    : in a very substantial spacecraft, and will spend at least
    : three days ‘parked’ over the ‘south of our hemisphere’. For
    : those who have not seen the original massage I have
    : reproduced it below. Blossoms’ updates to that message and
    : many further messages of goodwill from readers around the
    : world (together with the original) can be seen on her web
    : site at: http://www.blossomgoodchild.com/ Then go to’Federation
    : of Light’ on the left hand side bar.

    : Now, she has followed up the message with a video on YouTube.
    : It can be seen at:
    : http://www.escapetheillusion.com/blog/2008/09/blossom-goodchild-clarifies-october-14th-first-contact/

    : For me this is a very compelling personal message from
    : Blossom, principally because it radiates her genuine belief
    : in this event, and because of the very human emotions she
    : has had to face as she gathered her courage to put the
    : Federations’ message out to the world. It only runs a few
    : minutes, and is well worth your time to listen to.

    : …Well, it is about time we had some really positive drama,
    : rather than the daily focus on the collapse of the toxic
    : global banking system. Maybe this is it?

    : Xavier Hermes


    in reply to: Friend System Must Be Deactivated… #9838

    …aaahh Zing …I still like ya !…

    …heck…I love ya !…

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