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The Illusion of Choice: Ninety Percent of American Media Controlled by Six Corporations Gallery of Giants Ebook: The Book of Giants – Dead Sea Scrolls Illuminations Ancient Mysteries of Sound Levitation by Kathy J. Forti Video: The Real Story of Christmas Documentary Video: The Real Story of Halloween HD – History Channel Ebook: Egyptian Book of the Dead Ebook: The Lost Book of Enki – Memoirs and Prophecies of an Extraterrestrial God Video: The Universe Space Time Mystery | Mathematical Science Documentary HD Video: Vedic Cosmos – Full Documentary Video: Buckminster Fuller – Thinking Out Loud (1996) Documentary Video: The Buckminster Fuller / Edward Leedskalnin Connection Edward Leedskalnin – The Mysterious Magnetic Coral Castle a Broken Heart Built Ebook: The Lost Journals of Nikola Tesla – 20th Century Genius Video: Nikola Tesla’s Life – New Documentary Full Ebook: The inventions, researches and writing of Nikola Tesla Video: The Connected Universe – Nassim Haramein Video: UNGRIP (From the creators of Esoteric Agenda and KYMATICA) Ebook: The Book of Enoch – The Secret Old Testament Book Ebook: The Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean Videos: Aleshenka – A Tiny Creature Found in Russia The Mysterious Georgia Guidestones – 10 Shocking Commandments Set in Stone in 1980 Book-of-Light.com STAR of LIGHT The Return of the Annunaki – Gillian DeArmond-Green Video: Secrets of Water, The Movie Video Series: Ancient Aliens – Full Series Video: Guided Astral Projection Technique Meditation Ebook: Be Here Now The Charge of the Goddess The Lake of Fire That Men Built Tantra and Taoist Cosmic Connection Video: ONE STEP BEYOND AND THE SACRED MUSHROOM Building A Post-Chaos Community Video: UFO: The Greatest Story Ever Denied Life’s True Beginnings Video: Urantia Book on “Strange Universe” Making the Connection Between Spirituality & Creativity The Four-Fold Path to Enlightenment The Hynek Classification System Ebook: Designing Our Future – The Venus Project Video: Why in the World are They Spraying? (Chemtrails, Geoengineering) Video: Kymatica Renewable Energy Directory Self Confidence & Inner Self Worth Video: THRIVE – What on Earth Will it Take? *MOST IMPORTANT FILM ON EARTH* The Zeitgeist Movement FREE DOWNLOAD! 4th Chakra – Green Open Heart Bliss 528hz & 639hz http://t.co/VZWQK5sJ Law of One / RA Material Forgotten In Time: The Ancient Solfeggio Frequencies Video: Zeitgeist II – Addendum Ebook: Oahspe – A Very Weird New Bible (1828-1891) Communicate Telepathically with Animals Techniques for Soul Growth Every person has within them…A Song of Life…Each of us know we have a song. A beautiful vibration within as a reminder of our essence… Video: Nassim Haramein – Crossing The Event Horizon part 4 of 4 Master Mayan Tzolkin Calendar The Messianc Complex Video: The Big Picture by George Green Video: Human Genetics Manipulated – Human Origins Intro Ebook: Out of the Matrix Video: *Quantum Physics* The Reality As You Know It Does Not Exist Authentic Sacred Jewelry and Talismans Ebook: Messages for the Ground Crew Jonathan Goldman – Holy Harmony Homeland Security Checkpoint "Those who are hardest to Love, need Love the most" – The Peaceful Warrior The Truth about Vitamin D Video: Zeitgeist I: The Movie Remastered Version Key to the Gnosis Video: The Freedom Movie 2: A Spiritual Awakening (1 of 14) 13 Moon Mayan Galactic Calendar Date Decoder Video: Beyond 2012: Evolving Perspectives on the Next Age Unconditional Love OMMM Reiki MI – Healing on All Levels Winston Shrout – Solutions In Commerce Thoughts, Words & Deeds aligned is total CONGRUENCY… Total Congruency = Powerful Manifestation of Goals Ebook: The Book of Light: The Nature of God, The Structure of Consciousness and the Universe Within You Codex Alimentarius…Bills C-51 and C-52 and C-6 Canadian Implementations of the CODEX ideals -Become Aware, be FREE to choose Implications of Oneness Sustainable Earth Friendly Living About Awakenings Does DNA Have Telepathic Properties? Thought Therapy Avoiding Victimhood Video Library: What About Me? Consult the Sabian Oracle The Magnificent You Inner Child Meditation About Love – Happy Valentines Day! XO LΦVE H20 Festival June 19th – 21st, 2009 – The Historic Summer Solstice Celebration & Concert For The Living Water Video: Gnarls Barkley – Crazy The Science of Oneness – Is Current Science Incomplete? many happy returns echoes Winter Solstice celebrations: a.k.a. Christmas, Saturnalia, Yule, the Long Night, etc. Ebook: Monroe Techniques for Astral Projection Ebook: The Astral Body & Other Astral Phenomena Ebook: 66 Astral Projection Exit Techniques Ebook: Secret Guide to Instant Astral Projection Ebook: Astral Projection – The Complete Guide

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    …thank you Steve…
    …we wondered what had happened to you…
    …thanks for the great word…Allfish…I Love it !…


    in reply to: Cats #9500

    …cats are a frequency that our *families* can pop in and out to bring us messages…pay attention to the ones that just come into you life…we have genetic connections with the cat pattern..

    in reply to: amour… #8829

    …in my opinion there are two reasons for sex…

    …procreation …

    …and Sacred Union…

    …don’t much care for indiscriminant or purely recreation sex…some sex is actually destructive to the human spirit…any sex in which the participants do not recognise Source in the other …is less than Sacred…

    in reply to: crystal allies for extraterrestrial contact #9360

    …my wife and I have quite a wide variety of mineral specimen and fossils in our collections… I am like you in that I have not been schooled but just *know* what I have experienced with stones…
    …this is what I pick up…

    …I think that Lapis is an up and comeing power stone …
    …other important stones are…Calcite… and …Selite… these are *soft* minerals and have the potential to absorb a lot of energy… Selite is a gypsum… it is good that the sheet rock that covers the walls of our houses is Selite …

    …of course Quartz is the backbone of our starseed staples…
    …I wear a piece with triple Lithium phantoms… always since a kid very drawn to …Turquoise…
    …you can find quartz with Chlorite phantoms…Clorite can carry seraphimic energy… the angels…Seraphimite is an incredably beautiful stone from Russia…deep green with irridescent wisps that resemble angel wings…
    …it’s funny that our property is nestled in the crook of a creek and has 8 feet of top soil…so we have brought in every landscapeing rock…from the septic sysem up…I travel a lot….and rocks just follow me home !…

    …I like transition stones…ones that go through change… Petrified Wood is a good mineral to work with…it has traveled from Plant Kingdom to the Mineral Kingdom…
    …fossils hold transitional time energy…and can be used during meditation…

    …useing stones…
    …I don’t know if there IS a right /wrong…correct/incorrect way to work with minerals…I think just listen to them and they will tell you what you need to do as a working partner…just allow yourself to be open to what comes through…they hold the intent to be a part of this Very strongly…and stones are good at holding intent !…

    …sometimes stones just want to go to town…you might *hear* them tell you as you are grabbing your car keys…some stones become comfortable or not in a landscape situatrion and ask to be moved…

    …just remember…stones are people too…

    …stones and minerals anchor into the 1st Density…
    …the actual point of the 1st density as far as we are concerned on this world is the Iron crystal core of this planet…
    …Quartz …not Diamonds…is the crown of the 1st Density…in this one pilgrim’s opinion…

    …we have Many vistors to this world at this time and all have different agendas…one draw of interest to this planet is the large amount of Quartz that is here…we have oceans of sand…but each grain is needed by Gaia…and each drop of water…this is a water planet and this is precious in this sector…of course we know why the Nibiruans came originaly…for the Gold… their taking that part of Gaia’s body imparted a karmic debt …

    in reply to: …Starseed… #7424

    …well sister…feel my Love because I am sending much !…

    in reply to: …Starseed… #7421

    …this is very interesting ,Rheaunique…are you a starseed from this world ?…

    in reply to: …the Feline Race and Nibiru… #7736

    …I can accept your views and your definitions…but to me Love is in no need to be earned…it is a free gift and the life-blood of the universe…it is freely given but does not have to be accepted…we may proceed at you own pace and I invite you to get to know me…(if my light has not already turned you off towards me)…if you were invited here and you came of your own will then I can guess that there is a reason…and I agree that healing is in need all around…no-one is up on a pedistal…where it starts is in open dialogue…

    …this experiment has been going on for a while…this duality game…I am sure that there are many stories and lessons to be shared by those that chose to play the role of the Dark Side…no judgement at all …

    …peace to you …Neiru 2012…please carry on…

    in reply to: It certainly makes me THINK…! #8958


    …we are in total agreement…

    …LOVE RULES… 🙂 …

    in reply to: Time to introduce myself #9284

    …welcome brother…I can see the wisdom in your master’s eyes…

    in reply to: …the Feline Race and Nibiru… #7734

    …dearest Neiru…

    …we are all ONE…and we are given different positions in this field of opperations so that Source may take advantage of Many perspectives… Many kingdoms are involved…I admire that you champion the kingdoms that you feel have no voice…the devic …elemental …and elvin …for a few…
    …there is a cross polination of experience that is being allowed at this time…many from the different kingdoms are being allowed to cross-experience…this blurrs definition lines and makes generalities moot…maybe part of what I was *told* to say was partly to draw you out…welcome brother…I love you too…

    …I am sure that as you feel more comfortable your defensiveness will not be so accute and that we will get to see more of your unique vision…I await with anticipation…

    …what do you *know* of yourself and your mission ?…

    in reply to: WHO WAS JESUS? – FROM THE URANTIA PAPERS #8833

    …yup…that’s the Yeshua that I know…

    …Michael of Nebadon…

    in reply to: Hello from the UK #9031

    …Love to you Moria…thank you for shareing this wonderful work…

    in reply to: Zingdad: Adamu speaks – YOUR INTERACTIONS #8287

    …is it a wonder that we are enamoured with blades and cutlery ?…

    in reply to: …the Feline Race and Nibiru… #7728

    …we are all cells in the body of God…one cell is not of any greater value than any other…All are needed…all have different roles to play…I define sentience as being self-aware… we are like the brain cells of God…(please do not misinterperet that as arrogance )…maybe more accurately we are the nerve endings…the sensory percepters…certain characteristics put us in a particular catagory…we as multi-dimential beings can also experience all aspects of reality…we can experience non-sentient existance…you can feel what it is to be a rain drop falling to Earth or a leaf gathering sunlight…

    …sentient life in This sector is in this configuration…different Local Universes explore different aspects of experience…sentience in another galaxy might be inconcievable to the human mind…which brings me to another point…

    …the human biological mind is only capable of being so much aware…there are only so many steps that can be taken at this level…but important steps non the less…

    …I am sure that others of you feel that we accepted a condition of being slightly retarded to come here and work…this comment is not meant in any way to be a slur…a just *what IS * comment…

    in reply to: Zingdad: Adamu speaks – YOUR INTERACTIONS #8280

    …you are right…

    …that would make a great group shot !…

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