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  • in reply to: Mark’s Corner 5.20.09 #12471

    …again I came to post this one from Mark’s Corner and you beat me to the punch, Gaian…

    …Good Show !…

    …I thought this one was very interesting and worth a read…


    …my feelings are that there are many variables to this ascension equation…

    …in the scope of eternity, what is one year ?…

    …where is the precise moment of the exact center of the galactic plane ?…

    …as to the debate, I don’t possess enough data to make a judgement… I am too busy surfing the wave to really give it much mind…

    …my feelings are that we are deep enough into the photon belt to feel the full effects… one could try to argue the exact minute… which nano second ?… by this point now what does it matter ?…

    …when we tip the scale of critical mass it won’t matter… could be tommorrow… or 2010…

    …how about you Wanderer ?… what are your feelings ?…


    …what a coinkidoink Wanderer…

    …I just logged on to bring this same post…

    in reply to: Eyes #12444

    …I don’t think it is a matter of anything in particular like a physical atribute…

    …and this is just me talking… I feel that it is a matter of seeing without looking…if that makes sense… of *looking through them*…

    …a few years back around Xmas time in the malls there would be kyosks that would be selling prints that look like geometric patterns… and groups of people would be stareing at them trying to see picture in them, like dolphins or pyramids… the harder you look the less you saw…

    …the trick was to squint a little and *soften* your gaze and look through them… sort of *not* look at them… then the picture would Pop out at you… once you learned the trick it became easier…

    …mt daughters who were in HS at the time justwalked up the first time and saw everything immediately… typical Indigos !…

    … this is how a lot of these things work…

    …you look not so much at surface details but at what lies underneath…

    …one thing about the eyes is that you can *enter* through the lense and contact the optic nerves which have a direct link to the brain…

    in reply to: Do Not Stand at my Grave & Weep #12440


    in reply to: …cat herding… #12436

    …that’s a good one mille…

    …I’ll give it an imbed…


    in reply to: …cat herding… #12434

    …talking cats…


    in reply to: …cat herding… #12432

    …Sparta the Mean kitty…


    in reply to: Metallic-organic walnut airships #12421

    …that is so cool clever sky… is this walnut in NC ?…

    …sounds like a good time…

    …too bad you had to go before the concert…

    …that would have been fun…

    in reply to: Indigenous peoples prepare to welcome nibiru back? #12217

    …here is a link to one woman’s experience at the gathering…


    …just scroll down a little…

    …I have heard that we have nothing to fear from the solar storms…that they are actually beneficial to our ascension process and that things are going as planned…

    …I feel that a lot of the Nibiru fear mongering is passe’ and that things have changed…the chess board has been restructured…

    …consciousness is raising moment by moment…

    …we as a collective are not of the same mindset that we were last Oct 14 even…

    …man is more ready for decloaking than you realise…

    …and our govt.is making daily strides towards full transparency…

    …it would do well for all of us to roll with the changes in the tide…

    …things will start to move more quickly and those that cling to what was will find themselves accumulating debris…

    …daily clearings are in order… and an openess to the changes that we are moving into…

    …love yourselves…

    …and drink more water !…

    in reply to: Happy Birthday, jamwolfsky! #12410

    …looks like I am a day late and a dollar short…

    …but Jam, I wish you the best of everything you wish for…

    …may you be surrounded by a loving cloud of blissful happiness…


    in reply to: …Google Earth 24 hr videos playlist set up… #12396

    …I am a member of the Galactic Round Table yahoogroup…

    …the disclaimer is posted because there appear to be discrepancies sometimes between the channels…

    …Sheldan states that everyone will be taken underground during the surface cleansing…

    …Mother Sekhmet says that is not part of the program now… that the transition will be a Lot more seamless and that We will be involved in the clean-up…

    … I *see* things as a large jewel with many fascets… these fascets are our windows to the Light… but different fascets give different angles (angels) of perception…

    …then there is the possibilities / probabilities thing…

    …but all we have to do is watch the headlines and become sensitive to the subtle behind -the- scenes activities to see that the changes are picking up in intensities…

    …it looks like many are being taken to the Hague… and that trials will become public soon…

    …decloaking seems very close…

    in reply to: Questions about Twin Flames and Sexuality #11994

    …here is something from another board that I visit… it is appropo…


    26 April 2009 Mark Huber on Twin Flames/Soul Mate Parameters

    [The question for Mark was. Is our twin flame the exact opposite of us?
    So if I’m outgoing, type A personality, would my flame be more quiet? Or
    would there be some parts of us that are similar? To make a whole, I
    just figured that we’d have to be opposite. Also, are we to meet our
    twin flames soon? How do some people know who/what/where their twin
    flames is/are? It’s interesting to hear that some people know their
    twin flames are up on the ships waiting.]


    I would refer you to what I have previously shared on this subject which
    goes way beyond the question below.

    http://www.crystali nks.com/soul_ mates.html (Located in Recommended


    http://www.crystali nks.com/twin_ flame.html (Located in Recommended

    NO! The Twin Flame is NOT opposite to it’s twin. Spiritual Twins are
    different than physical twins but they do have some things in common.
    They do mirror their twin. We are each a balanced composite of
    differences and unity. Three points/possibilitie s which when balanced
    birth a unity and emergence of an enlightened being. The 6 pointed star
    of two over-lapping/ inter-locking triangles (star of David).

    Both triangles must be balanced within to effect opening of the sacred
    heart. So, within our own being we have all of these potentials and must
    stretch within to matter/spirit/ male/ female/negative/ positive to find
    our own balance center. As we can stabilize in our spiritual nexus we
    ‘pass our initiatory steps’ and the heart opens and then expands that
    loving balance to our sacred heart which enfolds our heart-mind and
    connects us with our higher source alignment and aspects. This continues
    until we are fully functioning, multi-dimensional consciously aware
    Some call this the 3-fold flame of Ida, Central Sushumna and Pingala.
    Subtle energetic nerve conduits. The white magician uses the kundalini
    force as it is transmitted via the central spinal channel. When the
    negative and positive forces of the body, which express themselves via
    the ida and pingala nerve routes, are equilibrized, the forces can
    ascend and descend by the central channel to and from the brain, passing
    through the centers up the spine without hindrance. When this is the
    case we have perfected soul expression in the physical man.
    http://logos_ endless_summer. tripod.com/ id131.html (Located in
    Recommended Reading)

    Opposites would be one person fully expressing in a negative vibration
    and the other expressing in a fully positive vibration. As with a
    tetter-totter, such would seem to neutralize each other, it doesn’t work
    that way with twin-flames. In the human template we each contain male
    and female complements; matter and spirit complements; Negative and
    Positive energetic streams. When our overall balance achieves a 50.5%
    positive synergy of all of these energies our heart opens and we ‘light
    up our inner christmas tree’ and rise in vibration. This is being in
    your ‘spiritual gyroscopic center’ so that any significant deviation
    from balance is corrected automatically by a whole being flow of
    unconditional loving assistance. That qualifies us for ascension. That
    is called the “51%:49%Law/ Rule by which all soul progressions are
    effected. As further spiritual awareness continues to raise that to
    higher and higher positive percentage levels the refinement also
    increases. There are corollaries to that law as well.
    You might ask: “Well why is he going into all THAT?” The answer is,
    that until you come into balance with those 4 aspect-complements, you
    aren’t ready to meet your highest complement. There are many
    complementary members of your soul family who you might well meet at any
    point along the way. That is how we address karmic issues in 3D. 5D+ is
    not about karmic corrections. It is about clarity, integrity,
    authenticity, truth and balanced, loving beingness.
    Each one has a very large number of soul mates and affinities that match
    our vibration. There is only One Twin Flame. So you might begin to see
    that we work out most of our karmic issues before we meet our Twin
    Flame, and partner with many affinities before we meet our higher
    vibratory soul-complement. It takes 3 chakras in resonance to sustain a
    successful 3D relationship. It takes 5+ in resonance, to sustain a 5D+
    Twin Flame relationship.

    The reason is that at higher levels of resonance each is such a perfect
    reflection of the other soul that any imbalances become reflected to the
    other instantly. You just can’t hide stuff from your higher complement.
    In 5D+ everyone can see everyone else’s auric energy colors and
    vibratory level and feel the effects immediately. So disharmony must be
    dealt with immediately and proactively to clear that center.
    If you are opposites, you might come together in 3D to assist one
    another in reflecting those differences. Not so in 5D. That is the
    level of complements. That is the level at which we may attract a Twin
    Flame. If you think that everything will then be absolutely ducky, you
    might be right, especially if you are truly ready,willing and able to do
    the 24/7 work to take this into integrative 12 level upliftment for
    At 5D we can attract an equal who when merged forms a perfect union.
    I was shown this and it was called the ‘fusion fire dance’, mystical
    marriage, divine union and that is the point where god/goddess are
    united by Creator as a trinitized wholeness. I was taken out into the
    galaxy/universe for that experience as the scale on which this happens
    is quite expansive and a full merger produces a new sun. Most if not
    all ascending ones’, activating 12 strands in 12 dimensions will achieve
    this. For the first time ever, it will be equally combining matter and

    So we are going to enjoy a whole new way of expressing and staying in
    balance and ecstasy 24/7. We have all experienced ascension by dropping
    the physical. Now we will ascend our physical as well and we will be
    able to continue to integrate and progress both, through all higher
    dimensional refinements. That will affect the whole creation. So let’s
    create some new and wondrous visions for our combined future consensus
    I don’t claim to be an academic authority on this. I’m just sharing
    what I’ve experienced and been shown in this lifetime. One of these
    experiences only involved 4 centers merging and was awesome. The other
    included 12 strands and 12 dimensions of connection. I was told, 30
    years ago, when one of these occurred in a lucid dream, that I would
    indeed have a chance to experience this in this lifetime. That was 30
    years ago, so I ain’t no spring chicken. So, come on ReJuv, let’s get
    the reversal into robust action. I understand that 5/9-11 could
    catalyze that nicely.

    Another related question, is about those in harmonious relationships
    now. The higher aspects of each can easily work through the lower as
    long as it is for the highest good of each. That means you can enjoy
    your current relationship and still bring each of your higher aspects in
    with out leaving the current relationship if that is a mutual soul
    As to when, I think you can see that soul readiness is involved. I did
    receive guidance that mine is on the ship and will walk off the ship
    when the landings occur. I asked Mother Sekhmet if there were many of
    us that would have this opportunity. She said that many millions are on
    the ships waiting for our up-shift in vibration that will come with the
    decloakings and then the landings.

    So whether you are male/female, get ready for some rewarding shifts out
    of lack, depression, closed down higher centers and into expanding joy
    and expanded awareness and radiance. Volunteer to be the pioneers of
    the new golden age…’cuz truth be told, you really already are!

    Did I mention that as the ReJuv/Reversal completes, you will be able to
    make any modifications you choose?
    Normally, one complement stays on the ship/higher dimensions while the
    other descends as a 3D incarnate. The one on the ship monitors all
    aspects and helps when that is appropriate. As the 5D re-union is
    attained, separation will not be necessary again.
    I have vague memories of meeting soul-mates in various ship-board or
    planetary visits. In addition, we are all merging with many of our own
    aspects no matter what dimension or expression they currently express
    The scouring of our accumulated energy vehicles is so intense right now
    because of the relative nearness, weeks or months, of a half-step
    up-shift, which will occur at the moment of mass decloakings. Our diet,
    behavior, attitudes, etc are up for upgrade modifications and the
    spiritual showers/bath tubs are getting a lot of action to get us ready
    for our light-suit emergence.
    A couple of references will open up the subject matter for those who
    wish to pursue it. There are even a small number of good novels about
    these meetings. I can share that we will all be getting a lot more
    assistance in preparing for these very critical relationships which are
    a vital aspect of our ascension pathways.
    So much will happen now in the major new energy waves of 5/9-11/2009.
    It is vital that we allow these very high vibe energies to flow through
    us, dissolving much of the residues of old 3D heaviness, guilt, shame
    and unworthiness. We are each and all divine cosmic beings, loved
    unconditionally for what we have and are accomplishing on behalf of
    Self; our whole DNA lines and the Universe’s New Potential that is about
    to break out of our pretend self-shell and reveal the hidden splendor.
    Mark Huber

    in reply to: Questions.. #12093

    …that is a very good description Jamwolfsky…

    …at another board we were discussing the ego… many were saying that the ego needed to be dissolved… that ascension was only possible with the destruction of the ego…

    …I alone came to the defense of the ego saying that it was originally gifted to us as a tool… and that it just got out of control… threatening it with demise only makes it fight harder (and you also) and leads to incompleteness and exhaustion…

    …if the ego is given Love then it can settle back to it’s original job… keeping our bodies alive long enough to be vital on this plane…

    …we are already spirit… when we came into life our spirits *knew* that we could fly… our egos kept us from walking off of the cliffs… it was a physical survival tool … but seemed to gain a life of it’s own… until it became destruction to ourselves and those around us…

    …so called “spiritual leaders” that call for the dissolveing of the ego can be seen riding in their Mercedes… and suck up the energy of the ones that follow their guidance…


    …Swami tells it like it is…

    This February, we celebrate Abraham Lincoln’s bicentennial, and our friend Richard Lederer (the anagram master known as Riddler Reacher), tells us that when we scramble the letters in “Barack Hussein Obama,” we get “Abraham is back: One U.S.”

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