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  • in reply to: The God Chemical: Brain Chemistry and Mysticism #12457

    Very interesting and informative read. Thanks Opal!

    Hallucinogenics are very curious substances. Not to be taken lightly or toyed with, that is certain. But under the right circumstances there is no argument that they can certainly mediate some very powerful and transformative experiences.


    When I first read about this a few days ago I was extremely excited. “It has begun”, I thought to myself. And then I began to do some reading and research. As I result of this I’m afraid, much as I dislike doing so, I’m afraid I have to call hoax on this one. I found some folks that picked up the ‘phone and called people in Webster (the little town in South Dakota). Apparently is is a VERY small town. The kind where EVERYONE would instantly know about anything out of the ordinary happening. And no-one in that town (a few different people were called) knows a thing about it.

    Now one can immediately go into conspiracy overload and say “they were paid off to say nothing happened by the government” or whatever if you want. But that path only takes you to the “inflexible believer” position which is exactly as useful as the “closed minded sceptic” position. My research firmly indicates that this event did not occur. There is a lot of evidence to back up that position and zero evidence to contradict it (I saw the photo – it’s a joke – NO crowd of UFO observers would look like they were calmly watching a sports event).

    So I am very sad for Mark Huber. In this context I simply don’t know what to make of his channelling.

    Of course I COULD be wrong and there COULD be this unbelievably huge conspiracy to hush this event up… How would we ever know? So for myself I’ll just trust to my own truth and keep my eyes on the skies and call it a real UFO event when I see it myself.

    Big Love to everyone!

    in reply to: Eyes #12445

    Hi Syme

    Alas I cannot help you with this; I don’t know how one sees a souls age in the eyes. But it did raise an interesting question for me. What exactly IS an “old soul” or a “new soul”. I mean how do we measure the age of a soul? Are souls not eternal and immortal and therefore sort of infinite in age? I know we, ourselves, do not feel that we are infinite in age – it just doesn’t seem possible. But I think that is becasue we have dipped deeply into density and therefore into deep forgetting of who and what we really are. So maybe the souls “age” is how long since it first entered this particular cycle of forgetting? Like, maybe, one soul entered duality and density and spent 500 lifetimes here before remembering, awakening and returning home. And then another soul did it in just 5 lifetimes. Is it fair to say, in their last “remembering lifetime” that the one is 500 lives “old” and the other but a youngster of 5 lives? Considering that they are both standing at the cusp of ascension is one older than thee other? Certainly the depth of their experience of density and the Veil of Unknowing will be quantitatively VERY different. Certainly the 500-lifetime soul will have a MUCH deeper grasp of what this is all about. And it might very well be that the “older” soul therefore carries within his soul the knowingness of all the many, many relationships that have all found peace and balance. Maybe this will show in the eyes? It could well be. But how would one see this?

    It IS an interesting question.

    I don’t know the answer becasue, by this measure, I am probably the youngest soul I know of. I am only 6 lifetimes old. I am but a whippersnapper 🙂 And this is certainly my “remembering lifetime”. So… I don’t know. But I thought I’d cast these musings out and see what comes back.

    in reply to: Indigenous peoples prepare to welcome nibiru back? #12218

    Big hugs to you brother Will. I am in total agreement with your view.

    With respect to Nibiru. There is/was/will be a time-line in which Nibiru came round and did what Nibiru always did which is to cause the kind of devastation which essentially nullifies planetary culture on earth. A bit like hitting the re-set button on a machine. It goes back to the zero-state and starts again. But that time-line is not to be actualised for us. Not becasue Nibiru doesn’t exist… no… becasue Nibiru itself has ascended. Somewhere between Nibiru’s last pass and this one she (and those souls that live within her) chose to accept the offer of the Light. And so, I believe, we will still see Nibiru. It is already right here in our solar system. But beyond our current perceptual frame. But not for very much longer. You see Nibiru STILL has a kind of gravitational pull but it is a gravity of a different kind. She is helping to “pull” us all into the Light! Soon we will join her where she is, which is at a higher vibrational level. Or those that choose it will, anyway. Those that make other choices will not be forced to have this.

    So the de-cloaking is MOST CERTAINLY about to happen. I think we might just be surprised that it is US that removes the cloak of darkness and fear from ourselves rather than our star brothers removing anything much from themselves.

    Be love
    Be peace
    Trust your hearts

    in reply to: Marks Corner #12424

    Good, good, good.

    I am busy working on a channelled book. And this is 100% aligned with what I am receiving. I don’t have that it’s “in the next few months” but I also don’t have that it ISN’T. Other than that this message really worked for me.

    Prepare dear brothers and sisters. But prepare in love, not in fear. Be ready to self-support for just a brief period while the transition happens. A basic selection of dried goods and a bit of water is all I’m really talking about. This is the best of news.

    in reply to: Happy Birthday, jamwolfsky! #12408

    Happy birthday Jam!

    The south of France is so far away and yet you are a human being that seems so close. It is a pleasure knowing you. I hope you had a fantastic day and insisted everyone spoil you rotten!

    in reply to: Aloha All:-) #12401

    Hello Emerald Glow

    You are most welcome to the Book of Light. I look forward to many long and interesting discussions…

    in reply to: Hello, Nada here #12389

    Hi Nada

    Awesome to have you along! Out of curiosity, what were you looking for when you found us?

    in reply to: Questions about Twin Flames and Sexuality #11992

    Very interesting, GA. Your experience pretty much bears out what I know of this phenomenon. But you have piqued my curiosity and I wonder if you’d be willing to tell a little more about this story? Like, for example: How did you know for sure that this was your twin flame? And did your twin also know this? And how did you two find each other? How did it feel to meet? Why did the relationship not work?

    I don’t mean to pry – only to learn- so please only engage as you might feel comfortable.

    in reply to: …crop circles… #12138

    @Will wrote:

    …I guess I should quit eating the paste !…

    …or you might come to a sticky end.

    sorry. hee hee

    in reply to: Do starseeds etc have similar blood types? #12343

    @Will wrote:

    …as soon as a person makes a “true” statement, an exception will be found…

    That’s very true.

    Oh wait… 😆

    But seriously I must agree with that statement. Once can certainly see trends and patterns if you look but there is ALWAYS an exception…

    in reply to: Do starseeds etc have similar blood types? #12339

    I don’t know for sure but I think you are probably right, Will. I think it goes something like this:

    There are certain beings that have a strong preference for a certain genotype. For example one hears that if a draco type being wants to incarnate in a human body that they have a strong preference for Rh- genotype bodies. Why is this? Is it becasue those bodies have a certain quanta of reptoid genetics? Or is it that Rh- just happens to coincide with some other feature they find desirable? The other theory is that the Rh- factor is the so-called Merovingian line. The line of kings. What is left of the blue-bloods. Maybe the Draco have a sentimental attachment to being born into their own family line? I have no idea what the truth of it might be. But certainly there does seem to be a very strong correlation such that all Draco type beings seem to have the Rh- factor. But the correlation is not reversible in that there are obviously a great many folks that are Rh- that don’t seem to feel any affinity at all for the whole Draco thing.

    As for other starseed? Pleaidians, Arcturans, Sirians and others… well… I don’t know but I would guess such folks could have any blood type whatsoever. I think the point of the starseed phenomenon is to bring light and love to the whole of the human race everywhere. Not to certain select groups or elite types or whatever. It appears to me that starseed beings are sprinkled uniformly throughout all racial, tribal, national (and whatever other demographic) groups. I think a starseed chooses his or her incarnation for the situation (the family and the life circumstances) where the most good can be done, rather than trying to get the perfect body or genotype for his or her own self-serving purposes. So that’s why I’d guess it can be any blood group. But that’s just a guess. For what it’s worth I am of the 3rd most common blood group: B+. Apparently about 8% of all folks share my type.

    As a side issue, it should be mentioned that it is very possible to push the boundaries of the range of what your genotype offers quite far so that the phenotype that expresses as your body can most useful to you. By this I mean you can end up having a body that looks and behaves very differently from the rest of your family’s or that which it might have been if it had another spirit being inhabiting it. So genes aren’t really the limiting factor. We are. But that’s probably another whole topic.

    in reply to: …crop circles… #12134

    Excellent! The 2009 croppy season has begun!

    Will that first one looks a little dodgy to me. A little unbalanced an unfinished. Not the kind of handy-work I expect of our galactic neighbours, methinks. But the second one (the one of the sun) is really quite cool!

    Here are two more that came up this year:

    The very first croppy of the year. Found at Ridgeway

    Quite a nice one at Morgans.

    in reply to: pest control instructions #12038

    And it seems like Anu has done the magic! Whatever techno-geeky goodness you cooked up, Anu, it sure seems to have worked. Such a pleasure to roam the zoo at night and all the animals quiet and content in their cages. Just in time too becasue I have the strongest feeling it is very soon going to be prime-time show-time at the zoo.

    in reply to: bittersweetca #12363

    …and right on cue that is exactly what happened. This person did not respond to my post at all but instead posted an advertisement for their website: exmusic.net. So my patience ran out. Deleted the new post, banned the miscreant and deleted the first post too for good measure. buh-buh-byee!

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