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Home Forums Messages From Beyond Book of Light Messengers Messages Through Zingdad Zingdad: Adamu speaks – YOUR INTERACTIONS

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    @rainlord wrote:

    my name is manuel, i am from mexico, is the first time that i know this forum. yesterday i read the text “zingdad-adamu”
    i am really sorprise to know that i am not the only person who knew about this facts..only that i don`t know the date of this facts but i am so happy…

    well, i have to go now, all my eternal light to you and all the members of this forum.

    om manni padme hum

    Bienvenido, Manuel! Your eternal light feels most warm and alive, thank you for sharing it so freely with us 😀


    @UFOBelieve wrote:

    I have a little question here. What is DMT?? It sounds like being some sort of drug! xD (Esp. since you seem to smoke it. xD)
    I looked it up but didn’t find any nice explanation. Does this have anything to do with THC (Marijuana)?? Could you theoretically compare those two?

    DMT and THC are nothing alike, other than they each are keys to unlock specific doors and they’re both illegal.

    Here’s where you can get the most direct info:

    Dr. Strassman literally wrote the book on the subject: DMT, the Spirit Molecule.
    This subject gets into a huge area of investigation about the pineal gland and inter/transdimensionality…

    And as Annan suggests, different peoples have different wirings, and short-circuiting the brain ends up being the long way home. 🙄

    dan wrote:
    Man! I am desperately absorbing the last gulps of life “as it always was” I love this world so much as it is too, am gonna miss it sooooo much.

    Oh, yes, I have been aware of this too so much lately, and it makes everything extra sweet.

    This might be of interest: Operation Terra: A Last Look Around


    Opal, am diving through your channelings. These messages are so… loaded, multileveled, sharp, beautiful, multidimensional, complex, lyric, subtle, full of love. mmmm I want to meet with these renegades, am liking them more and more.
    Forum friends, do your selves a favor and take a dive in here: http://opalescentwords.wordpress.com/

    Thanks Opal for putting those texts, really, thanx a lot.


    Aw, shucks 🙄
    Thanks for the love, dan 😀


    Hello Orissa!,

    I had to do a double take, but I thought the photo was familiar. I was just surfing the net and I was very pleasantly surprised to find 😀

    Orion through Sharyn

    Paths2Potential – October 14th

    I`m looking forward to reading more from Orion!

    Cheers from,


    Dang, Zing, I just got through reading your latest from Adamu and wow, thanks! I am deeply touched by Adamu’s humor and candor and the playful loving way you two interact 😀
    I love you, my brother.


    “Oh, yes, I have been aware of this too so much lately, and it makes everything extra sweet.”

    May a suggest that is chocolate sweet Opal 😆

    Oh I forgot, could anyone please give me a nice link to a “Conversations with God” text? Do I get it right that he or she is channeling Source? Wow! o.O

    Yes, that is comming from the first source and center and is written in the same way as Adamu-Zingdad style, a written conversation. But it begins out more….hmmm….let me say…..very basic and broad in its questioning in CWG.

    Much love
    Annan the Nordic

    Larry Frank

    Hello, my name is Larry Frank, and I am the founder of the “Telos Connection’ website (http://www.telosconnection.info) and I would like to ask Adamu if
    he is “another self” of the one known as Adama, the high priest of Telos* much like how Sananda is another “self’ to Jesus.

    Larry Frank

    * Further info about Adama can be found by going to: http://www.diannerobbins.com


    hi everyone again.

    it`s so curius…you know, i have 4 or 5 years having the sames dreams… a big s (ufo) with a beauty light over my city (acapulco, Mèxico) over the sea, and a lot of people watching this ufo…a lot of activity in the sky and i feel a big peace and joy for see that, my think was ” this is that i was watting for a lot of years..a lot of centurys…”
    but i know that my friends and family of the stars never forgot me. soon we meet us again.

    thanks for the forum..i just want to give my experiences.

    p.d. sorry for my poor english jejeje.

    and thanks for the welcome 😉


    Hi to all you wonderful beings of inner light! When I watched the last scenes of Close Encounters just now, my heart felt as if it would burst, and I had tears, like opalescent, running down my face! I had an inner knowing, and the overwhelming feeling that I want to go “home” after watching. I had a channeling the other night that gave me the message “this is where you are from…Pleiades”. This message was wonderful to “hear” and an affirmation of what, it seems, I’ve know all along! I have always felt “different”, and very recently (since May ’08) something really positive and overwhelming has “stirred” in me that I never knew existed! I’d seen Close Encounters many times, and the movie always moves me, but just watching a minute ago really brought my feelings about where I belong to the surface. I read, from a channeling from another wonderful lightworker, that Spielberg’s movie was made “from inside information” giving him knowledge of how things really are and what the light ships look like. I hope I get to see it when it arrives! I’m longing to be in direct contact with our brothers and sisters from beyond!
    Zingdad, when I read your channeling from Adamu the other day, I was well…I really can’t explain it in words how it affected me! The message you delivered was one I desperately needed to hear, what with how things are going right now all over the Earth. Sometimes it can be difficult to keep positive thoughts in my heart, and it seems I need to keep being reassured positively. The dark can and does creep in from time to time, but with messages like yours, everything seems better, and I can get on getting on! Thank you for you, and everyone like you. We may all be what will help this planet move to direction we all long for it become!


    my friend Zingdad thanks a lot for share your conversation with Adamu. here a little gift to you and Adamu and all the forum(the image below) i hope that image helps you a lot… just look it in the center for meditation. 😉



    Hot off the press! Latest videos released by Zingdad of Adamu through Magenta Pixies channel. I’m sure Zingdad will post them in his “Adamu” thread but thought I’d put these up for now here as well.

    Fantastic Zingdad, Thanks so much! I’m sure this is answering many questions which many people have begun wondering about.:D

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LkILXA6mR3w “Adamu” through Zingdad – Preparation without Fear – part 1

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qD5pfz5DePA “Adamu” through Zingdad – Preparation without Fear – part 2

    Also, meant to say, that is a beautiful image Rainlord! Very warm & energetic – Is this your work? Thanks for posting it.


    @Orissa wrote:

    Hot off the press! Latest videos released by Zingdad of Adamu through Magenta Pixies channel.

    Thank you Orissa and thank you Zingdad! 😀 I think I`ll download these to my IPod to listen again and again.


    Oh Orissa you are soo wonderful!! xD

    Wow those videos were extremely exciting!! What a wonderful voice you have, Zingdad!! It’s much better than just reading the text, I could really feel the humour and Love coming through the words. Very, very awesome.

    I’m still smiling all over. xDDD I just can’t help myself. xD I would like to just cry.^^

    (I forgot: could anyone explain to me who magentapixie is?)


    Magenta Pixie: http://ca.youtube.com/user/MagentaPixie2012

    Yay, new videos to watch… I shall watch after bedtime for the wee one. 😀

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