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  • in reply to: …Project Camelot… #11782

    …this was an interesting couple of lines that I read today at Law of ONE…


    How do we choose one path or the other?

    In order to choose the positive path, at least 51 percent of our thoughts and actions must be dedicated to the service of others. For the negative path, at least 95% must be self-serving. Between the two lies “the sinkhole of indifference.”

    What happens if we do choose one of the paths successfully?

    We graduate to a planet of service to others or a planet of service to self.


    …and that basically to have loving thoughts is a good start …then the Universe kicks in after you have made the commitment of Intent and lines out your path…

    in reply to: 2012 nexus event-unknown energy form comes our way #11662

    …the special that Wanderer mentioned…Nastradamus:2012…talks of energy spike eminateing from the Galactic center…

    …this corresponds with the material of Alex Collier from the Andromidans that talk of energy coming from many many Black holes…

    …it looks like it’s time for a Universal upgrade…

    in reply to: Metaphysia: The Movie #11786

    …save me a seat…

    …I’m going for popcorn…

    in reply to: Law of One resources #11538

    …Love and Light…Wanderer…

    …I have not read all of the Law of One material…just some…

    …have a question…

    …who comprises the Confederation of planets…

    …as apposed to the Orion Confederation ?…

    …are the lines clearly drawn ?…

    …would split-off factions of either side be considered Renegade ?…
    …would Renegades from the positives become Negative and vise versa ?…

    …and opal…in what distinction are the Pleaidean Renegades as such ?…

    …is it a matter of Positive/Negative ?…

    …are there P/N Pleaideans,Sirians,Dracos,Vetas,Annunaki,etc ?…

    …do we have a clear list of Players ?…

    in reply to: Mystery Roar from Faraway Space Detected #11777

    …last Sunday there was a new show on the History Channel called…



    …there have been a few of these that are just empty brain candy for the mass public but this one was a little different…

    …for one it had Gregg Braden discussing Mayan and Hopi prophesies and talked of a beam of energy that has been observerved eminateing from the Galactic center…

    …I had not heard this in the public realm as yet…

    in reply to: …Project Camelot… #11778

    …this is the Big Picture…

    …as gleaned from the Project Camelot information…


    in reply to: Greetings! #11770

    …welcome Gray…

    …I for ONE am anxious to hear what you have to bring to the table…

    …but settle in and make yourself comfortable…

    …we are here when you are ready to share…

    in reply to: Gulf of Aden #11686

    …I have not read the Casseopean material but in my awareness we don’t interact with Negatives above 4th Density…there must be Negatives in the densities up to 11thD…but that they *channel down* to affect us…”THEY” (Pos and Neg) have to lower their vibration rate to interact with us here at 3rd D… ships such as those downed at Roswell had come close enough in resonance to be affected by our new technology that was resonateing “up”,i.e. radar etc…but that has been 60 years and we have back-engineered or traded tech much higher now…I’m sure that Others have tech that can blow us out of the water…so confrontation at a violent level would be fruitless…or as “They” say,”Resistance is futile”…some still believe that you can fight fire with fire but that’s a good way to burn the planet !…and feeds more fuel to the Negs…maybe this is another “false flag” operation on a larger scale…like how 10.14.08 did not work out for the Illuminati so this is a back-up plan.

    …opal or Zing…jump in at any time…

    …there are more than two…

    …there is supposed to be one in Antartica…Wingmakers (anyone familiar ?) say that *something* will be discovered on each continant…

    …*OtherSources* have told me that *Things* were buried a long time ago and that is one of the causes of so much interest in this planet…

    …my *feeling* is that All thes portal are to act in unison and create One Large portal…

    in reply to: Gulf of Aden #11683

    …I am cross-posting this from another thread I posted at earlier today…Appropo…

    Anomoly update 1/5/09
    Tuesday, January 6, 2009 12:01 AM

    Update on the craft transiting through this ‘anomaly’ in the Gulf of Aden. We now have received information that confirms part of what was originally reported below, and adds units of the Amethyst Fleet to Lord Anton’s Silver Fleets–from Telos. It is certain that this is building to a significant breakout in the news and their ”Somali Pirates Fiction” will not stand up under the news blackout now in place. The only time they clamp down on the media coverage this firmly is when they are flummoxed and want to coverup their distress at having no capacity to control what is happening. It is now well known that they would move heaven and earth to prevent disclosure of their perfidy in the coverup of galactic presence. These are fleets of the Ashtar Command, terrestrial and galactic. Lord Anton and St Germain are in charge of those Fleets.

    We will be asking Mother Sekhmet to take us in her shuttle craft tonight to view the Gulf of Aden ‘anomalies’, and hopefully to make drawings we can share in our next update.

    More as it becomes available.

    MarkH P.S. The earlier report about Obama moving into the WH was correct except it won’t be until the 20th…they say. He can move into the Blair Guest House on the 15th, but will stay in the Hay-Adams Hotel, nearby until the next change. His two girls are enrolling in the local school now. Leon Panetta is being named as head of the CIA…a good choice. He knows Steven Bassett who is a registered lobbyist with great credibility in UFO circles and this suggests a much friendlier approach to Galactic Presence disclosure.

    Above Mark replies to Kay’s question below:

    I would like any more information on this that you are able to give us. The media is not going to be able to sit on this much longer. Kay

    “In the Gulf of Aden, over 300 Naval vessels from friends and foes alike are circled around a deep seabed-embedded StarGate that has activated out over the waters and has visible metallic rings suspended in the sky and which have fully opened up an interdimensional/multidimensional portal through which–the King of Egypt reported to us this AM–large cigar-shaped ships have been transiting. When they come through a stargate they have to momentarily decloak and become visible.”


    …I had seen another mention of the Gulf of Aden at another site also but can not find it at this moment…

    …seems to be more going on than meets the eyes…

    …opal or Zing…

    …are your people talking ?…

    in reply to: Disclosure begins! Canadian Ex-Defence Minister speaks #11762

    …Z says…

    2. If you MUST believe in ET then okay, believe they are bad,scary monsters that will take and rape and pillage. If they DO exist then they are the enemy.

    …here’s a David Wilcock page I read yesterday…

    Everybody in the Galaxy is Human, And We’re Now Evolving…
    Sunday 1 / 4 / 09

    Are the ETs actually human in appearance thanks to a galactic design? Are natural galactic cycles triggering interplanetary climate change and a mass DNA evolution on Earth?


    in reply to: Disclosure begins! Canadian Ex-Defence Minister speaks #11761

    …the Powers That Be are showing us the menu…

    …and We are on it…

    in reply to: …NESARA… #11479

    Anomoly update 1/5/09
    Tuesday, January 6, 2009 12:01 AM

    Update on the craft transiting through this ‘anomaly’ in the Gulf of Aden. We now have received information that confirms part of what was originally reported below, and adds units of the Amethyst Fleet to Lord Anton’s Silver Fleets–from Telos. It is certain that this is building to a significant breakout in the news and their ”Somali Pirates Fiction” will not stand up under the news blackout now in place. The only time they clamp down on the media coverage this firmly is when they are flummoxed and want to coverup their distress at having no capacity to control what is happening. It is now well known that they would move heaven and earth to prevent disclosure of their perfidy in the coverup of galactic presence. These are fleets of the Ashtar Command, terrestrial and galactic. Lord Anton and St Germain are in charge of those Fleets.

    We will be asking Mother Sekhmet to take us in her shuttle craft tonight to view the Gulf of Aden ‘anomalies’, and hopefully to make drawings we can share in our next update.

    More as it becomes available.

    MarkH P.S. The earlier report about Obama moving into the WH was correct except it won’t be until the 20th…they say. He can move into the Blair Guest House on the 15th, but will stay in the Hay-Adams Hotel, nearby until the next change. His two girls are enrolling in the local school now. Leon Panetta is being named as head of the CIA…a good choice. He knows Steven Bassett who is a registered lobbyist with great credibility in UFO circles and this suggests a much friendlier approach to Galactic Presence disclosure.

    Above Mark replies to Kay’s question below:

    I would like any more information on this that you are able to give us. The media is not going to be able to sit on this much longer. Kay

    “In the Gulf of Aden, over 300 Naval vessels from friends and foes alike are circled around a deep seabed-embedded StarGate that has activated out over the waters and has visible metallic rings suspended in the sky and which have fully opened up an interdimensional/multidimensional portal through which–the King of Egypt reported to us this AM–large cigar-shaped ships have been transiting. When they come through a stargate they have to momentarily decloak and become visible.”

    in reply to: end of the line, part 2 #11740


    …what is the reading of 9 Spades ?…

    in reply to: Disclosure begins! Canadian Ex-Defence Minister speaks #11758

    echo writes
    Also this is unrelated to this thread, but what is more important to you? Contact with another civilization(s) or the well-being of your planet?

    …I feel that it is totally related…

    …and that your either/or are intrinsically entwined…

    …and both are MOST important !…

    in reply to: bearer of light, anchor of love #11611

    …the special that I watched on tv showed that it would affect everyone to the East coast…and that the 600 mile point would be buried in ash…

    …pretty much no getting away from it…

    …more Doom and Gloom stuff…

    …pay it no heed…

    …might be a part of the 4th D Negative timeline…

    …will not affect anyone at this site…

Viewing 15 posts - 181 through 195 (of 528 total)