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  • in reply to: Oct 14th and timelines #10364

    …interesting question…

    …how about you Jam ?…

    in reply to: ARE YOU AFRAID OF THE DARK? #10702

    …I always have a Light with me…

    in reply to: Questions for Zingdad Re: Oct 14 #10178


    in reply to: Questions for Zingdad Re: Oct 14 #10171

    Zingdad wrote:
    And you can’t go out there saying “hey! I love YOU!” to everyone. That’s just creepy.

    …maybe that’s why I get those strange reactions… 😕 😕

    in reply to: What is Hate? #10673

    …I approach this subject as an observer as I can truely say that I do not hate anything…there are some things I like more than others…but hate consumes too much energy…energy more useful directed other ways…

    …I do not see hate as the opposite of Love…
    …I see hate as a sub-catagory of fear…also which is not the opposite of Love…

    …when people of one country are taught to hate those of another ,this is because they fear them…maybe they fear their customs because they are different and are not understood… when one group hates another , ie.christian vs gays…they are afraid because they believe the values will threaten their own sense of community which might be on shaky grounds to begin with…the basic fear is fear of the unknown…when something or someone (including groups) is not understood then fear is a natural occurance …which is manifest in hatred…

    …as communication increases and similarities are found then differences increasingly become allowed…
    …even celebrated…
    …after all…God did not create us with cookie cutters…
    ..as we become more understanding of difference then we gain a larger perspective of the whole…

    …this is an important lesson on this world…this is why we have the different colored races…so that at this level we can learn to get along…

    …think of those that have difficulty adjusting to other humans that are 99.999% the same dna (one race…the human race )…how will they react when Earth is opened up to the bigger neighbor hood and become aware of other races that are non-human ?…and then other beings that are non-form (the next step)…

    …hate is part of a lesson as is pain…and we are Here to attend class…

    in reply to: I HAVE to make you know about this Game!! #9205

    …so this X3…is this a freebe ?…

    …are those the links above ?…

    in reply to: READ ME! #7317

    …Orissa is echoing my thoughts…( how did you get in my head …O… ? )

    …all I have learned so far is that I have the power of banishment…heaven forbid !…I cannot imagine myself doing that !…

    …I know that you are busy…so I will be patient…I’m just speaking up…the extrovert that I am…
    …I do so appreciate that you have created this beautiful thing…I can only glimse at the work that you have done to get it this far …

    …ANNU ROCKS !…

    in reply to: What is Pain? #10666

    …Neiru says…

    “whatever doesn’t kill you makes you stronger,”

    …this was something my mother used to always tell me…

    …I’m not dead yet !…

    …and I’ve got strength in spades !…

    …but what of the down side of pain ?…
    …as an empath it REALLY hurts me to see a child abused and in pain….
    …where is the gain there ?…from the lesson of what is not good ?…
    …( there I go with jugdment terms )…

    in reply to: What is Pain? #10665

    …Love hurts…by Incubus…


    in reply to: a sure thing #9731

    …maybe Annu or opal might know where this meditation board should be…

    in reply to: a sure thing #9730

    …yeah…we need to start a meditation board with multiple threads…seems to be a need for this now…

    in reply to: A Postcard: To the Comm-Unity of Light & Zingdad #10580

    …people have asked me where do I go when I meditate…and I answer how many places are there to go on the internet ?…you can do a different practice each time…you can have a different purpose each time…

    …something funny that someone said…teaching yourself how to meditate is like teaching a puppy to be house broken…
    …one of the first things you come up against is the monkey-mind…you know , that chattering that doesn’t seem to stop…

    …well witha puppy …you can scream at it and beat it …but this usually confuses the puppy and he relates you to pain…or you put the puppy on the newspaper and when he leaves you put him back…and keep patienty returning him to the paper…eventually he gets the idea…but hith a LOT of patience on your part…

    …so you sit down to meditate …….and then your ear itches…lovingly put the puppy back on the paper…
    …then you think about the grocery list that you started………lovingly put the puppy back on the paper…
    …then you remember that you promise to call your mom……..you get the idea…

    …after a while…and you Must be patient and loving with yourself…your mind will run out of distractions …
    …at first just focus on being calm…
    …people say to focus on and count your breaths…

    …I am going to let this post rest at this point…there is more …much more beyond this but I will let someone else pick up now…

    …one thought …maybe these should be moved to a new board and thread that focusses specifically on Meditation…
    …who is Moderateing this board ?…

    in reply to: a sure thing #9727

    …I’m up to a group meditation…how about a board for organiseing ?…it might be a little trick as we are all in different time zones around the globe…

    …as for telling friends…
    …my Big Bro Yeshua said it best…

    …he that has ears, let him hear…

    …when you set the intention and make yourself available you will be surprised how Spirit Will use you !…I just took a 3-day/12 hour workshop in Occupational Orientation and was opened up to talk to the motivational speaker !…

    in reply to: inspiration for the Soul -Lead Out Loud #10595

    …Yup ! …that’s US ! …

    …( I think I’m that little guy pushing the boulder up the mountain ! )…

    in reply to: Questions for Zingdad Re: Oct 14 #10165


    …WORD !…

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